Senin, 09 September 2024


 Materi Kelas XII

Discussion Text

1. Definition 
Discussion text is a text which presents a problematic discourse. This problem will be discussed from different points of view. It presents pro and contra opinion on certain issue. (Teks diskusi adalah teks yang menyajikan suatu permasalahan yang kontroversial. Masalah ini akan dibahas dari berbagai sudut pandang. Teks ini menyajikan pendapat pro dan kontra mengenai suatu isu tertentu). 

2. Purpose/Social Function 
To present different opinions on a particular issue or topic arguments for and against/positive and negative/good and bad. (Untuk menyajikan pendapat yang berbeda mengenai suatu isu atau topik tertentu, argumen pro dan kontra/positif dan negatif/baik dan buruk). 

3. Generic Structure 
Issue: Contains statement and preview about something. (Berisi pernyataan dan gambaran umum tentang sesuatu)
Arguments pro (for): After stating the issue, it is necessary to present the argument to support that one point is agreeing. (Setelah menyatakan isu, perlu disajikan argumen untuk mendukung bahwa satu poin setuju)
Arguments cons (againts): Beside the supporting argument, discussion text needs the arguments which disagree to stated issue. (Selain argumen pendukung, teks diskusi membutuhkan argumen yang tidak setuju dengan isu yang dinyatakan)
Recommendation/conclusion: It is used to tell how to solve issue by connecting the arguments for and against. (Digunakan untuk menyampaikan cara menyelesaikan masalah dengan menghubungkan argumen pro dan kontra)

4. Language Features 
  • Using Simple Present tense
  • Relating verb/to be (e.g is, am, are)
  • Using thinking verb (e.g think, imagine, remember, see, etc)
  • Using additive, contrastive, and casual connection (e.g but, however, in contrast, etc)
  • Using modalities (e.g should, can, could, may, might, etc)
  • Using adverbial of manner
  • Using conjunction/transition

5. Example 
The Use of Technology in Education

The increasing availability of technology has led to a debate about its role in education. Some argue that technology can enhance learning, while others express concerns about its potential negative impacts.

Arguments for
Provides access to a vast amount of information: Technology offers students access to a wide range of educational resources, including textbooks, articles, videos, and online courses.
Facilitates collaboration and communication: Technology enables students to collaborate with their peers and teachers from around the world, promoting teamwork and communication skills.
Promotes critical thinking and problem-solving skills: Technology can be used to create interactive learning experiences that challenge students to think critically and solve problems.
Personalizes learning: Technology can be used to personalize learning experiences, allowing students to learn at their own pace and in a way that best suits their individual needs.

Arguments against
Can lead to distractions and decreased focus: Students may be tempted to use technology for non-educational purposes, which can lead to distractions and decreased focus.
May widen the digital divide: If students do not have access to technology at home, they may be at a disadvantage compared to their peers who do.
Raises concerns about privacy and security: The use of technology in education raises concerns about student privacy and data security.
May replace human interaction: Overreliance on technology may lead to a decrease in human interaction, which is essential for social and emotional development.

While technology offers many benefits to education, it is important to consider its potential drawbacks. The effective use of technology depends on how it is integrated into the learning process and how it is monitored and managed. It is essential to ensure that technology is used to enhance learning, rather than to replace it. Additionally, schools should strive to provide equitable access to technology for all students, regardless of their socioeconomic background.


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