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LITERASI BALITAL II TP 2024/2025 Silakan klik judul berikut untuk melihat materi (bahan bacaan) KUMPULAN PUISI KUMPULAN CERPEN TUGAS: S...
LITERASI BALITAL I TP 2024/2025 Serba-Serbi IKN menuju Puncak Peringatan HUT ke-79 RI Silakan berselancar di dunia IKN (Ibu Kota Nusantar...
I understand the task that mother have me
BalasHapusNama Ikomang Kusuma Indra pramana
HapusKlas :Xmipa1.
No :6
Descriptive text is a text that describes a place or thing.The social function is to describe a particular place, person or thing.There is a generic structure that is identification and description.Identification is describing the place to be described,and description is describe the characteristics of the building or place.The language features is using specific subject,using lots of adjective,and using simple present tense.
HapusDescriptive text is a text that describes a place or thing.The social function is to describe a particular place, person or thing.There is a generic structure that is identification and description.Identification is describing the place to be described,and description is describe the characteristics of the building or place.The language features is using specific subject,using lots of adjective,and using simple present tense.
HapusName: Ni Luh Rika
HapusClass:X IBB¹
NO: 29
After studying "DESCRITIVE TEXT" i learn about:
Descriptive text is a text wich describe a particular place or thing
-idenfication: it identifies the place to be described
-Description: it describe the characteristic or pats of a place/building describe
Languange features:
-using a specific
-using lots od adjectives
-using simple present tense
Name: Ni Luh Rika
HapusClass:X IBB¹
NO: 29
After studying "DESCRITIVE TEXT" i learn about:
Descriptive text is a text wich describe a particular place or thing
-idenfication: it identifies the place to be described
-Description: it describe the characteristic or pats of a place/building describe
Languange features:
-using a specific
-using lots od adjectives
-using simple present tense
Descriptive text is a text that describes a place or thing.The social function is to describe a particular place, person or thing.There is a generic structure that is identification and description.Identification is describing the place to be described,and description is describe the characteristics of the building or place.The language features is using specific subject,using lots of adjective,and using simple present tense.
BalasHapusNama: Ni Made Adi Gita Arsani
Nama : i komang aditya juniawan
BalasHapusKelas : x ips ²
No .absen : 12 ( dua belas )
Resume bhs inggris
Descriptive text
1. A descriptive text is a text which a place person or thing .today we will learn about description of plce .( Teks yang mengdeskripsikan suatu tempat atau benda
- soeial funetion
- generie strueture
- language
- example
Tirta gangga
Tirta gangga water palace is one of the famaus touplist destination in east part of bali and is it one the stop points of tourist object on bali east tour
I understand the assignment that the teacher has given me
BalasHapusNama :i gede dandi artha
No absen:32
Kls X Ips 2
I understand the assignment that the teacher has given me
BalasHapusNama :i gede dandi artha
No absen:32
Kls X Ips 2
In this time we learn about a descriptive text. Descriptive text is a text which a place person or thing. And in this material we learn
BalasHapus- soeial funetion
- generie strueture
- language
Nama: I Ketut Rika Adi Putra
Kelas: Xmipa2
No: 06
Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
BalasHapusNama : Ni Kadek Andika Yanti
BalasHapusNo : 15
Kelas : X MIPA 2
After reading the descriptive text material, i learn about :
•Descriptive text meaning a text which describe a place, person or thing.
•The social function is to describe a particular place, person or thing.
•Generic structure of descriptive text are identification and description.
•Language features of descriptive text are using a specific participant, using lots of adjectives, and using simple present tense.
BalasHapus1.A Descriptive text is a text which a place person or thing,today we will learn about descriptive of place.
(teks yang mendeskirpsikan suatu tempat atau pun benda)
Nama:Ni Luh Putu Sepiyani
Kelas:x mipa 2
Descriptive Text is one type of text in English that clearly describes the properties attached to something, be it humans, animals, plants or inanimate objects. The purpose of this text is to provide clear information about the object being depicted to the reader.
NO: 27
BalasHapusKELAS:X MIPA 2
NO. :12
Descriptive Text
1. Definition
Descriptive text is a text which tells or describes something.
2. Social Function
To describe a particular place, person or thing.
3. Generic Structure
There are 2 main elements of descriptive text:
1. Identification: It identifies the place to be described.
2. Description: It describes the characteristics or parts of a place/building described.
4. Language Features
1. Specific participant/subject
2. Using lots of adjectives (kata sifat)Contoh: small, large, big.
And using averbs (kata keterangan)
Contoh: easily, directly, quickly.
3. Using Simple Present Tense
Descriptive text is a text which describes a place, person, or thing. The social function is to describe a particular or to describe, to promote or to introduce a place, person, or thing.
BalasHapus# General Structure has Identification and Description.
- Identification is identifies the place to be described.
- Description is describes the characteristic or parts of the place or building described.
# Language Features
- Use a specific participant/ subject.
- Use lots of adjectives.
- Use simple present tense.
- Use descriptive words.
- Sometimes use degree of comparison.
Nama: Ni Luh Shintya Aten Purnama Dewi.
Kelas: X. Mipa2
No: 25
describe the place, the character of the building or place. Tirta Gangga is a beautiful tourist spot located in Abang district, karangasem regency, Bali. This garden was built in a very unique Balinese and Chinese style.
BalasHapusNAMA:Rani Puspita Aprilriani
describe the place, the character of the building or place. Tirta Gangga is a beautiful tourist spot located in Abang district, karangasem regency, Bali. This garden was built in a very unique Balinese and Chinese style.
BalasHapusNAMA:Rani Puspita Aprilriani
Nama:Ni Nyoman Sri Septiani
BalasHapusKelas:X MIPA 2
Today i learn about
The descriptive text
1.-descriptive text is a text which a place person or thing
2.-The purpose of this text is to provide clear information about the object being depicted to the reader.
3.-Descriptive Text characteristics:
A.Using the Simple Present Tense
B.Uses many adjectives.
C.Using an relating verb.
4.-Generic Structure of Descriptive Text.: Identification
And Description
Descriptive text is a text that describes a person, animal or object in terms of shape, characteristics, number and others. The purpose of descriptive text is to explain, describe, or reveal a person or object to the reader.
BalasHapusNama : Ni Nyoman Ayu Indah
No : 30
Kelas : XMIPA2
Descriptive text is text that describes a place, person, or thing in particular, and explains the place to be described
BalasHapusDescriptive text is text that describes a place, person, or thing in particular, and explains the place to be described
BalasHapusNama:IKadek Nata Prasetya Darma
Kelas :X Mipa2
-Descriptive Text is one type of text in English that clearly describes the properties attached to something, be it humans, animals, plants or inanimate objects. The purpose of this text is to provide clear information about the object being depicted to the reader.
BalasHapus-Generic Structure of Descriptive Text
1. Identification
2. Description
-Language Features
1. Specific participant/subject
2. Using lots of adjectives (kata sifat)Contoh: small, large, big.
And using averbs (kata keterangan)
Contoh: easily, directly, quickly.
3. Using Simple Present Tense
Jember is a regency in East Java. It is located in between Bondowoso and Banyuwangi. Banyuwangi is regency that is located at the easternmost end of Java Island, before Bali Strait, so that we can know that Jember is near enough from Bali Island
Nama :Ni Made Eni Widyastuti
Kelas : X mipa2
Descriptive Text is a text whisch describes a place or a person or thing.Today, we will learn about description of place.
BalasHapus-the social function is to describe a particular place , person or thing.
-generic structure consists of , indentification and description.
-language features consists of, using a specific, using lost of adjectives, and using simpel present tense.
Nama : ni komang ayu aprani
Kelas :x mipa2
No absen : 22
Nama : Ni Kadek Tina Santika Dewi
BalasHapusNo : 19 ( Sembila belas )
Kelas : X MIPA 2
After studying the "DESCRIPTIVE TEXT" material. I can learn about :
* A descriptive text is a text which a place person or thing
* The social function of descriptive text is to describe, or introduce people, or a place.
* Generic structure of descriptive text are identification and description.
- identification: it identifies the place to be described
- describes: it describes the characteristics or parts of
the place or building described
* Language Features
- use a specific participant or subject
- use lots of adjectives and adverbs
- use simple present tense
- use descriptive words
- sometimes use degree of comparison
that's all from the material "DESCRIPTIVE TEXT". Thank you
Nama: Ni Luh Yurika Dewi
BalasHapusKelas: X MIPA 2
No: 28
1. Meaning
Descriptive text is a text which discribe a place, person or thing
2. Social function
The social function is to describe a particular place, person or thing.
3. Generie structure
- identification
- description
4. Language features
- using specific participant/subject
- using lost of adjectives
- using simple present tense
5. Exanple
In the topic, we are going to learn about description of place especially about historical sites and tourism places.
Nama: I Ketut Argapara Satria Wibawa Suarsana
BalasHapusNo Absen : 05
Kelas : X MIPA 2
After reading the descriptive text material, I Learn about :
- Descritive text meaning a, text which describe a place , person or thing.
- The social function is to describe a particular place , person or thing.
- Generic structure of descritive text are indenfication and description .
- Language features of descritive text are using a spesific partipant, using lots of abjectives, and using simple present tense.
After reading the descriptive text material, I Learn about :
BalasHapus- Descritive text meaning a, text which describe a place , person or thing.
- The social function is to describe a particular place , person or thing.
- Generic structure of descritive text are indenfication and description .
- Language features of descritive text are using a spesific partipant, using lots of abjectives, and using simple present tense.
Kelas:X MIPA 2
reading the descriptive text material, I Learn about :
- Descritive text meaning a, text which describe a place , person or thing.
- The social function is to describe a particular place , person or thing.
- Generic structure of descritive text are indenfication and description .
- Language features of descritive text are using a spesific partipant, using lots of abjectives, and using simple present tense.
Nama : Ni Ketut Artika Rini
BalasHapusNo : 20
Kelas : X MIPA 2
Descriptive text ia a text whict a place person or thing. (Teks yang menggambarkan tempat seseorang atau benda) we Will learn about descriptive of pleace:
-Soeial punetion
-generie strueture
Name : I Made Nathanael Satriya Dananjaya
BalasHapusNumber : 12
Class : X IBB 2
Descriptive text is a text which says what a person or a thing is like. Its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing.These characteristics are important for you to take into account when writing the descriptive text is not wrong. So make sure you use the following features when using the genre will write descriptive text :
1. Using the Simple Present Tense
2. Because of its function is to describe something by explaining its properties, then the text will be found many descriptive adjectives (adjective), as handsome, beautiful, tall, small, big, or if the adjective is derived from the verb, then you will find additional -ve, -ing, -nt in tow
3. In the descriptive text we will often find Relating verb (copula) which is (as in characteristic number 1).
-Descriptive Text is one type of text in English that clearly describes the properties attached to something, be it humans, animals, plants or inanimate objects. The purpose of this text is to provide clear information about the object being depicted to the reader.
BalasHapus-Generic Structure of Descriptive Text
1. Identification
2. Description
-Language Features
1. Specific participant/subject
2. Using lots of adjectives (kata sifat)Contoh: small, large, big.
And using averbs (kata keterangan)
Contoh: easily, directly, quickly.
3. Using Simple Present Tense-Descriptive Text is one type of text in English that clearly describes the properties attached to something, be it humans, animals, plants or inanimate objects. The purpose of this text is to provide clear information about the object being depicted to the reader.
-Generic Structure of Descriptive Text
1. Identification
2. Description
-Language Features
1. Specific participant/subject
2. Using lots of adjectives (kata sifat)Contoh: small, large, big.
And using averbs (kata keterangan)
Contoh: easily, directly, quickly.
3. Using Simple Present Tense
Nama: Ni Kadek Arista Pradnyayanti
Kelas: x MIPA 2
Absen: 16
BalasHapusKLS : X MIPA2
NO : 02
After studying the "DESCRIPTIVE TEXT" material. I can learn about :
1 A descriptive text is a text which a place person or thing
2 The social function of descriptive text is to describe, or introduce people, or a place.
3 Generic structure of descriptive text are identification and description.
- identification: it identifies the place to be described
- describes: it describes the characteristics or parts of
the place or building described
4 Language Features
- use a specific participant or subject
- use lots of adjectives and adverbs
- use simple present tense
Name: I Ketut Eko Wirawan
BalasHapusNumber: 08
Class X IBB 2
Descriptive Text
* Descriptive Text is a text which describe a place, person or thing.
*Social Function of Descriptive text
The social function is to describe a particular place, person or thing.
*Generic Structure
1) Identification: It identifies The Place to be Described
2) Description: It Describes the Characteristics or parts of place/building described
*Language Features
1) Using a specific participant/subject
2) Using Lots Of Adjectives and adverbs
3) Using simple present tense
Nama : Ni Ketut Novita Yanti
BalasHapusNo :21
Kelas :X MIPA2
I learn descriptive text about :
A descriptive text is a text which a place person or thing .
•Social Funcation
•Generic Structur
•Language Features
Nama : Ni Ketut Yuli Stefiari
BalasHapusNo : 21
Kelas : xbb2
After studying the "DESCRIPTIVE TEXT" material. I can learn about :
* A descriptive text is a text which a place person or thing
* The social function of descriptive text is to describe, or introduce people, or a place.
* Generic structure of descriptive text are identification and description.
- identification: it identifies the place to be described
- describes: it describes the characteristics or parts of
the place or building described
* Language Features
- use a specific participant or subject
- use lots of adjectives and adverbs
- use simple present tense
- use descriptive words
- sometimes use degree of comparison
that's all from the material "DESCRIPTIVE TEXT". Thank you.
Nama: I Made Pasek Wita Adnyana
Descriptive Text
* Descriptive Text is a text which describe a place, person or thing.
*Social Function of Descriptive text
The social function is to describe a particular place, person or thing.
*Generic Structure
1) Identification: It identifies The Place to be Described
2) Description: It Describes the Characteristics or parts of place/building described
*Language Features
1) Using a specific participant/subject
2) Using Lots Of Adjectives and adverbs
3) Using simple present tense
Nama : Ni Luh Yulia Aryantari
BalasHapusNo. : 29
Kelas: X IBB2
Descriptive text is a type of text that describes a certain person, object or place so that the reader can imagine as if what is being told is real. Descriptive Text uses attribute verbs, such as be (am, is, are)
b. Descriptive Text using the simple present tense
c. Descriptive Text only focus on that one object.
d. Descriptive Tex uses adjectives or adjectives
e. Descriptive Tex uses an interesting language. The purpose of descriptive text is to describe and reveal or describe the characteristics of people, objects, animals, places and others. Desciptive text is made without doing detailed research, so the writer only writes descriptive text based on what is seen and heard.
BalasHapusNama : I KADEK WIDYA
BalasHapusKELAS: XBB2
NO : 6
descriptive text atau deskriptif teks adalah suatu teks yang menjelaskan atau mendeskripsikan orang orang, binatang atau suatu benda baik bentuknya, sifat-sifatnya, jumlahnya dan lain-lain. Tujuan dari descriptive text adalah untuk menjelaskan, menggambarkan, atau mengungkapkan seseorang atau suatu benda.
Nama : Ni Nyoman Juniasih
BalasHapusNo : 31
Kelas : XBB²
Descriptive text is a written work or writing that discribes.things like humans, animals, and other.
The purpose of descriptive text is to discribes the charactheristics of people, animals, inanimate objects and so on.
Generic structure
Linguistic elements
Simple present tense
Figurative language.
Nama:Ni luh putri indah pratiwi
kls: xbb2
descriptive text is a text that describes or describes a person, an animal or an object in its shape, characteristics, quantity and so on. The purpose of descriptive text is to explain, describe, or reveal someone or an object.
Ni kadek mia adeliani
kls: X mipa 2
descriptiv texs is a wirtten work or wirting that discribes things like humanes animls and other.
Generic structure
Linguistic elements
Simple present tense
Figurative language.
Nama:Kadek Angga Juniana
Descriptive Text
* Descriptive Text is a text which describe a place, person or thing.
*Social Function of Descriptive text
The social function is to describe a particular place, person or thing.
*Generic Structure
1) Identification: It identifies The Place to be Described
2) Description: It Describes the Characteristics or parts of place/building described
*Language Features
1) Using a specific participant/subject
2) Using Lots Of Adjectives and adverbs
3) Using simple present tense
Nama: I Made Nathanael Satriya Dananjaya
Kelas: X IBB2
*Descriptive Text*
A descriptive text is a text which describe a place, the social function is to describe a particular place, person or think.
*Generie structure:*
1. It identifies the place to be described,
2. It describes the characteristics or parts of a place/building description.
*Language features is:*
1. Using a specific participant/subject
2. Using lots of adjectives (kata sifat) and adverb (kata keterangan)
3. Using simple present tense
Nama : ni kadek acintya ganesh prakas
BalasHapusKls : x bb2
No : 16
Descriptive Text is one type of text in English that clearly describes the properties attached to something, be it humans, animals, plants or inanimate objects. The purpose of this text is to provide clear information about the object being depicted to the reader.
Descriptive text is a text that describes a place or thing.The social function is to describe a particular place, person or thing.There is a generic structure that is identification and description.Identification is describing the place to be described,and description is describe the characteristics of the building or place.The language features is using specific subject,using lots of adjective,and using simple present tense.
BalasHapusNama:ni nyoman muliani
Descriptive text is a text that describes a place or thing.The social function is to describe a particular place, person or thing.There is a generic structure that is identification and description.Identification is describing the place to be described,and description is describe the characteristics of the building or place.The language features is using specific subject,using lots of adjective,and using simple present tense.
X BB 2
No 35
Nama:IGD surya hery saputra
BalasHapusKls:XMIPA 2
Descriptive Text
1. Definition
Descriptive text is a text which tells or describes something.
2. Social Function
To describe a particular place, person or thing.
3. Generic Structure
There are 2 main elements of descriptive text:
1. Identification: It identifies the place to be described.
2. Description: It describes the characteristics or parts of a place/building described.
4. Language Features
1. Specific participant/subject
2. Using lots of adjectives (kata sifat)Contoh: small, large, big.
And using averbs (kata keterangan)
Contoh: easily, directly, quickly.
3. Using Simple Present Tense
Nama:IGD surya hery saputra
BalasHapusKls:XMIPA 2
Descriptive Text
1. Definition
Descriptive text is a text which tells or describes something.
2. Social Function
To describe a particular place, person or thing.
3. Generic Structure
There are 2 main elements of descriptive text:
1. Identification: It identifies the place to be described.
2. Description: It describes the characteristics or parts of a place/building described.
4. Language Features
1. Specific participant/subject
2. Using lots of adjectives (kata sifat)Contoh: small, large, big.
And using averbs (kata keterangan)
Contoh: easily, directly, quickly.
3. Using Simple Present Tense
Descriptive Text
BalasHapus* Descriptive Text is a text which describe a place, person or thing.
*Social Function of Descriptive text
The social function is to describe a particular place, person or thing.
*Generic Structure
1) Identification: It identifies The Place to be Described
2) Description: It Describes the Characteristics or parts of place/building described
*Language Features
1) Using a specific participant/subject
2) Using Lots Of Adjectives and adverbs
3) Using simple present tense
Nama : Ni Kadek Ayuning Dwi Handayani.
Descriptive Text
BalasHapus* Descriptive Text is a text which describe a place, person or thing.
*Social Function of Descriptive text
The social function is to describe a particular place, person or thing.
*Generic Structure
1) Identification: It identifies The Place to be Described
2) Description: It Describes the Characteristics or parts of place/building described
*Language Features
1) Using a specific participant/subject
2) Using Lots Of Adjectives and adverbs
3) Using simple present tense
Nama : Ni Kadek Ayuning Dwi Handayani
Kelas : XBB2
Nomor : 17.
BalasHapusA descriptive text is a text which describes a place or a person.
• Generial Structure •
- identification
- description
- language featured
a. Use a spectic participant/subject.
b. Use lost of adjectives.
c. Use simple present tense.
d. Use descriptive word.
e. Sometimes use degree of comparison.
Name : Ni Ketut Marsya Adelia Putri Baktiasih
Number : 19
Class : XBB2
*Descriptive Text*
BalasHapusA descriptive text is a text which describe a place, the social function is to describe a particular place, person or think.
*Generie structure:*
1. It identifies the place to be described,
2. It describes the characteristics or parts of a place/building description.
*Language features is:*
1. Using a specific participant/subject
2. Using lots of adjectives (kata sifat) and adverb (kata keterangan)
3. Using simple present tense
NO: 5
BalasHapusKelas :X MIPA 1
No.ab :04
*Descriptive text
~Descriptive text is a text which describes a place or a person.
*Generic structure:
1. Identification
2. Description
*Language features :
A. Using a specific participat/subject
B. Using lots of adjectives and adverbs
C. Using simple present tense.
Nama: Ni Komang Novi Yantini
BalasHapusKelas:X MIPA 1
No : 21
After reading the descriptive text material, i learn about :
•Descriptive text meaning a text which describe a place, person or thing.
•The social function is to describe a particular place, person or thing.
•Generic structure of descriptive text are identification and description.
•Language features of descriptive text are using a specific participant, using lots of adjectives, and using simple present tense.
After reading the material,i learn about:
BalasHapus1. Descriptive text meaning a text which describe a place, person or thing
2. The social function is to describe a particular place, person or thing
3. Generic structure of descriptive text are identification and description
4Language features of descriptive text are using a specific participant, using lots of adjectives, and using simple present tense!
Nama: Ni Luh Sedani Intarayanti Utami
BalasHapusKelas : X MIPA 1
Absen: 27
Descriptive Text
1. Meaning
A descriptive text is a text which a place person or thing .today we will learn about description of place
After reading the material,i learn about:
1. Descriptive text meaning a text which describe a place, person or thing
2. The social function is to describe a particular place, person or thing
3. Generic structure of descriptive text are identification and description
4Language features of descriptive text are using a specific participant, using lots of adjectives, and using simple present tense.
after reading the material, i learn about:
BalasHapus1Descriptive text meaning a text which describe a place, person or thing
2The social function is to describe a particular place, person or thing.
3Generic structure of descriptive text are identification and description.
4Language features of descriptive text are using a specific participant, using lots of adjectives, and using simple present tense
Nama: ni ketut Rani
Descripitve teks
A. Descripitve teks ais awhci aplaceoe ting todaywe will leam abut descrivtion of place
After reading the matreal, lear about
1.descripitive teks meaning a teks whcih discribe a place, person orang thing
2. The social funcition is to describe a pelet ular place, person thing
3. Generic struktur of deseipice teks are identifikasi cotion and description
4. Langguage fetures of descrivive teks are usingusing a specie participant, using lontong of adjeper ad using simple present tense.
Description texs is a paragraph that clearly describes or describes the objek, place, or even that is topic to reader. So that the reader seems to feel fisthand what is being expressed in the text.
BalasHapusThe description texs has a very clear pupose, namely that people who read a description texs as if they are experiencing firsthand what is being eksplained in the text.
BalasHapusKELAS: X MIPA 1
NO :26
1. Meaning
A. Descripitive teks a is a teks whinc a piace or thing today we will leam about descipition of place
*after reading th meterial , learb about
1. Descripitive teks meaning a teks which discribe a place ,person or thing
2.The social funcition is to des ceibe a pletular place, person or thing
3.Generic struk ture of Desripice teks are identif contion and disciption
4. Languange features of descritive teks are using a specikie participant , using lont of adlever and using simple present tense.
Ni Komang juliani
Kelas : x MIPA1
Descripitive teks
A.Descripitive teks a is a teks which a place or thing
Today we Wii leam about descripition of place
After reading the material learn about
1. Descripitive teks meaning a teks which discribe a
Place ,person,or thing
2. The social kuncition is to describe a pletular
Place ,percon or thing
3. Generic struk rute of desripeci teks are identik
Cotlon and description
4.language feotures of descritive teks are usung a
a specikie participant ,using long of adlever
Ad using simple present tense
Descriptive text is a text that describes a person, animal or object in terms of shape, characteristics, number and others. The purpose of descriptive text is to explain, describe, or reveal a person or object to the reader.
BalasHapusNama I PUTU GEDE AGUS PRATAMA ABSEN 17 kelasXbb3
Definition of Descriptive Text
BalasHapusDescriptive Text is a text which says what a person or a thing is like. Its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing.
Generic Structure of Descriptive Text
# Identification: (contains about the introduction of a person, place, animal or object will be described.)
# Description: contains a description of something such as animal, things, place or person by describing its features, forms, colors, or anything related to what the writer describe.
Purpose of Descriptive text
– To describe person, thing or place in specific
– To describe a particular person, thing or
placeLanguage Feature of Descriptive Text
– Specific participant : has a certain object, is not common and unique (only one). for example: Bandengan beach, my house, Borobudur temple, uncle Jim
– The use of the adjective (an adjective) to clarify the noun, for example: a beautiful beach, a handsome man, the famous place in jepara, etc.
– The use of simple present tense: The sentence pattern used is simple present because it tells the fact of the object described.
– Action verb: verbs that show an activity (for example, run, sleep, walk, cut etc….
Nama: Ni Putu Diah Putri Kusuma Dewi
BalasHapusNo: 29
Definition of Descriptive Text
Descriptive Text is a text which says what a person or a thing is like. Its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing.
Generic Structure of Descriptive Text# Identification: (contains about the introduction of a person, place, animal or object will be described.)
# Description: contains a description of something such as animal, things, place or person by describing its features, forms, colors, or anything related to what the writer describe.
Purpose of Descriptive text
– To describe person, thing or place in specific
– To describe a particular person, thing or place
Language Feature of Descriptive Text
– Specific participant : has a certain object, is not common and unique (only one). for example: Bandengan beach, my house, Borobudur temple, uncle Jim
– The use of the adjective (an adjective) to clarify the noun, for example: a beautiful beach, a handsome man, the famous place in jepara, etc.
– The use of simple present tense: The sentence pattern used is simple present because it tells the fact of the object described.
– Action verb: verbs that show an activity (for example, run, sleep, walk, cut etc….
Nama : Made Ariskarhani Sila Putri
BalasHapusNo : 10
Kelas : X MIPA 1
After reading the material, I just found out the meaning and purpose of making descriptive text. Description text is text that describes something that aims so that readers or listeners can feel and see what is being described.
So, from there I also know the structure in making descriptive text. The description text structure, namely: identification and describtion. As in the example description text which tells one of the tourist attractions in Karangasem, Tirta Gangga
Nama: Ni Kadek Jovita Dewilisa Lestari
BalasHapusNo: 18
Kelas: X. IBB 3
Descriptive text is a text which describe a place/person or thing.(teks yang mendeskripsikan sesuatu)
2.Social Function
The social function is to describe a particular place, person, or thing.(untuk mendeskripsikan sesuatu secara khusus)
3.Generic Structure
1.Identification.(menjelaskan tempat yang akan dideskripsikan.
2.Description.(mendeskripsikan karakteristik/bagian-bagian suatu tempat atau bangunan yang dideskripsikan.
BalasHapus*Descriptive Text*
A descriptive text is a text which describe a place, the social function is to describe a particular place, person or think.
*Generie structure:*
1. It identifies the place to be described,
2. It describes the characteristics or parts of a place/building description.
*Language features is:*
1. Using a specific participant/subject
2. Using lots of adjectives (kata sifat) and adverb (kata keterangan)
3. Using simple present tense Nama : I Made Putra Mandala Yuda Bakti
No : 08
Kelas : X MIPA 1
A Descritive text is text which describe a place ,person or think. The function is to describe a particular place,person think.
BalasHapusGeneric structure :
Nama : Ni Kd Diah rahayu
kelas : X mipa 1
No : 13
BalasHapusKELAS :X BB3
NO ABS :25
A descriptive text is a text which describes a place or a person.In this chapter, we are going to discuss a descriptive about a place. The sosial function of descriptive text about a place are to describe, ti promote or to introduce a place, to recognize, and to inform about the place.
•General Structure
It identifies the place to be
It describes the characteristich or
parts of the place or building
3.Language Features
a.Use a specific participant/subject.
b.Use lots of adjectives(e.g. small,
larg) and adverbs (e.g. easily,
c.Use simple present tense.
d.Use descriptive words.
e.Sometimes use degree of
comparison (e.g. smaller, larger).
Descriptive Text is a text which says what a person or a thing is like. Its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing.
BalasHapusNama : Ni Komang Indrani Sinta Respani
Kelas : X MIPA 1
No 19
BalasHapusKELAS :X BB3
NO ABS :32.
A descriptive text is a text which describes a place or a person.In this chapter, we are going to discuss a descriptive about a place. The sosial function of descriptive text about a place are to describe, ti promote or to introduce a place, to recognize, and to inform about the place.
•General Structure
It identifies the place to be
It describes the characteristich or
parts of the place or building
3.Language Features
a.Use a specific participant/subject.
b.Use lots of adjectives(e.g. small,
larg) and adverbs (e.g. easily,
c.Use simple present tense.
d.Use descriptive words.
e.Sometimes use degree of
comparison (e.g. smaller, larger).
Nama : Ni Luh Ika Sulastri Anjani
BalasHapusKelas : X Mipa 1
No : 25
Descriptive Text
* Descriptive Text is a text which describe a place, person or thing.
*Social Function of Descriptive text
The social function is to describe a particular place, person or thing.
*Generic Structure
1) Identification: It identifies The Place to be Described
2) Description: It Describes the Characteristics or parts of place/building described
*Language Features
1) Using a specific participant/subject
2) Using Lots Of Adjectives and adverbs
3) Using simple present tense
Nama : Ni Wayan Ayu Astari
BalasHapusKelas: XBB3
No. :35
After reading the descriptive text material, i learn about :
•Descriptive text meaning a text which describe a place, person or thing.
•The social function is to describe a particular place, person or thing.
•Generic structure of descriptive text are identification and description.
•Language features of descriptive text are using a specific participant, using lots of adjectives, and using simple present tense.
Descriptive Text is a text that clearly describes the properties attached to something, be it humans, animals, plants or inanimate objects. The purpose of this text is to provide clear information about the object being depicted to the reader.
BalasHapus*Descriptive text structure
1. Identification
2. Description
*Descriptive text linguistic elements
1. using the simple present tense
2. uses a lot of
3. use verbs (relating verb)
4.use descriptive world
NO : 17
Nama:Ni Luh Evix Derika Yani
BalasHapusNo. :24
Kelas :X mipa1
Descriptive text
Descriptive text is text that describes the description of a person or object. Its purpose is to describe or reveal a particular person, place or thing.
It can also be said that Descriptive text is a text that describes what the person or thing described is like, its shape, properties, number and others.
Generic structure
1. identification is an introduction, in the form of a general description of a topic.
2. description is contains the special characteristics of the object, place, or person being described
Descriptive Text characteristics:
- Using the simple present tense
- Using attribute verbs, such as be (am, is, are)
- Just focus on that one object.
Nama : ni Kadek Juni mahayani
BalasHapusKls : x IBB 3
No : 19
After reading the descriptive text material, i learn about :
•Descriptive text meaning a text which describe a place, person or thing.
•The social function is to describe a particular place, person or thing.
•Generic structure of descriptive text are identification and description.
•Language features of descriptive text are using a specific participant, using lots of adjectives, and using simple present tense.
Nama:Ni Komang Puspita Dewi
BalasHapusKls: xibb3
The social function of descriptive text about a place is to describe, promote or introduce a place, recognize, and inform about a place.
It identifies the place to be describe
It describes the characteristics or partsof the place or building describes
3. Language featured
A. Use a specific partcipant/supject
B. Use lots of adjectives (e.g.small,large)and adverbs (e.g.easil,directly)
C.use simpele present tense
D.use descriptive worda
E. Sometimes use degree of comparison( e.g.smally, directly).
Name : Ni Luh Putu Ulik Liana Dewi Number : 30
BalasHapusClass : X BB 3
After reading the description text material, I know : * Descriptive text is text that describes a place, person or thing. *Social function is to describe a particular place, person or thing. *Generic structure of descriptive text are identification and description. -identification: it identifies the place to be described.
-description : it describes the characteristics or parts of the place or building described. *Language Features -Using a specific participant/subject. -Using lots of adjectives and adverbs. -Using simple present tense. That is all and thank you
Name : Ni Luh Putu Ulik Liana Dewi Number : 30
BalasHapusClass : X BB 3
After reading the description text material, I know : * Descriptive text is text that describes a place, person or thing. *Social function is to describe a particular place, person or thing. *Generic structure of descriptive text are identification and description. - identification: it identifies the place to be described.
- description : it describes the characteristics or parts of the place or building described. *Language Features -Using a specific participant/subject. -Using lots of adjectives and adverbs. -Using simple present tense. That is all and thank you
BalasHapusNO : 20
The social function of descriptive text about a place is to describe, promote or introduce a place, recognize, and inform about a place.
It identifies the place to be describe
It describes the characteristics or partsof the place or building describes
3. Language featured
A. Use a specific partcipant/supject
B. Use lots of adjectives (e.g.small,large)and adverbs (e.g.easil,directly)
C.use simpele present tense
D.use descriptive worda
E. Sometimes use degree of comparison( e.g.smally, directly).
Nama:I Gede Sudarma Yasa
No :04
-After reading the descriptive text material, i learn about :
•Descriptive text meaning a text which describe a place, person or thing.
•The social function is to describe a particular place, person or thing.
•Generic structure of descriptive text are identification and description.
•Language features of descriptive text are using a specific participant, using lots of adjectives, and using simple present tense.
BalasHapusKelas: XBB3
Descriptive text is a text which describe a place /person or thing.(teks yang mendeskripsikan sesuatu)
2.social function
The social function is a describe a particular plece ,person or thing .( Untuk mendeskripsikan sesuatu secara khusus
3.generic structure
1.indentification(menjelaskan tempat yang akan dideskripsikan).
2.description( mendeskripsikan karakteristik bagian"suatu tempat .
Nama: ni kadek santi
BalasHapusNo absen: 21
Kelas: X IBB 3
After reading the descriptive text material, i learn about :
•Descriptive text meaning a text which describe a place, person or thing.
•The social function is to describe a particular place, person or thing.
•Generic structure of descriptive text are identification and description.
•Language features of descriptive text are using a specific participant, using lots of adjectives, and using simple present tense.
Nama: ni kadek santi
BalasHapusNo absen: 21
Kelas: X IBB 3
After reading the descriptive text material, i learn about :
•Descriptive text meaning a text which describe a place, person or thing.
•The social function is to describe a particular place, person or thing.
•Generic structure of descriptive text are identification and description.
•Language features of descriptive text are using a specific participant, using lots of adjectives, and using simple present tense.
BalasHapusNO ABSEN : 6
Descriptive text is a text that describes a place or thing.The social function is to describe a particular place, person or thing.There is a generic structure that is identification and description.Identification is describing the place to be described,and description is describe the characteristics of the building or place.The language features is using specific subject,using lots of adjective,and using simple present tense.
Nama:Ni Ketut Melani Anggani
Descibe the place, the character of the building or place. Tirta gangga is a beautiful tourist spot located in abang district,karangasem regency, bali.This garden was built in a veri unique Balines and Chinese style
BalasHapusKelas : X IPS 1
No : 27
Descriptive text is a text that describes a place or thing. The social function is to be describe a particular place,person or thing. There a generic structure that is identification and description. Identification is describing the place to be described and description is describe the characteristics of the building or place. The language features is using spesific subjectusing lots of adjective and using simple present tense
BalasHapusKelas: X IPS1
No. : 29
#-Descriptive text is text that describes a place or object. Social function is describing a certain place, person or thing. There is a common structure namely identification and description. Identification is describing the area to be described and describing the characteristics of a building or place. The language feature uses certain subjects with lots of adjectives and uses the simple present tense and the wrong function of the Simple Present Tense itself is to show a fact or truth.
Nama : I made Rudi Prateka
Kls: x ips 1
Descriptive text aims to explain to readers about a person, place, or object in detail. In writing descriptive text, the tense used is the simple present tense. There are two structures for making descriptive text, namely identification (the introduction of characters, places, objects) and description (descriptions or special features of the objects, places, or people being described. For example, characteristics, physical appearance, and other things are written in Specific)
Nama:ikomang Andre
BalasHapusKls:X IPS 1
No absen 14
Descriptive text aims to readers about A person place or object in detail
BalasHapusKLS: XIPS1
Descriptive text is a text that describes a place or thing. The social function is to be describe a particular place,person or thing. There a generic structure that is identification and description. Identification is describing the plase to be described and description is describe the characteristics of the building or place. The language features is using spesific subjectusing lots of adjective and using simple present tense.
BalasHapusKLS : X IBB 1
NO : 32
-Descriptive Text is one type of text in English that clearly describes the properties attached to something, be it humans, animals, plants or inanimate objects. The purpose of this text is to provide clear information about the object being depicted to the reader.
-Generic Structure of Descriptive Text
1. Identification
2. Description
-Language Features
1. Specific participant/subject
2. Using lots of adjectives (kata sifat)Contoh: small, large, big.
And using averbs (kata keterangan)
Contoh: easily, directly, quickly.
3. Using Simple Present Tense-Descriptive Text is one type of text in English that clearly describes the properties attached to something, be it humans, animals, plants or inanimate objects. The purpose of this text is to provide clear information about the object being depicted to the reader.
-Generic Structure of Descriptive Text
1. Identification
2. Description
-Language Features
1. Specific participant/subject
2. Using lots of adjectives (kata sifat)Contoh: small, large, big.
And using averbs (kata keterangan)
Contoh: easily, directly, quickly.
3. Using Simple Present Tense
Nama: I Made Arka Weda Sujana
BalasHapusKls : IBB1
No : 13
Descriptive text is a text that describes a place or thing.The social function is to describe a particular place, person or thing.There is a generic structure that is identification and description.Identification is describing the place to be described,and description is describe the characteristics of the building or place.The language features is using specific subject,using lots of adjective,and using simple present tense.
Nama: I Made Arka Weda Sujana
BalasHapusKls : IBB1
No : 13
Descriptive text is a text that describes a place or thing.The social function is to describe a particular place, person or thing.There is a generic structure that is identification and description.Identification is describing the place to be described,and description is describe the characteristics of the building or place.The language features is using specific subject,using lots of adjective,and using simple present tense.
Nama : Ni Nengah Surya Dwi Martini
BalasHapusKelas: X IBB¹
No. : 31
from there I know descriptive text is something that describes a place, person, or thing. Having a social function is to describe a particular place, person or thing. Generic structure; 1). identity 2). Description Language features; -use specific participants / subjects - Using a lot of adjectives and adverbs -using the simple present tense
Descriptive text is a text which describes a place, person, or thing. The social function is to describe a particular or to describe, to promote or to introduce a place, person, or thing.
BalasHapus# General Structure has Identification and Description.
- Identification is identifies the place to be described.
- Description is describes the characteristic or parts of the place or building described.
# Language Features
- Use a specific participant/ subject.
- Use lots of adjectives.
- Use simple present tense.
- Use descriptive words.
- Sometimes use degree of comparison.
Nama:I Ketut Adi setia putra
BalasHapusKelas: XIbb1
No: 09
-Descriptive Text is one type of text in English that clearly describes the properties attached to something, be it humans, animals, plants or inanimate objects. The purpose of this text is to provide clear information about the object being depicted to the reader.
-Generic Structure of Descriptive Text
1. Identification
2. Description
-Language Features
1. Specific participant/subject
2. Using lots of adjectives (kata sifat)Contoh: small, large, big.
And using averbs (kata keterangan)
Contoh: easily, directly, quickly.
3. Using Simple Present Tense-Descriptive Text is one type of text in English that clearly describes the properties attached to something, be it humans, animals, plants or inanimate objects. The purpose of this text is to provide clear information about the object being depicted to the reader.
BalasHapusKLS : X IBB 1
No. : 25
Descriptive Text
1. Meaning
A deseriptive text is a text which describe a place, person or thing. Today, we will learn about description of place.
2. Social Function
The social function is to describe a particular place, person or thing
3. Generic Structure
- Identification : it identifies the place to be described
- Description : it describes the characteristics or parts of a place/building described.
4. Language Features
- Using a specific participant/subject
- Using lots of adjectives and adverbs
- Using simple present tense
5. Example
In this topic, we are going to learn about description of place especially about historical sites and tourism places.
BalasHapusKLS : X IBB 1
No. : 25
Descriptive Text
1. Meaning
A deseriptive text is a text which describe a place, person or thing. Today, we will learn about description of place.
2. Social Function
The social function is to describe a particular place, person or thing
3. Generic Structure
- Identification : it identifies the place to be described
- Description : it describes the characteristics or parts of a place/building described.
4. Language Features
- Using a specific participant/subject
- Using lots of adjectives and adverbs
- Using simple present tense
5. Example
In this topic, we are going to learn about description of place especially about historical sites and tourism places.
Name:Ni Ketut Diah Ayu Pitaloka.
BalasHapusClass:X Mipa 3
Descriptive Text is a text whisch describes a place or a person or thing.Today, we will learn about description of place.
-the social function is to describe a particular place , person or thing.
-generic structure consists of , indentification and description.
-language features consists of, using a specific, using lost of adjectives, and using simpel present tense.
Nama: I Kadek Veri Novriadi
BalasHapusKelas: X MIPA 3
No: 6
After reading the descriptive text material, I Learn about :
- Descritive text meaning a, text which describe a place , person or thing.
- The social function is to describe a particular place , person or thing.
- Generic structure of descritive text are indenfication and description .
- Language features of descritive text are using a spesific partipant, using lots of abjectives, and using simple present tense.
Name : I Gede Agus Juniarta
BalasHapusClass : X MIPA 3
Dedcriptive text is a text whisch describes a place or a person or thing. Today , we will learn about description of place.
- generic structure consists of indentification and description.
- the social function is to describe a paeticular place, person or thing
Nama : Ni made lisna dwi sulastri
BalasHapuskls :xmipa3
Descriptive texs
Descreptive texs is texs Describes the Description of a person or object its purpose is to describe or realveal a particular person piace or thing
generic structure :
1)Indetification is a introductuon ,in the from of a general description of a topic
2)Description is contains th special characteristics of the object ,plnce or person being described
Descriptive texs characteristics :
- using the simple present tense
- using atributte verbs ,such as be (am ,is ,are)
- just focus on that one object
BalasHapusCLASS: X MIPA 3
ADescriptive text is a text which describes a place or a person.
In this chapter,we are going to discuss a descriptive about a place . The social of descriptive text about a place are to describe to promote or to introduce a place to recognize and to inform about the place
It identifies the place to be described
2. Description
It describes the characteristics or parts of the place or building described.
3. Language Features
a. Use a specific participant/subject
b. Use lots of adjectives (e.g. small.large)and adverbs (e.g.easily. directly)
c. Use descriptive words
d. Use simple present tense
e. Sometimes use degree pf comparison.
Nama : Ni kadek mariani
BalasHapusKelas :x mipa 3
No :15
*descriptive text*
A descriptive text is a text which describess a place or a person. In this chapter, we are going to discuss a descriptive about a place. The social function of descriptive text about a place are to describe, to promote or to introduce a place, to recodnize, and to inform about the place.
*general struktur*
1. *identificaption*
It identificaption the place to be described
2. *description*
It describes the characteristics or parts of the place or building described
#identificaption =>kembang island is a delta located in the middle of the barito river included in the district administrative region alalak, barito kuala, shout kalimantan, indonesia .
#description=>kembang island is a habitat for hundresd of monkey and saveral species of birds.
3. *language*
A. Use a specific participant/subject
B. Use lots of adjectives (e. g. Small, large) and adverbs (e. g. Easily, directly).
C. Use simple present tense
D. Use descriptive words
E. Sometimes use degree of comparison (e. g. Smaller, larger).
Nama : Ni kadek mariani
BalasHapusKelas :x mipa 3
No :15
*descriptive text*
A descriptive text is a text which describess a place or a person. In this chapter, we are going to discuss a descriptive about a place. The social function of descriptive text about a place are to describe, to promote or to introduce a place, to recodnize, and to inform about the place.
*general struktur*
1. *identificaption*
It identificaption the place to be described
2. *description*
It describes the characteristics or parts of the place or building described
#identificaption =>kembang island is a delta located in the middle of the barito river included in the district administrative region alalak, barito kuala, shout kalimantan, indonesia .
#description=>kembang island is a habitat for hundresd of monkey and saveral species of birds.
3. *language*
A. Use a specific participant/subject
B. Use lots of adjectives (e. g. Small, large) and adverbs (e. g. Easily, directly).
C. Use simple present tense
D. Use descriptive words
E. Sometimes use degree of comparison (e. g. Smaller, larger).
Nama: Ni Wayan Virgita Mira Rahayu
BalasHapusKelas: X Mipa 3
No. : 30
Descriptive text is a type of text that aims to explain or describe a person, animal, place or object. Generally, what is described is the shape, characteristics, or nature.
2. Text structure (generic structure).
The structure of the descriptive text is as follows:
Identification: the introduction of objects or things to be described.
Description: informing the characteristics of the object, such as psychological characteristics of behavior, physical appearance, and others specifically.
3. The element of language.
Descriptive text usually uses the following language elements:
Noun: a specific noun, for example my best friend, my dog, Borobudur Temple, and others. In addition, sometimes also use nouns that are given adjectives, for example, an intelligent student and a big garden.
Simple present tense: using the verb of the first form (verb1) and also a verb that can describe the state of the object or imply ownership, for example my house has 2 living rooms, Sinta is beautiful, and others.
Adjective: an adjective used to describe an object.
Figurative language: using figurative language such as simile or metaphor as a way to provide comparative illustrations, for example:
My throat is as dry as a dessert.
nama : i kadek abditya ganesh prakas
BalasHapuskelas : x mipa 3
no : 04
*descriptive text*
A descriptive text is a text which describess a place or a person. In this chapter, we are going to discuss a descriptive about a place. The social function of descriptive text about a place are to describe, to promote or to introduce a place, to recodnize, and to inform about the place.
*general struktur*
1. *identificaption*
It identificaption the place to be described
2. *description*
It describes the characteristics or parts of the place or building described
#identificaption =>kembang island is a delta located in the middle of the barito river included in the district administrative region alalak, barito kuala, shout kalimantan, indonesia .
#description=>kembang island is a habitat for hundresd of monkey and saveral species of birds.
3. *language*
A. Use a specific participant/subject
B. Use lots of adjectives (e. g. Small, large) and adverbs (e. g. Easily, directly).
C. Use simple present tense
D. Use descriptive words
E. Sometimes use degree of comparison (e. g. Smaller, larger).
Nama: Ni Ketut Nisi
BalasHapusKelas: XIBB1
No: 22
Descriptive text
=> A Descriptive text is a text which describes a place or a Person.
General Structure:
1. Identification: it identifies the place to be described.
2. Description: it describes the characteristics or parts of the place or building described.
3. Language Features:
- use a specific participant/subject.
- use lots of adjectives (e.g. small,large ) and adverbs (e.g. easily, directly).
- use simple present tense.
- use descriptive words.
- sometimes use degree of comparison (e.g. smaller, larger).
Nama : Ni Kadek Dewi Dwi Payani
BalasHapusKelas : X MIPA 3
No : 13
Descriptive Text
Descriptive text is a text that describes or describes a person, animal, or object in terms of it's shape, characteristics, instructions and so on.
The purpose of descriptive text is to explain, describe, or reveal a person or object.
Descriptive Text Characteristics
- The verb used is the attribute verb, such as be (is, am,
- The tense used is the simple present tense
- Only focus on that one object.
Generic Structure
- Identification is a preliminary, in the form of a general
description of a topic.
- Description contains the special characteristics of the
object, place, or person being described. For example
traits, physical appearance, and other things that are
written specifically.
Nama:Ni Kadek Sonia Rikayanti
BalasHapusKelas:X Mipa 3
After reading the descriptive text material, i learn about :
•Descriptive text meaning a text which describe a place, person or thing.
•The social function is to describe a particular place, person or thing.
•Generic Structure of Descriptive Text
1. Identification
2. Description
•Language Features
1. Specific participant/subject
2. Using lots of adjectives (kata sifat)
And using averbs (kata keterangan)
3. Using Simple Present Tense
Nama : Ni Wayan Trisna Yulianti
BalasHapusNo : 34
Kelas : X IBB 1
What I have read at the e-book is about
1. The Meaning of descriptive text. That Descriptive text is Text that describes a place, person or thing.
2. The Social Function of descriptive text. The Social Function is to describe a particular place, person or thing.
3. The General Structure of descriptive text is :
- Identification : It identifies the place to be described.
-Description : It describes the characteristics or parts of a place/building described
4. The Language features :
- Using a specific participant/subject
-Using lots of adjectives and adverbs
- Using simple present tense.
5. And there is an Example of Descriptive text entitled Tirta Gangga.
Nama: I Kadek Vergio
BalasHapusKelas: X BB1
No. : 08
Descriptive text is a text which describes a place, person, or thing. The social function is to describe a particular or to describe, to promote or to introduce a place, person, or thing.
# General Structure has Identification and Description.
- Identification is identifies the place to be described.
- Description is describes the characteristic or parts of the place or building described.
# Language Features
- Use a specific participant/ subject.
- Use lots of adjectives.
- Use simple present tense.
- Use descriptive words.
- Sometimes use degree of comparison.
NAMA : I Komang Refa Mahayana
BalasHapusKELAS :X MIPA 3
NO : 9
*descriptive text*
A descriptive text is a text which describess a place or a person. In this chapter, we are going to discuss a descriptive about a place. The social function of descriptive text about a place are to describe, to promote or to introduce a place, to recodnize, and to inform about the place.
*general struktur*
1. *identificaption*
It identificaption the place to be described
2. *description*
It describes the characteristics or parts of the place or building described
#identificaption =>kembang island is a delta located in the middle of the barito river included in the district administrative region alalak, barito kuala, shout kalimantan, indonesia .
#description=>kembang island is a habitat for hundresd of monkey and saveral species of birds.
3. *language*
A. Use a specific participant/subject
B. Use lots of adjectives (e. g. Small, large) and adverbs (e. g. Easily, directly).
C. Use simple present tense
D. Use descriptive words
E. Sometimes use degree of comparison (e. g. Smaller, larger).
Nama: Ni Luh Sevi Wulandari
BalasHapusKelas:X Mipa 3
No absen: 23
Descriptive Text
A descriptive text is a text which describe a place, person or thing. The social function is to describe a particular place, person or thing.
*Generic Structure:
>Identification: it identifies the place to be described
>Description: it describes the characteristic or parts of a place/building described
*Language Features:
>Using a spesific participant/subject
>Using lots of adjectives and adverbs
>Using simple present tense.
Nama:imade anndi mustika
BalasHapusKelas: x mipa 3
Descriptive Text
* Descriptive Text is a text which describe a place, person or thing.
*Social Function of Descriptive text
The social function is to describe a particular place, person or thing.
*Generic Structure
1) Identification: It identifies The Place to be Described
2) Description: It Describes the Characteristics or parts of place/building described
*Language Features
1) Using a specific participant/subject
2) Using Lots Of Adjectives and adverbs
3) Using simple present tense
BalasHapusKELAS:X MIPA 3
NO :19
Descriptive texs is a type of text that aims to explain or describe a person ,animal place or object generally ,what is described is the shape ,charateristiscs or nature,
2.text structure(generic structure)
the structure of the descriptive texs is as follows:
identification: the introduction of objects or things to described
describtion:informing the characteristics of behavior physcial appearance. and hothers specifically.
3 the alemant of language.
descriptive text usually uses the folowing language elemants.
noun: a specific noun, for example my bast friend, my dog, borobudur temple, and others. in addition, sometimes also use nouse that ar given adjectives, for example, an intelligent student and big garden.
simple persent tense: using the verb of the first form (verb 1) and also a verb that can describe the state of the object or imply ownership, for example my house has 2 living rooms sinta is biutiful, and hothers.
edjective: an adjective used to describe and object fugurative language such has simile or metamphor as a way to provide comparative illustration
my tharoat is as dry as a dessert.
BalasHapusKELAS:X MIPA 3
NO :19
Descriptive texs is a type of text that aims to explain or describe a person ,animal place or object generally ,what is described is the shape ,charateristiscs or nature,
2.text structure(generic structure)
the structure of the descriptive texs is as follows:
identification: the introduction of objects or things to described
describtion:informing the characteristics of behavior physcial appearance. and hothers specifically.
3 the alemant of language.
descriptive text usually uses the folowing language elemants.
noun: a specific noun, for example my bast friend, my dog, borobudur temple, and others. in addition, sometimes also use nouse that ar given adjectives, for example, an intelligent student and big garden.
simple persent tense: using the verb of the first form (verb 1) and also a verb that can describe the state of the object or imply ownership, for example my house has 2 living rooms sinta is biutiful, and hothers.
edjective: an adjective used to describe and object fugurative language such has simile or metamphor as a way to provide comparative illustration
my tharoat is as dry as a dessert.
Nama:Ni Luh Evi Ariani
Kelas:XIBB 1
A descriptive text is a text which describes a place or a person.In this chapter, we are going to discuss a descriptive about a place. The sosial function of descriptive text about a place are to describe, ti promote or to introduce a place, to recognize, and to inform about the place.
•General Structure
It identifies the place to be
It describes the characteristich or
parts of the place or building
3.Language Features
a.Use a specific participant/subject.
b.Use lots of adjectives(e.g. small,
larg) and adverbs (e.g. easily,
c.Use simple present tense.
d.Use descriptive words.
e.Sometimes use degree of
comparison (e.g. smaller, larger).
Nam : Ni Luh Indah Marselinda
BalasHapusKelas : X IBB 3
No : 29
After I read the material about DESCRIPTIVE TEXT, I learned about :
Descriptive text is a text which describe a place, person, or thing.
Social function : To describe a particular place, person, or thing.
Generic structure : Identification : it identifies the place to be describe.
Description : it describes the characteristicks or parts of place/building described.
Language features : - Using a specific participant.
- Using lots of Adjectives.
- Using Simple present tense.
Nama : ni ketut juliana
BalasHapusNo : 20
Kls : XIBB
A descriptive text is a text which describes a place or a person.In this chapter, we are going to discuss a descriptive about a place. The sosial function of descriptive text about a place are to describe, ti promote or to introduce a place, to recognize, and to inform about the place.
•General Structure
It identifies the place to be
It describes the characteristich or
parts of the place or building
3.Language Features
a.Use a specific participant/subject.
b.Use lots of adjectives(e.g. small,
larg) and adverbs (e.g. easily,
c.Use simple present tense.
d.Use descriptive words.
e.Sometimes use degree of
comparison (e.g. smaller, larger).
BalasHapusKELAS:XIBB 2
Nama:ni ketut sukri ariani
A descriptive text is a text which describes a place or a person.In this chapter, we are going to discuss a descriptive about a place. The sosial function of descriptive text about a place are to describe, ti promote or to introduce a place, to recognize, and to inform about the place.
•General Structure
It identifies the place to be
It describes the characteristich or
parts of the place or building
3.Language Features
Nama: Ni Komang Novi Yantini
BalasHapusKelas:X MIPA 1
No : 21
After studying "DESCRITIVE TEXT" i learn about:
Descriptive text is a text wich describe a particular place or thing
-idenfication: it identifies the place to be described
-Description: it describe the characteristic or pats of a place/building describe
Languange features:
-using a specific
-using lots od adjectives
-using simple present tense
BalasHapusKELAS:X MIPA 1
Description of Places
1 Meaning=a descriptive text is text which describe a place person or thing.
2.Social Funection=is to describe a particullar place,Person or thing.
3.Generic strueture
-Identification= it identifies the place to describe.
-Description=It describes characteristic or parts Of Place/building Describes.
4.Language Features
-Using a Spesific Participant/Subject
-Using Lots Of Adjectives
-Using Simple Present Tense.
5.Example= In the topic,learn about description of place especially about historical sites and tourism places.
BalasHapusKelas:X BB³
No : 10
After studying "DESCRITIVE TEXT" i learn about:
Descriptive text is a text wich describe a particular place or thing
-idenfication: it identifies the place to be described
-Description: it describe the characteristic or pats of a place/building describe
Languange features:
-using a specific
-using lots od adjectives
-using simple
BalasHapusKelas:x ips1
Descriptive texs is a texs wich describe a particular place or thing
-idenfication:it identifies
Nama: i Kadek kari mael
BalasHapusKls: X IPS 1
Nama : iketut septiawan
BalasHapusNo : 12
Kls : x ips 1
After studying "DESCRITIVE TEXT" i learn about:
Descriptive text is a text wich describe a particular place or thing
-idenfication: it identifies the place to be described
-Description: it describe the characteristic or pats of a place/building describe
Languange features:
-using a specific
-using lots od adjectives
-using simple present tense
After I read the material about descriptive text,I know that the text teach us to know about a particular things or place,how to describe something and it give us a new knowledge
BalasHapusNama :I WAYAN Gede Radea Sami Nuada
BalasHapusNo :9
Nama : Ni Luh Apriliani
BalasHapusNo :23
Kelas : X Mipa 1
Definition of Descriptive Text
Descriptive Text is a text which says what a person or a thing is like ,its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person place or thing .
Purpose of Descriptive text
- to describe person ,thing a pleace in specfic
-to descibe a particular person ,thing of place
descriptive text a text that describes a place or thing the social function is to describe a particular place, person or thing.There is a generic struture that is indentification and description. Indentification is describing the place to be described and description.
NAMA :I Komang Kusuma Indra pramana
BalasHapusKELAS:X MIPA 1
NO. :6
Descriptive Text
1. Definition
Descriptive text is a text which tells or describes something.
2. Social Function
To describe a particular place, person or thing.
3. Generic Structure
There are 2 main elements of descriptive text:
1. Identification: It identifies the place to be described.
2. Description: It describes the characteristics or parts of a place/building described.
4. Language Features
1. Specific participant/subject
2. Using lots of adjectives (kata sifat)Contoh: small, large, big.
And using averbs (kata keterangan)
Contoh: easily, directly, quickly.
3. Using Simple Present Tense
Nama: Ni Luh Ayu Dian Sulastri
BalasHapusKelas: XBB3
No: 27
What I have read at the e-book is about
1. The Meaning of descriptive text. That Descriptive text is Text that describes a place, person or thing.
2. The Social Function of descriptive text. The Social Function is to describe a particular place, person or thing.
3. The General Structure of descriptive text is :
- Identification : It identifies the place to be described.
-Description : It describes the characteristics or parts of a place/building described
4. The Language features :
- Using a specific participant/subject
-Using lots of adjectives and adverbs
- Using simple present tense.
5. And there is an Example of Descriptive text entitled Tirta Gangga.
Nama:Ni Made Meilya Sari
BalasHapusKLS.:X MIPA3
A descriptive text is a text which describes a place or a person.
• Generial Structure •
- identification
- description
- language featured
a. Use a spectic participant/subject.
b. Use lost of adjectives.
c. Use simple present tense.
d. Use descriptive word.
e. Sometimes use degree of comparison.
Nama:Ni Made Meilya Sari
BalasHapusKLS.:X MIPA3
A descriptive text is a text which describes a place or a person.
• Generial Structure •
- identification
- description
- language featured
a. Use a spectic participant/subject.
b. Use lost of adjectives.
c. Use simple present tense.
d. Use descriptive word.
e. Sometimes use degree of comparison.
Nama : Ni Putu Intan Asriani
BalasHapusKls : X IBB 1
No : 32
After I read the material about DESCRIPTIVE TEXT,I learned about :
Descriptive text is a text which describe a place ,person ,or thing
sosial function : To describe a particular place ,person ,or thing
Generic structure : identification : It identitas the place to be describe
Description : It Describes the characteristicks or parts of place / building decsribed.
Language features :-using sfesific participant
-using lots of adjectives
-using simple present tense
Nama: Ni Komanng Ersa Wulandari
Kelas: X IBB¹
from there I know descriptive text is something that describes a place, person, or thing. Having a social function is to describe a particular place, person or thing. Generic structure; 1). identity 2). Description Language features; -use specific participants / subjects - Using a lot of adjectives and adverbs -using the simple present tense
Nama :Ni Luh Putu Lina
BalasHapusNo : 27
Kelas : X IBB²
After reading the descriptive text material, i learn about :
•Descriptive text meaning a text which describe a place, person or thing.
•The social function is to describe a particular place, person or thing.
•Generic structure of descriptive text are identification and description.
•Language features of descriptive text are using a specific participant, using lots of adjectives, and using simple present tense.
Nama: I Kadek Chandra rastika
Kelas: XBB2
After reading the descriptive text material, i learn about :
•Descriptive text meaning a text which describe a place, person or thing.
•The social function is to describe a particular place, person or thing.
•Generic structure of descriptive text are identification and description.
•Language features of descriptive text are using a specific participant, using lots of adjectives, and using simple present tense.
HapusName:ni putu eliyana widhiarsani
Descriptive Text is a type of text in English that clearly describes the properties attached to something, be it humans, animals, plants or inanimate objects.
Descriptive Text characteristics
-Using the Simple Present Tense
-Uses many adjectives.
-Using a connecting verb
as for the Generic Structure of Descriptive Text
1.Indentification and
2. Description
Nama:Ni Komang Putri Adinda Maharani
BalasHapusKELAS:X MIPA 2
NO. :13
Descriptive Text
1. Definition
Descriptive text is a text which tells or describes something.
2. Social Function
To describe a particular place, person or thing.
3. Generic Structure
There are 2 main elements of descriptive text:
1. Identification: It identifies the place to be described.
2. Description: It describes the characteristics or parts of a place/building described.
4. Language Features
1. Specific participant/subject
2. Using lots of adjectives (kata sifat)Contoh: small, large, big.
And using averbs (kata keterangan)
Contoh: easily, directly, quickly.
3. Using Simple Present Tense
BalasHapusKELAS:X MIPA 3
NO :5
After studying "DESCRITIVE TEXT" i learn about:
Descriptive text is a text wich describe a particular place or thing
-idenfication: it identifies the place to be described
-Description: it describe the characteristic or pats of a place/building describe
Languange features:
-using a specific
-using lots od adjectives
-using simple present tense
BalasHapusClass:X IBB 3
NO: 1
After studying "DESCRITIVE TEXT" i learn about:
Descriptive text is a text wich describe a particular place or thing
-idenfication: it identifies the place to be described
-Description: it describe the characteristic or pats of a place/building describe
Languange features:
-using a specific
-using lots od adjectives
-using simple present tense
Nama: ni kt juliana
BalasHapusKelas: XBB1
Nama:Niketut ari palintina
BalasHapusNo: 17
Kelas:X MIPA 3
Descriptive text is a text that describes a place or thing.The social function is to describe a particular place, person or thing.There is a generic structure that is identification and description.Identification is describing the place to be described,and description is describe the characteristics of the building or place.The language features is using specific subject,using lots of adjective,and using simple present tense
BalasHapusKelas:X BB³
No : 34
After studying "DESCRITIVE TEXT" i learn about:
Descriptive text is a text wich describe a particular place or thing
-idenfication: it identifies the place to be described
-Description: it describe the characteristic or pats of a place/building describe
Languange features:
-using a specific
-using lots od adjectives
-using simple
BalasHapusKelas:X BB³
No : 34
After studying "DESCRITIVE TEXT" i learn about:
Descriptive text is a text wich describe a particular place or thing
-idenfication: it identifies the place to be described
-Description: it describe the characteristic or pats of a place/building describe
Languange features:
-using a specific
-using lots od adjectives
-using simple
Nama : I Gede libra septa Sri Kresna
BalasHapusNo. :3
Kelas : iBB 1
1. A descriptive text is a text which a place person or thing .today we will learn about description of plce .( Teks yang mengdeskripsikan suatu tempat atau benda
- soeial funetion
- generie strueture
- language
- example
Tirta gangga
Tirta gangga water palace is one of the famaus touplist destination in east part of bali and is it one the stop points of tourist object on bali east tour
Nama:Ni Nyoman Jemi
What I have read at the e-book is about
1. The Meaning of descriptive text. That Descriptive text is Text that describes a place, person or thing.
2. The Social Function of descriptive text. The Social Function is to describe a particular place, person or thing.
3. The General Structure of descriptive text is :
- Identification : It identifies the place to be described.
-Description : It describes the characteristics or parts of a place/building described
4. The Language features :
- Using a specific participant/subject
-Using lots of adjectives and adverbs
- Using simple present tense.
5. And there is an Example of Descriptive text entitled Tirta Gangga
BalasHapusKELAS:X IPS1
After studying "DESCRITIVE TEXT" i learn about:
Descriptive text is a text wich describe a particular place or thing
-idenfication: it identifies the place to be described
-Description: it describe the characteristic or pats of a place/building describe
Languange features:
-using a specific
-using lots od adjectives
-using simple present tense