SOCIAL FUNCTION (Fungsi social)
persuade the readers that something is the main case. (Untuk membujuk/mengajak
pembaca bahwa sesuatu tersebut merupakan masalah yang utama/penting)
It introduces topics and indicates the
writer’s opinion/position. It states the writer’s point of view about the topic discussed.
(Memperkenalkan topic dan menunjukkan pendapat/posisi penulis. Menyatakan sudut
pandang penulis tentang topic yang didiskusikan).
support the thesis. The number of arguments is various and supported by
evidence and explanation. (Argumen berisi pendapat yang mendukung/menjelaskan
tesis. Jumlah argument bervariasi dan harus didukung oleh fakta dan
restates/conclude the point of view of the writer. It strengthens the thesis.
(Menyatakan kembali/menyimpulkan sudut pandang penulis dan memperkuat
following phrases are usually used:
the fact above, …
personally believe. …
my conclusion is that …
conclude tthat …
The pandemic corona
virus has infected more people and invited more victims. People should stay home
to ban the pandemic disease. There are some reasons for that.
The first, people
should stay home because if they have physical contact, people will be easier
infected each other.
The second, people
have to stay home so for the people who has been infected can't take the virus
to infect others.
The last, staying home
make people cure themselves instead of infect the others.
From the reason above, staying at home is the best way to stop this pandemic disease causes more victims.
structure of the text:
The pandemic corona
virus has infected more people and invited more victims. People should stay
home to ban the pandemic disease. There are some reasons for that.
The first, people
should stay home because if they have physical contact, people will be easier
infected each other.
The second, people
have to stay home so for the people who has been infected can't take the virus
to infect others.
The last, staying home
make people cure themselves instead of infect the others.
From the reason above,
staying at home is the best way to stop this pandemic disease causes more
NO : 30
NO : 30
BalasHapusKELAS :XI IPS 1
NO: 30
1. SOCIAL FUNCTION (Fungsi social)
To persuade the readers that something is the main case. (Untuk membujuk/mengajak pembaca bahwa sesuatu tersebut merupakan masalah yang utama/penting)
1). Thesis
It introduces topics and indicates the writer’s opinion/position. It states the writer’s point of view about the topic discussed. (Memperkenalkan topic dan menunjukkan pendapat/posisi penulis. Menyatakan sudut pandang penulis tentang topic yang didiskusikan).
2). Arguments
Arguments support the thesis. The number of arguments is various and supported by evidence and explanation. (Argumen berisi pendapat yang mendukung/menjelaskan tesis. Jumlah argument bervariasi dan harus didukung oleh fakta dan penjelasan).
3). Reiteration
It restates/conclude the point of view of the writer. It strengthens the thesis. (Menyatakan kembali/menyimpulkan sudut pandang penulis dan memperkuat tesis/topic).
The following phrases are usually used:
a. From the fact above, …
b. I personally believe. …
c. Therefore, my conclusion is that …
d. I conclude tthat …
The pandemic corona virus has infected more people and invited more victims. People should stay home to ban the pandemic disease. There are some reasons for that.
The first, people should stay home because if they have physical contact, people will be easier infected each other.
The second, people have to stay home so for the people who has been infected can't take the virus to infect others.
The last, staying home make people cure themselves instead of infect the others.
From the reason above, staying at home is the best way to stop this pandemic disease causes more victims.
The structure of the text:
The pandemic corona virus has infected more people and invited more victims. People should stay home to ban the pandemic disease. There are some reasons for that.
The first, people should stay home because if they have physical contact, people will be easier infected each other.
The second, people have to stay home so for the people who has been infected can't take the virus to infect others.
The last, staying home make people cure themselves instead of infect the others.
From the reason above, staying at home is the best way to stop this pandemic disease causes more victims
Nama I Gede libra septa Sri Kresna
BalasHapusNo absen 3
Kelas XI bb1
To persuade the readers that something is the main case. (Untuk membujuk/mengajak pembaca bahwa sesuatu tersebut merupakan masalah yang utama/penting)
Nama: I Kadek Vergio
BalasHapusKelas: XI BB1
NO: 08
NIS: 6496
Nama: ikomang Andre
BalasHapusKls:Xl IPS 1
BalasHapusKLS : XI IPS 1
NO : 11
NIS : 6440
Nama: putu ayu Diah artanti
BalasHapusKls : XI ips1
No. : 29
Bis : 6458
BalasHapusKelas:xl ips 1
Persebaran flora dan fauna di Indonesia dipengaruh oleh letak geografisnya. Berdasarkan wilayah dan karakteristik flora dan faunanya, dapat dibagi menjadi tiga bagian, yakni Indonesia Barat, Tengah, dan Timur. Ketiga bagian itu dipisahkan oleh garis wallace dan garis weber.
Nama:I Nengah sudiana Dwi antara
BalasHapusKelas:XI BB¹
Nama:I made Rudi Prateka
BalasHapusKls:XI ips 1
Legal illustration.
Legal Reality in Indonesia
Statement of Opinion
Indonesian law actually regulates how criminals are punished according to the law.
However, in reality there are often legal injustices that are very detrimental to various parties. It can be said that the law is sharp downwards, but blunt in the face of corruptors.
It is common knowledge that perpetrators of corruption receive lower punishments than other criminals. There are even some corruptors who receive luxury hotel-class facilities in prison.
We often hear news of thieves being beaten to death by the masses. However, I don't think we've ever heard of a corruptor being beaten to death. On television screens they can even be proud of themselves by showing a smile.
Opinion Reaffirmation
The law in Indonesia is only firm when dealing with small people. For example, we can remember the case of grandmother Asyani.
Just because of the alleged theft of wood, he was threatened with a prison sentence of up to five years. It is clearly unfair when compared to the punishment received by the corruptors.
Ilustrasi hukum.
Realita Hukum di Indonesia
Pernyataan Pendapat
Hukum di Indonesia sebenarnya telah mengatur bagaimana para pelaku tindak kriminal dihukum berdasarkan undang-undang.
Tetapi, kenyataannya sering terjadi ketidakadilan hukum yang sangat merugikan berbagai pihak. Bisa dikatakan hukum tajam ke bawah, tapi tumpul di hadapan para koruptor.
Sudah menjadi rahasia umum bahwa para pelaku korupsi mendapatkan hukuman yang lebih rendah dibandingkan para pelaku kejahatan lainnya. Bahkan ada beberapa koruptor yang menerima fasilitas sekelas hotel mewah di penjara.
Kita sering sekali mendengar berita maling yang dihajar massa sampai tewas. Namun, rasanya kita belum pernah dengar ada koruptor yang dihajar sampai mati. Di layar-layar televisi mereka malah bisa berbangga diri dengan menunjukkan senyumnya.
Penegasan Ulang Pendapat
Hukum di Indonesia hanya tegas ketika berhadapan dengan rakyat kecil saja. Sebagai contoh, kita bisa mengingat kasus nenek Asyani.
Hanya karena dugaan pencurian kayu, beliau terancam hukuman penjara sampai lima tahun. Jelas-jelas tidak adil apabila dibandingkan dengan hukuman yang diterima para koruptor.
Nama:Ni Ketut Melani Anggani
BalasHapusKelas:XI IPS1
Congestion and the Future of the City
Statement of opinion
Transportation is a necessity for various social and economic activities. Different types of social and economic activities will have different impacts on transportation activities.
Daily transportation activities relatively cause repetitive movements, for example, occurs in workers and people who are studying at schools or campuses.
In the city of Yogyakarta, traffic jams occur almost every day at points that are the main movement routes for office workers to work locations, as well as students and students heading to schools and campuses.
Traffic jams that are repeated over a longer period of time tend to occur during the holiday season and before the holidays. At the stage of the homecoming and return flow, severe traffic jams will occur on roads outside the city, such as Jalan Magelang, Jalan Solo, and Jalan Wates.
During this time, congestion can also be felt in the city center as tourist destinations and places to stay, such as Malioboro, Prawirotaman, as well as roads leading to tourist attractions such as Parangtritis.
Opinion Reaffirmation
The dominant congestion is generally caused by community activities in the internal sphere. Efforts to bring the location of residence closer to the location of activities are one of the solutions that can be applied. If not, then the congestion will continue to repeat and will have an impact on the community itself.
Masa Depan Kota
Pernyataan pendapat
Transportasi merupakan kebutuhan dari berbagai kegiatan sosial maupun ekonomi. Tipe kegiatan sosial maupun ekonomi yang berbeda akan memiliki dampak kegiatan transportasi yang berbeda pula.
Kegiatan transportasi harian relatif menimbulkan pergerakan yang sifatnya berulang, misalnya terjadi pada para pekerja dan orang-orang yang menempuh pendidikan di sekolah atau kampus.
Di Kota Yogyakarta, kemacetan terjadi hampir setiap hari di titik-titik yang menjadi jalur pergerakan utama para pekerja kantoran menuju lokasi kerja, serta siswa dan mahasiswa yang menuju sekolah dan kampus.
Kemacetan yang berulang dalam jangka waktu yang lebih panjang, cenderung terjadi pada musim liburan dan menjelang hari raya. Pada tahap arus mudik dan arus balik, kemacetan parah akan terjadi di jalan-jalan arah luar kota, seperti Jalan Magelang, Jalan Solo, dan Jalan Wates.
Dalam rentang waktu tersebut, kemacetan juga dapat dirasakan di pusat kota sebagai tujuan wisata dan tempat menginap seperti Malioboro, Prawirotaman, serta jalan-jalan yang menuju objek wisata seperti Parangtritis.
Penegasan Ulang Pendapat
Kemacetan yang dominan umumnya ditimbulkan oleh aktivitas masyarakat dalam lingkup internal. Upaya mendekatkan lokasi tempat tinggal dengan lokasi kegiatan merupakan satu di antara solusi yang dapat diterapkan. Jika tidak, maka kemacetan akan terus berulang dan akan memberikan dampak pada masyarakat itu sendiri.
Nama:Ni komang purnami
BalasHapusKls:Xl ips 1
COVID-19 health protocol violators should be sanctioned
COVID -19 health protocol violators should be sanctioned. As we know, the number of people infected with the covid virus is still increasing in our country, but some people still ignore the health protocol by not wearing mask and keeping their distance.
Firstly, the violators will continue to ignore the health protocol suggested by the government if they aren't sanctioned. By being sanctioned, they will feel deterred and ashamed so that in the future they will obey the rules given. Secondly, by sanctioning the violators, they will understand responsibility. Not only does it prevent us from being infected by the virus, but adhering to health protocols also keep others safe. We may not feel infected, but at least we prevent bad things by Secondly, by sanctioning the violators, they will understand responsibility. Not only does it prevent us from being infected by the virus, but adhering to health protocols also keep others safe. We may not feel infected, but at least we prevent bad things by continuing to keep distance and wearing masks. That way, we will fulfill our responsibilities to ourselves and others.Lastly, giving sanctions to the violators will make them more aware of the danger of COVID-19. It is said that WHO declared COVID-19 a pandemic, which means that this virus is very dangerous, so it is best to continue to maintain health and avoid COVID-19.
Pelanggar protokol kesehatan COVID-19harus diberi sanksi
Pelanggar protokol kesehatan COVID-19 harus diberi sanksi. Seperti yang kita ketahui, jumlah orang yang terinfeksi virus covid masih meningkat di negara kita, namun sebagian masyarakat masih mengabaikan protokol kesehatan dengan tidak memakai masker dan menjaga jarak.
Pertama, para pelanggar akan terus mengabaikan protokol kesehatan yang dianjurkan pemerintah jika tidak diberi sanksi. Dengan diberi sanksi, mereka akan merasa jera dan malu sehingga kelak mereka akan mematuhi aturan yang diberikan. Kedua, dengan memberikan sanksi kepada pelanggar, mereka akan memahami tanggung jawab. Tidak hanya mencegah kita dari tertular virus, tetapi dengan mematuhi protokol kesehatan juga membuat orang lain tetap aman. Kita mungkin tidak merasa terinfeksi, tapi setidaknya kita mencegah hal buruk dengan Kedua, dengan memberikan sanksi kepada pelanggar, mereka akan memahami tanggung jawab. Tidak hanya mencegah kita dari tertular virus, tetapi dengan mematuhi protokol kesehatan juga membuat orang lain tetap aman. Kita mungkin tidak merasa tertular, tapi setidaknya kita mencegah hal buruk dengan tetap menjaga jarak dan memakai masker. Dengan begitu, kita akan memenuhi tanggung jawab kita terhadap diri kita sendiri dan orang lain.Terakhir, pemberian sanksi kepada pelanggar akan membuat mereka lebih sadar akan bahaya COVID-19. Dikatakan WHO menyatakan COVID-19 sebagai pandemi, artinya virus ini sangat berbahaya, jadi sebaiknya tetap menjaga kesehatan dan menghindari COVID-19.
BalasHapusKls:Xl IPS 1
Contoh Analytical Exposition Text tentang Handphone Nowadays, people tend to have their smartphones. Despite others who said smartphone gives negative impacts, there are still advantages you'll get from it. own a First, it helps you to communicate. With smartphones, you can communicate with the person you loved despite the distance apart. Unlike the previous phone, you could see your family's face when communicating with the latest smartphones. Second, it provides entertainment. Getting tired with your job or your daily routine? Grab your smartphone, pick anything that could entertain you like games, social media, or watching movies. With smartphones, you could get away from this harsh reality. Yes, there are negative impacts of smartphones, but when you use it properly and effectively, you'll see the benefits, even the cheapest ones. Bagaimana? Kamu udah paham bagaimana cara membuat analytical exposition? Setelah kamu mempelajari teorinya, sekarang giliran kamu untuk latihan membuat teksnya.
Nama:I Ketut Adi setia putra
BalasHapusKls:XI BB1
COVID-19 health protocol violators should be sanctioned
COVID -19 health protocol violators should be sanctioned. As we know, the number of people infected with the covid virus is still increasing in our country, but some people still ignore the health protocol by not wearing mask and keeping their distance.
Firstly, the violators will continue to ignore the health protocol suggested by the government if they aren't sanctioned. By being sanctioned, they will feel deterred and ashamed so that in the future they will obey the rules given. Secondly, by sanctioning the violators, they will understand responsibility. Not only does it prevent us from being infected by the virus, but adhering to health protocols also keep others safe. We may not feel infected, but at least we prevent bad things by Secondly, by sanctioning the violators, they will understand responsibility. Not only does it prevent us from being infected by the virus, but adhering to health protocols also keep others safe. We may not feel infected, but at least we prevent bad things by continuing to keep distance and wearing masks. That way, we will fulfill our responsibilities to ourselves and others.Lastly, giving sanctions to the violators will make them more aware of the danger of COVID-19. It is said that WHO declared COVID-19 a pandemic, which means that this virus is very dangerous, so it is best to continue to maintain health and avoid COVID-19.
Pelanggar protokol kesehatan COVID-19harus diberi sanksi
Pelanggar protokol kesehatan COVID-19 harus diberi sanksi. Seperti yang kita ketahui, jumlah orang yang terinfeksi virus covid masih meningkat di negara kita, namun sebagian masyarakat masih mengabaikan protokol kesehatan dengan tidak memakai masker dan menjaga jarak.
Pertama, para pelanggar akan terus mengabaikan protokol kesehatan yang dianjurkan pemerintah jika tidak diberi sanksi. Dengan diberi sanksi, mereka akan merasa jera dan malu sehingga kelak mereka akan mematuhi aturan yang diberikan. Kedua, dengan memberikan sanksi kepada pelanggar, mereka akan memahami tanggung jawab. Tidak hanya mencegah kita dari tertular virus, tetapi dengan mematuhi protokol kesehatan juga membuat orang lain tetap aman. Kita mungkin tidak merasa terinfeksi, tapi setidaknya kita mencegah hal buruk dengan Kedua, dengan memberikan sanksi kepada pelanggar, mereka akan memahami tanggung jawab. Tidak hanya mencegah kita dari tertular virus, tetapi dengan mematuhi protokol kesehatan juga membuat orang lain tetap aman. Kita mungkin tidak merasa tertular, tapi setidaknya kita mencegah hal buruk dengan tetap menjaga jarak dan memakai masker. Dengan begitu, kita akan memenuhi tanggung jawab kita terhadap diri kita sendiri dan orang lain.Terakhir, pemberian sanksi kepada pelanggar akan membuat mereka lebih sadar akan bahaya COVID-19. Dikatakan WHO menyatakan COVID-19 sebagai pandemi, artinya virus ini sangat berbahaya, jadi sebaiknya tetap menjaga kesehatan dan menghindari COVID-19.
Nama:ni putu Aprilia darmayani
BalasHapusKls:XI IPS1
Teaching English in Early Childhood is Important
Nowadays, almost all people in the world can speak English. English is an international language and one of the most used language in the world. It is more than 50 countries that use English as the official or primary language in communication. English is also commonly used in science, economy and politics, tourism, also entertainment. Therefore, learning English is important because it provides many opportunities and gives much knowledge.
b.Argument 1
The main question is when is the best time for people to start learning English? The answer is, indeed, the earlier the better. Why is it so? It is because kids have the best learning period known as the Golden Age. This period allows children to learn many things quickly, especially language used in daily communication. When kids are in their early childhood, their brains are like sponge that can quickly absorb anything. Based on some research findings, there are several benefits of learning English in early childhood which are kids will have better reading skill, get higher academic scores, have greater confidence, and get higher opportunities for career in the future.
c.Argument 2
It is not really hard teaching English to children. However, it can be challenging if parents do not know the key in learning English for kids. It is creating fun activities. Parents can create casual learning environment so that kids will be more comfortable. Provide kids with engaging activities such as playing music, watching kids cartoons or movies, singing English songs, or playing games will definitely help parents to teach English easily. Experts say that if kids have positive and fun experiences in learning, they will be eager to learn more about English.
To sum up, according to the arguments that have been stated above, learning English in early childhood is very important because it provides kids with many opportunities and gives them much knowledge.
BalasHapusKLS: XI IPS1
COVID-19 health protocol violators should be sanctioned
COVID -19 health protocol violators should be sanctioned. As we know, the number of people infected with the covid virus is still increasing in our country, but some people still ignore the health protocol by not wearing mask and keeping their distance.
Firstly, the violators will continue to ignore the health protocol suggested by the government if they aren't sanctioned. By being sanctioned, they will feel deterred and ashamed so that in the future they will obey the rules given. Secondly, by sanctioning the violators, they will understand responsibility. Not only does it prevent us from being infected by the virus, but adhering to health protocols also keep others safe. We may not feel infected, but at least we prevent bad things by Secondly, by sanctioning the violators, they will understand responsibility. Not only does it prevent us from being infected by the virus, but adhering to health protocols also keep others safe. We may not feel infected, but at least we prevent bad things by continuing to keep distance and wearing masks. That way, we will fulfill our responsibilities to ourselves and others.Lastly, giving sanctions to the violators will make them more aware of the danger of COVID-19. It is said that WHO declared COVID-19 a pandemic, which means that this virus is very dangerous, so it is best to continue to maintain health and avoid COVID-19.
Pelanggar protokol kesehatan COVID-19harus diberi sanksi
Pelanggar protokol kesehatan COVID-19 harus diberi sanksi. Seperti yang kita ketahui, jumlah orang yang terinfeksi virus covid masih meningkat di negara kita, namun sebagian masyarakat masih mengabaikan protokol kesehatan dengan tidak memakai masker dan menjaga jarak.
Pertama, para pelanggar akan terus mengabaikan protokol kesehatan yang dianjurkan pemerintah jika tidak diberi sanksi. Dengan diberi sanksi, mereka akan merasa jera dan malu sehingga kelak mereka akan mematuhi aturan yang diberikan. Kedua, dengan memberikan sanksi kepada pelanggar, mereka akan memahami tanggung jawab. Tidak hanya mencegah kita dari tertular virus, tetapi dengan mematuhi protokol kesehatan juga membuat orang lain tetap aman. Kita mungkin tidak merasa terinfeksi, tapi setidaknya kita mencegah hal buruk dengan Kedua, dengan memberikan sanksi kepada pelanggar, mereka akan memahami tanggung jawab. Tidak hanya mencegah kita dari tertular virus, tetapi dengan mematuhi protokol kesehatan juga membuat orang lain tetap aman. Kita mungkin tidak merasa tertular, tapi setidaknya kita mencegah hal buruk dengan tetap menjaga jarak dan memakai masker. Dengan begitu, kita akan memenuhi tanggung jawab kita terhadap diri kita sendiri dan orang lain.Terakhir, pemberian sanksi kepada pelanggar akan membuat mereka lebih sadar akan bahaya COVID-19. Dikatakan WHO menyatakan COVID-19 sebagai pandemi, artinya virus ini sangat berbahaya, jadi sebaiknya tetap menjaga kesehatan dan menghindari COVID-19.
Nama:Ni Luh sista purnama Sari
BalasHapusKelas: XIBB3
Legal Reality in Indonesia
Statement of Opinion
Indonesian law actually regulates how criminals are punished according to the law.
However, in reality there are often legal injustices that are very detrimental to various parties. It can be said that the law is sharp downwards, but blunt in the face of corruptors.
It is common knowledge that perpetrators of corruption receive lower punishments than other criminals. There are even some corruptors who receive luxury hotel-class facilities in prison.
We often hear news of thieves being beaten to death by the masses. However, I don't think we've ever heard of a corruptor being beaten to death. On television screens they can even be proud of themselves by showing a smile.
Opinion Reaffirmation
The law in Indonesia is only firm when dealing with small people. For example, we can remember the case of grandmother Asyani.
Just because of the alleged theft of wood, he was threatened with a prison sentence of up to five years. It is clearly unfair when compared to the punishment received by the corruptors.
Ilustrasi hukum.
Realita Hukum di Indonesia
Pernyataan Pendapat
Hukum di Indonesia sebenarnya telah mengatur bagaimana para pelaku tindak kriminal dihukum berdasarkan undang-undang.
Tetapi, kenyataannya sering terjadi ketidakadilan hukum yang sangat merugikan berbagai pihak. Bisa dikatakan hukum tajam ke bawah, tapi tumpul di hadapan para koruptor.
Sudah menjadi rahasia umum bahwa para pelaku korupsi mendapatkan hukuman yang lebih rendah dibandingkan para pelaku kejahatan lainnya. Bahkan ada beberapa koruptor yang menerima fasilitas sekelas hotel mewah di penjara.
Kita sering sekali mendengar berita maling yang dihajar massa sampai tewas. Namun, rasanya kita belum pernah dengar ada koruptor yang dihajar sampai mati. Di layar-layar televisi mereka malah bisa berbangga diri dengan menunjukkan senyumnya.
Penegasan Ulang Pendapat
Hukum di Indonesia hanya tegas ketika berhadapan dengan rakyat kecil saja. Sebagai contoh, kita bisa mengingat kasus nenek Asyani.
Hanya karena dugaan pencurian kayu, beliau terancam hukuman penjara sampai lima tahun. Jelas-jelas tidak adil apabila dibandingkan dengan hukuman yang diterima para koruptor.
Nama:Ni kadek suputri
Students should not Do Cramming
The way students study before the test comes varies. Some of them start to prepare for the test weeks or months before, and some others study in the last hours before the test begins. It is great if they start studying weeks or months before the test, yet if the students study all the material in the last hours or minutes, it is terrible for them. This is what we call cramming.
Cramming is the situation when students stay up all night to study before the test begins. This habit brings negative impacts for some reason. The first reason is it bothers the regular sleep cycle. Less sleep can make students could not concentrate in the class. In addition, cramming leaves students with a memory about something that they have seen before. However, recognizing something is not the same as recalling it.
Besides that, each student has their different sleeping time, so some of them often may use a stimulant for cramming. Additionally, the stimulant such as coffee also gives bad effects to its consumers. It causes many problems such as Caffeine Intoxication Syndrome, anxiety, panic, headaches, and so on.
In conclusion, cramming is terrible because it bothers our regular sleep cycle. It also causes a nuisance in concentrating and can lead us to consume stimulants which are not good for our health
Siswa tidak boleh Melakukan Cramming
Cara siswa belajar sebelum ujian datang berbeda-beda. Beberapa dari mereka mulai mempersiapkan ujian minggu atau bulan sebelumnya, dan beberapa lainnya belajar di jam-jam terakhir sebelum ujian dimulai. Sangat bagus jika mereka mulai belajar beberapa minggu atau bulan sebelum ujian, namun jika siswa mempelajari semua materi dalam jam atau menit terakhir, itu buruk bagi mereka. Inilah yang kita sebut menjejalkan.
Cramming adalah situasi ketika siswa begadang semalaman untuk belajar sebelum ujian dimulai. Kebiasaan ini membawa dampak negatif karena alasan tertentu. Alasan pertama adalah mengganggu siklus tidur yang teratur. Kurang tidur bisa membuat siswa tidak bisa berkonsentrasi di kelas. Selain itu, menjejalkan meninggalkan siswa dengan ingatan tentang sesuatu yang telah mereka lihat sebelumnya. Namun, mengenali sesuatu tidak sama dengan mengingatnya.
Selain itu, setiap siswa memiliki waktu tidur yang berbeda, sehingga beberapa dari mereka mungkin sering menggunakan stimulan untuk menjejalkan. Selain itu, stimulan seperti kopi juga memberikan dampak buruk bagi konsumennya. Ini menyebabkan banyak masalah seperti Sindrom Intoksikasi Kafein, kecemasan, panik, sakit kepala, dan sebagainya.
Kesimpulannya, cramming itu buruk karena mengganggu siklus tidur kita yang teratur. Selain itu juga mengganggu konsentrasi dan dapat menyebabkan kita mengkonsumsi obat perangsang yang tidak baik untuk kesehatan.
Nama:I Komang Trisna Triguna Agustama
BalasHapusKelas:XI IBB 3
No. :12
Ending the stigma
One of the challenges Indonesia has faced in its decades-long fight against HIV/AIDS is the stigma that accompanies the disease. Often, the public takes things into its own hands by sending those who test positive into exile, branding them as a source of problems and a burden.
A similar phenomenon is occurring as the country struggles to contain the spread of COVID-19, which since early March has infected more than 378,000 and killed nearly 13,000. In some countries, the stigma has even developed into prejudice against Asians, simply because the pandemic began in Wuhan, China.
A survey conducted in August by the LaporCOVID-19 (Report COVID-19) community, in collaboration with researchers from the University of Indonesia (UI) Faculty of Psychology, discovered that stigma surrounding COVID-19 patients and survivors did not subside.
Needless to say, ending the pandemic is impossible without addressing the stigmatization and prejudice COVID-19 patients face. To avoid the stigma, many have resisted testing and tracing, refused hospitalization and seized the dead bodies of loved ones from the hospital to prevent them from being buried under COVID-19 protocols.
On Nov. 19, the Jakarta administration will begin enforcing a new bylaw that stipulates a maximum fine of Rp 7.5 million for obstructing measures to tackle contagion, such as refusing polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests, COVID-19 treatment, vaccination or isolation.
Nama:I Made Erianta
BalasHapusKelas:XI IBB3
No. :14
COVID-19 health protocol violators should be sanctioned
COVID-19 health protocol violators should be sanctioned. As we know, the number of people infected with the covid virus is still increasing in our country, but some people still ignore the health protocol by not wearing mask and keeping their distance.
Firstly, the violators will continue to ignore the health protocol suggested by the government if they aren’t sanctioned. By being sanctioned, they will feel deterred and ashamed so that in the future they will obey the rules given.
Secondly, by sanctioning the violators, they will understand responsibility. Not only does it prevent us from being infected by the virus, but adhering to health protocols also keep others safe. We may not feel infected, but at least we prevent bad things by continuing to keep distance and wearing masks. That way, we will fulfill our responsibilities to ourselves and others.
Lastly, giving sanctions to the violators will make them more aware of the danger of COVID-19. It is said that WHO declared COVID-19 a pandemic, which means that this virus is very dangerous, so it is best to continue to maintain health and avoid COVID-19.
Nama : Ni Komang Heni Tria Wati
BalasHapusKelas : XI ibb3
No :25
The Importance Of Education
Thesis :
Education is most important among all of us. Education plays a very important role in your life. For living a luxurious life or for living a better life, you should be educated.
Argument :
Education is that which transforms a person to live a better life and even in a social well being. Education is the one that doing something constructive in our near future. It helps a person to show their best by their mind and spirit. It gives you a lot of knowledge in whatever aspects.
Education plays a vital role in your success in the personal growth. The more you have knowledge the more you grow. Being educated and earning a professional degree prepares you to be a part in reputed organizations, companies or institutions.
Reiteration :
In today’s competitive world education is necessity for man after food, clothing, and shelter. Education is the solution of any problem, it is the only education which promotes good habits, values and awareness towards anything like terrorism, corruption and much more. Education is the strength to a person and education need to a person.
Pentingnya Pendidikan
Pendidikan adalah yang paling penting di antara kita semua. Pendidikan memainkan peran yang sangat penting dalam hidup Anda. Untuk menjalani kehidupan yang mewah atau untuk menjalani kehidupan yang lebih baik, Anda harus dididik.
Pendidikan adalah yang mengubah seseorang untuk menjalani kehidupan yang lebih baik dan bahkan dalam kesejahteraan sosial. Pendidikan adalah salah satu yang melakukan sesuatu yang konstruktif dalam waktu dekat kita. Ini membantu seseorang untuk menunjukkan yang terbaik dengan pikiran dan jiwa mereka. Ini memberi Anda banyak pengetahuan dalam aspek apa pun.
Pendidikan memainkan peran penting dalam kesuksesan Anda dalam pertumbuhan pribadi. Semakin banyak Anda memiliki pengetahuan semakin Anda tumbuh. Dididik dan mendapatkan gelar profesional mempersiapkan Anda untuk menjadi bagian dalam organisasi, perusahaan, atau institusi terkenal.
Dalam persaingan dunia pendidikan saat ini merupakan kebutuhan manusia setelah pangan, sandang, dan papan. Pendidikan adalah solusi dari setiap masalah, itu adalah satu-satunya pendidikan yang mempromosikan kebiasaan baik, nilai-nilai dan kesadaran terhadap hal-hal seperti terorisme, korupsi dan banyak lagi. pendidikan adalah kekuatan bagi seseorang dan kebutuhan pendidikan bagi seseorang.
Nama:Ni ketut puspita wangi
The way students study before the test comes varies. Some of them start to prepare for the test weeks or months before, and some others study in the last hours before the test begins. It is great if they start studying weeks or months before the test, yet if the students study all the material in the last hours or minutes, it is terrible for them. This is what we call cramming.
Cramming is the situation when students stay up all night to study before the test begins. This habit brings negative impacts for some reason. The first reason is it bothers the regular sleep cycle. Less sleep can make students could not concentrate in the class. In addition, cramming leaves students with a memory about something that they have seen before. However, recognizing something is not the same as recalling it.
Besides that, each student has their different sleeping time, so some of them often may use a stimulant for cramming. Additionally, the stimulant such as coffee also gives bad effects to its consumers. It causes many problems such as Caffeine Intoxication Syndrome, anxiety, panic, headaches, and so on.
In conclusion, cramming is terrible because it bothers our regular sleep cycle. It also causes a nuisance in concentrating and can lead us to consume stimulants which are not good for our health
Siswa tidak boleh Melakukan Cramming
Cara siswa belajar sebelum ujian datang berbeda-beda. Beberapa dari mereka mulai mempersiapkan ujian minggu atau bulan sebelumnya, dan beberapa lainnya belajar di jam-jam terakhir sebelum ujian dimulai. Sangat bagus jika mereka mulai belajar beberapa minggu atau bulan sebelum ujian, namun jika siswa mempelajari semua materi dalam jam atau menit terakhir, itu buruk bagi mereka. Inilah yang kita sebut menjejalkan.
Cramming adalah situasi ketika siswa begadang semalaman untuk belajar sebelum ujian dimulai. Kebiasaan ini membawa dampak negatif karena alasan tertentu. Alasan pertama adalah mengganggu siklus tidur yang teratur. Kurang tidur bisa membuat siswa tidak bisa berkonsentrasi di kelas. Selain itu, menjejalkan meninggalkan siswa dengan ingatan tentang sesuatu yang telah mereka lihat sebelumnya. Namun, mengenali sesuatu tidak sama dengan mengingatnya.
Selain itu, setiap siswa memiliki waktu tidur yang berbeda, sehingga beberapa dari mereka mungkin sering menggunakan stimulan untuk menjejalkan. Selain itu, stimulan seperti kopi juga memberikan dampak buruk bagi konsumennya. Ini menyebabkan banyak masalah seperti Sindrom Intoksikasi Kafein, kecemasan, panik, sakit kepala, dan sebagainya.
Kesimpulannya, cramming itu buruk karena mengganggu siklus tidur kita yang teratur. Selain itu juga mengganggu konsentrasi dan dapat menyebabkan kita mengkonsumsi obat perangsang yang tidak baik untuk kesehatan.
Nama:Ni Nyoman Jemi
BalasHapusKelas:XI BB3
No ab:32
1. SOCIAL FUNCTION (Fungsi social)
To persuade the readers that something is the main case. (Untuk membujuk/mengajak pembaca bahwa sesuatu tersebut merupakan masalah yang utama/penting)
1). Thesis
It introduces topics and indicates the writer’s opinion/position. It states the writer’s point of view about the topic discussed. (Memperkenalkan topic dan menunjukkan pendapat/posisi penulis. Menyatakan sudut pandang penulis tentang topic yang didiskusikan).
2). Arguments
Arguments support the thesis. The number of arguments is various and supported by evidence and explanation. (Argumen berisi pendapat yang mendukung/menjelaskan tesis. Jumlah argument bervariasi dan harus didukung oleh fakta dan penjelasan).
3). Reiteration
It restates/conclude the point of view of the writer. It strengthens the thesis. (Menyatakan kembali/menyimpulkan sudut pandang penulis dan memperkuat tesis/topic).
The following phrases are usually used:
a. From the fact above, …
b. I personally believe. …
c. Therefore, my conclusion is that …
d. I conclude tthat …
The pandemic corona virus has infected more people and invited more victims. People should stay home to ban the pandemic disease. There are some reasons for that.
The first, people should stay home because if they have physical contact, people will be easier infected each other.
The second, people have to stay home so for the people who has been infected can't take the virus to infect others.
The last, staying home make people cure themselves instead of infect the others.
From the reason above, staying at home is the best way to stop this pandemic disease causes more victims.
The structure of the text:
The pandemic corona virus has infected more people and invited more victims. People should stay home to ban the pandemic disease. There are some reasons for that.
The first, people should stay home because if they have physical contact, people will be easier infected each other.
The second, people have to stay home so for the people who has been infected can't take the virus to infect others.
The last, staying home make people cure themselves instead of infect the others.
From the reason above, staying at home is the best way to stop this pandemic disease causes more victims
Nama: I Ketut Sukla Ariawan
BalasHapusKelas: XI BB 3
No: 10
The Importance of Breakfast
Why is breakfast important? “Breakfast like a King, Lunch like a Prince and Dine like a Pauper” It’s a well known phrase, but do you follow it?
Breakfast provides many benefits to our health and wellbeing. Breakfast provides the body and brain with fuel after an overnight fast – that’s where its name originates, breaking the fast! Without breakfast you are effectively running on empty, like trying to start the car with no petrol!
Breakfast support cognitive function. Breakfast also restores glucose levels, an essential carbohydrate that is needed for the brain to function. Breakfast provides energy, studies have shown how eating breakfast can improve memory and concentration levels and it can also make us happier as it can improve mood and lower stress levels.
Breakfast provides energy needs. People’s energy needs vary depending on activity levels and life stage but typically men require more energy than women. Growing children require a lot of energy, as an example boys aged 7-10 years should consume approximately 1970 kcals per day, and girls aged 7-10 years should consume approximately 1740 kcals.
Breakfast is very important because it can increase energy before we start our daily activities
Breakfast is also very important for brain performance, because when we don't have breakfast it can hinder brain performance
From the above reasons, breakfast is very important for everyone because it can help brain performance during daily activities
Pentingnya Sarapan
Mengapa sarapan penting? “Sarapan layaknya seorang Raja, Makan siang seperti Pangeran dan Dine seperti Orang Biasa” Ini adalah frasa yang terkenal, tetapi apakah Anda mengikutinya?
Sarapan menyediakan banyak manfaat bagi kesehatan dan kesejahteraan kita. Sarapan menyediakan tubuh dan otak dengan bahan bakar setelah puasa semalam - di situlah namanya berasal, berbuka puasa! Tanpa sarapan Anda secara efektif berjalan dengan kosong, seperti mencoba menyalakan mobil tanpa bensin!
Sarapan mendukung fungsi kognitif. Sarapan juga mengembalikan kadar glukosa, karbohidrat penting yang dibutuhkan otak untuk berfungsi. Sarapan menyediakan energi, penelitian telah menunjukkan bagaimana makan sarapan dapat meningkatkan tingkat memori dan konsentrasi dan juga dapat membuat kita lebih bahagia karena dapat meningkatkan suasana hati dan menurunkan tingkat stres.
Sarapan menyediakan kebutuhan energi. Kebutuhan energi seseorang bervariasi tergantung pada tingkat aktivitas dan tahap kehidupan, tetapi biasanya pria membutuhkan lebih banyak energi daripada wanita. Anak yang sedang tumbuh membutuhkan banyak energi, sebagai contoh anak laki-laki yang berusia 7-10 tahun harus mengkonsumsi sekitar 1970 kkal per hari, dan anak perempuan yang berusia 7-10 tahun harus mengkonsumsi sekitar 1.740 kkal
Sarapan sangat penting karena dapat menambah tenaga sebelum kita memulai beraktivitas sehari hari
Sarapan juga sangat penting bagi kinerja otak , karena saat kita tidak sarapan dapat menghabat kinerja pada otak
Penegasan ulang pendapat
Dari alasan diatas sarapan itu sangat penting bagi semua orang karena dapat membatu kinerja otak saat beraktivitas sehari- hari
The pandemic corona virus has infected more people and invited more victims. People should stay home to ban the pandemic disease. There are some reasons for that.
BalasHapusThe first, people should stay home because if they have physical contact, people will be easier infected each other.
Nama : I md hendra gunawan
Kelas : xl ips 2
No : 18
Nama : i ketut septiawan
BalasHapusNo : 11
Kls : Xl ips 1
COVID-19 health protocol violators should be sanctioned
COVID -19 health protocol violators should be sanctioned. As we know, the number of people infected with the covid virus is still increasing in our country, but some people still ignore the health protocol by not wearing mask and keeping their distance.
Firstly, the violators will continue to ignore the health protocol suggested by the government if they aren't sanctioned. By being sanctioned, they will feel deterred and ashamed so that in the future they will obey the rules given. Secondly, by sanctioning the violators, they will understand responsibility. Not only does it prevent us from being infected by the virus, but adhering to health protocols also keep others safe. We may not feel infected, but at least we prevent bad things by Secondly, by sanctioning the violators, they will understand responsibility. Not only does it prevent us from being infected by the virus, but adhering to health protocols also keep others safe. We may not feel infected, but at least we prevent bad things by continuing to keep distance and wearing masks. That way, we will fulfill our responsibilities to ourselves and others.Lastly, giving sanctions to the violators will make them more aware of the danger of COVID-19. It is said that WHO declared COVID-19 a pandemic, which means that this virus is very dangerous, so it is best to continue to maintain health and avoid COVID-19.
Pelanggar protokol kesehatan COVID-19harus diberi sanksi
Pelanggar protokol kesehatan COVID-19 harus diberi sanksi. Seperti yang kita ketahui, jumlah orang yang terinfeksi virus covid masih meningkat di negara kita, namun sebagian masyarakat masih mengabaikan protokol kesehatan dengan tidak memakai masker dan menjaga jarak.
Pertama, para pelanggar akan terus mengabaikan protokol kesehatan yang dianjurkan pemerintah jika tidak diberi sanksi. Dengan diberi sanksi, mereka akan merasa jera dan malu sehingga kelak mereka akan mematuhi aturan yang diberikan. Kedua, dengan memberikan sanksi kepada pelanggar, mereka akan memahami tanggung jawab. Tidak hanya mencegah kita dari tertular virus, tetapi dengan mematuhi protokol kesehatan juga membuat orang lain tetap aman. Kita mungkin tidak merasa terinfeksi, tapi setidaknya kita mencegah hal buruk dengan Kedua, dengan memberikan sanksi kepada pelanggar, mereka akan memahami tanggung jawab. Tidak hanya mencegah kita dari tertular virus, tetapi dengan mematuhi protokol kesehatan juga membuat orang lain tetap aman. Kita mungkin tidak merasa tertular, tapi setidaknya kita mencegah hal buruk dengan tetap menjaga jarak dan memakai masker. Dengan begitu, kita akan memenuhi tanggung jawab kita terhadap diri kita sendiri dan orang lain.Terakhir, pemberian sanksi kepada pelanggar akan membuat mereka lebih sadar akan bahaya COVID-19. Dikatakan WHO menyatakan COVID-19 sebagai pandemi, artinya virus ini sangat berbahaya, jadi sebaiknya tetap menjaga kesehatan dan menghindari COVID-19.
Java-Bali Emergency PPKM
BalasHapusThe central government decided to implement Emergency PPKM on the islands of Java and Bali to suppress the surge in coronavirus cases. It will be implemented for two weeks, namely throughout July 3-20.
Regional heads are required to carry out Emergency PPKM according to central directions. Otherwise, sanctions will be given. If repeatedly given sanctions, the regional head concerned is threatened with dismissal
During Emergency PPKM, places of worship and sports facilities as well as shopping centers are closed. Companies are prohibited from hiring their employees in the office or working from home.
Restaurants, cafes and street vendors are not allowed to eat on the premises. Public transportation is a maximum of 70 percent with the implementation of stricter health protocols.
Supermarkets, traditional markets, grocery stores, supermarkets selling daily products are limited to 20.00 WIB and have a 50 percent visitor capacity.
Hoax Sanctions During Emergency PPKM
The government has threatened to take legal action against hoax spreaders around Covid-19 during the Emergency PPKM. The Attorney General's Office will take action against the hoax spreaders.
Java-Bali Emergency PPKM
10,553 RT in DKI Rawan
The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government noted that there were 10,553 neighborhood units (RT) zones prone to the spread of the corona virus in the capital. The entire RT is spread throughout the Jakarta area, including the Thousand Islands. According to the website, this RT data is the basis for calculating the tight control area for the period from June 28 to July 4, 2021.
DPR Member Rejects Quarantine
Member of the Indonesian House of Representatives from the National Mandate Party (PAN) faction, Guspardi Gaus, refused to be quarantined after returning from Kyrgyzstan. He argued that his departure to Kyrgyzstan was only a visit and not for a long time.
Guspardi even attended a meeting of the Papua Special Autonomy Law Draft Working Committee (Panja RUU Otsus) at the Indonesian Parliament Building, Jakarta, Thursday (1/7).
Patient Treated on Floor
RSUD dr Soetomo, Surabaya, East Java, experienced an overcapacity of Covid-19 patients, so patients had to be treated on the floor of the hospital area. This can also be seen in photos spread on social media. Director of RSUD dr Soetomo, Joni Wahyuhadi, confirmed the photos that were spread. He said the picture was a portrait of the emergency room which was overcapacity.
Name : I Putu Gede Agus Pratama
Nama:Ni Komang ayu triana Dewi
Congestion and the Future of the City
Statement of opinion
Transportation is a necessity for various social and economic activities. Different types of social and economic activities will have different impacts on transportation activities.
Daily transportation activities relatively cause repetitive movements, for example, occurs in workers and people who are studying at schools or campuses.
In the city of Yogyakarta, traffic jams occur almost every day at points that are the main movement routes for office workers to work locations, as well as students and students heading to schools and campuses.
Traffic jams that are repeated over a longer period of time tend to occur during the holiday season and before the holidays. At the stage of the homecoming and return flow, severe traffic jams will occur on roads outside the city, such as Jalan Magelang, Jalan Solo, and Jalan Wates.
During this time, congestion can also be felt in the city center as tourist destinations and places to stay, such as Malioboro, Prawirotaman, as well as roads leading to tourist attractions such as Parangtritis.
Opinion Reaffirmation
The dominant congestion is generally caused by community activities in the internal sphere. Efforts to bring the location of residence closer to the location of activities are one of the solutions that can be applied. If not, then the congestion will continue to repeat and will have an impact on the community itself.
Masa Depan Kota
Pernyataan pendapat
Transportasi merupakan kebutuhan dari berbagai kegiatan sosial maupun ekonomi. Tipe kegiatan sosial maupun ekonomi yang berbeda akan memiliki dampak kegiatan transportasi yang berbeda pula.
Kegiatan transportasi harian relatif menimbulkan pergerakan yang sifatnya berulang, misalnya terjadi pada para pekerja dan orang-orang yang menempuh pendidikan di sekolah atau kampus.
Di Kota Yogyakarta, kemacetan terjadi hampir setiap hari di titik-titik yang menjadi jalur pergerakan utama para pekerja kantoran menuju lokasi kerja, serta siswa dan mahasiswa yang menuju sekolah dan kampus.
Kemacetan yang berulang dalam jangka waktu yang lebih panjang, cenderung terjadi pada musim liburan dan menjelang hari raya. Pada tahap arus mudik dan arus balik, kemacetan parah akan terjadi di jalan-jalan arah luar kota, seperti Jalan Magelang, Jalan Solo, dan Jalan Wates.
Dalam rentang waktu tersebut, kemacetan juga dapat dirasakan di pusat kota sebagai tujuan wisata dan tempat menginap seperti Malioboro, Prawirotaman, serta jalan-jalan yang menuju objek wisata seperti Parangtritis.
Penegasan Ulang Pendapat
Kemacetan yang dominan umumnya ditimbulkan oleh aktivitas masyarakat dalam lingkup internal. Upaya mendekatkan lokasi tempat tinggal dengan lokasi kegiatan merupakan satu di antara solusi yang dapat diterapkan. Jika tidak, maka kemacetan akan terus berulang dan akan memberikan dampak pada masyarakat
Congestion and the Future of the City
BalasHapusStatement of opinion
Transportation is a necessity for various social and economic activities. Different types of social and economic activities will have different impacts on transportation activities.
Daily transportation activities relatively cause repetitive movements, for example, occurs in workers and people who are studying at schools or campuses.
In the city of Yogyakarta, traffic jams occur almost every day at points that are the main movement routes for office workers to work locations, as well as students and students heading to schools and campuses.
Traffic jams that are repeated over a longer period of time tend to occur during the holiday season and before the holidays. At the stage of the homecoming and return flow, severe traffic jams will occur on roads outside the city, such as Jalan Magelang, Jalan Solo, and Jalan Wates.
During this time, congestion can also be felt in the city center as tourist destinations and places to stay, such as Malioboro, Prawirotaman, as well as roads leading to tourist attractions such as Parangtritis.
Opinion Reaffirmation
The dominant congestion is generally caused by community activities in the internal sphere. Efforts to bring the location of residence closer to the location of activities are one of the solutions that can be applied. If not, then the congestion will continue to repeat and will have an impact on the community itself.
Masa Depan Kota
Pernyataan pendapat
Transportasi merupakan kebutuhan dari berbagai kegiatan sosial maupun ekonomi. Tipe kegiatan sosial maupun ekonomi yang berbeda akan memiliki dampak kegiatan transportasi yang berbeda pula.
Kegiatan transportasi harian relatif menimbulkan pergerakan yang sifatnya berulang, misalnya terjadi pada para pekerja dan orang-orang yang menempuh pendidikan di sekolah atau kampus.
Di Kota Yogyakarta, kemacetan terjadi hampir setiap hari di titik-titik yang menjadi jalur pergerakan utama para pekerja kantoran menuju lokasi kerja, serta siswa dan mahasiswa yang menuju sekolah dan kampus.
Kemacetan yang berulang dalam jangka waktu yang lebih panjang, cenderung terjadi pada musim liburan dan menjelang hari raya. Pada tahap arus mudik dan arus balik, kemacetan parah akan terjadi di jalan-jalan arah luar kota, seperti Jalan Magelang, Jalan Solo, dan Jalan Wates.
Dalam rentang waktu tersebut, kemacetan juga dapat dirasakan di pusat kota sebagai tujuan wisata dan tempat menginap seperti Malioboro, Prawirotaman, serta jalan-jalan yang menuju objek wisata seperti Parangtritis.
Penegasan Ulang Pendapat
Kemacetan yang dominan umumnya ditimbulkan oleh aktivitas masyarakat dalam lingkup internal. Upaya mendekatkan lokasi tempat tinggal dengan lokasi kegiatan merupakan satu di antara solusi yang dapat diterapkan. Jika tidak, maka kemacetan akan terus berulang dan akan memberikan dampak pada masyarakat
BalasHapusKLS:Xlips 2
Congestion and the Future of the City
Statement of opinion
Transportation is a necessity for various social and economic activities. Different types of social and economic activities will have different impacts on transportation activities.
Daily transportation activities relatively cause repetitive movements, for example, occurs in workers and people who are studying at schools or campuses.
In the city of Yogyakarta, traffic jams occur almost every day at points that are the main movement routes for office workers to work locations, as well as students and students heading to schools and campuses.
Traffic jams that are repeated over a longer period of time tend to occur during the holiday season and before the holidays. At the stage of the homecoming and return flow, severe traffic jams will occur on roads outside the city, such as Jalan Magelang, Jalan Solo, and Jalan Wates.
During this time, congestion can also be felt in the city center as tourist destinations and places to stay, such as Malioboro, Prawirotaman, as well as roads leading to tourist attractions such as Parangtritis.
Opinion Reaffirmation
The dominant congestion is generally caused by community activities in the internal sphere. Efforts to bring the location of residence closer to the location of activities are one of the solutions that can be applied. If not, then the congestion will continue to repeat and will have an impact on the community itself.
Masa Depan Kota
Pernyataan pendapat
Transportasi merupakan kebutuhan dari berbagai kegiatan sosial maupun ekonomi. Tipe kegiatan sosial maupun ekonomi yang berbeda akan memiliki dampak kegiatan transportasi yang berbeda pula.
Kegiatan transportasi harian relatif menimbulkan pergerakan yang sifatnya berulang, misalnya terjadi pada para pekerja dan orang-orang yang menempuh pendidikan di sekolah atau kampus.
Di Kota Yogyakarta, kemacetan terjadi hampir setiap hari di titik-titik yang menjadi jalur pergerakan utama para pekerja kantoran menuju lokasi kerja, serta siswa dan mahasiswa yang menuju sekolah dan kampus.
Kemacetan yang berulang dalam jangka waktu yang lebih panjang, cenderung terjadi pada musim liburan dan menjelang hari raya. Pada tahap arus mudik dan arus balik, kemacetan parah akan terjadi di jalan-jalan arah luar kota, seperti Jalan Magelang, Jalan Solo, dan Jalan Wates.
Dalam rentang waktu tersebut, kemacetan juga dapat dirasakan di pusat kota sebagai tujuan wisata dan tempat menginap seperti Malioboro, Prawirotaman, serta jalan-jalan yang menuju objek wisata seperti Parangtritis.
Penegasan Ulang Pendapat
Kemacetan yang dominan umumnya ditimbulkan oleh aktivitas masyarakat dalam lingkup internal. Upaya mendekatkan lokasi tempat tinggal dengan lokasi kegiatan merupakan satu di antara solusi yang dapat diterapkan. Jika tidak, maka kemacetan akan terus berulang dan akan memberikan dampak pada masyarakat
Name :I Gede Sudarma Yasa
BalasHapusGrade :XI.BB3
Statement of Opinion (Thesis)
Acquiring knowledge and learning is the most important first thing of an education. We can gain knowledge about the world around us through education. It will make our perspective more developed in looking at this life.Therefore, we will be helped in viewing and building opinions on a matter related to life. Many argue whether education is the only way to acquire knowledge? There are also those who say that education is the process of getting information about the world around them. While knowledge is another different matter.
Education helps humans to be able to interpret various kinds of things that they feel. Education is not limited only to rhymes in textbooks or mathematical calculations. Education is more than that, education is about life lessons. Education is important because it teaches humans how to behave properly and correctly. So that education makes people live a more civilized life. Education is the basis of civilization and culture. Education is important in developing human values and morals.Cultivate us to become more mature individuals, individuals who are able to make the right decisions and plan for the future. Education gives humans the insight to learn from every experience. Education is also very important for economic growth. It can foster the principles of justice and welfare. So that the future of the nation will be bright in the hands of educated people. Education is important because it equips people with everything they need to make dreams come true. Education opens the door to bright career opportunities and brighter prospects in a career. We can see a real example, companies need prospective employees with good education, who have expertise. So, education has become the eligibility criteria in the world of work and industry. In the job market, a person is judged on his educational skills and how well he can implement them.Schools and universities are the determinants of the basic framework of education. Schools teach people about the basics of life and introduce specific areas of interest. But education does not end here. This is a lifelong process. Self-study is a starting point that marks the end of education at an institution.
In this way, education is very important in human life. Because education is able to provide various kinds of knowledge that can lead people to their dreams in life. Education is not only obtained through formal schools, but from life itself such as building good morals and culture.
Nama : i Komang adinde
BalasHapusKls : xl ips2
No : 10
COVID-19 health protocol violators should be sanctioned
COVID -19 health protocol violators should be sanctioned. As we know, the number of people infected with the covid virus is still increasing in our country, but some people still ignore the health protocol by not wearing mask and keeping their distance.
Firstly, the violators will continue to ignore the health protocol suggested by the government if they aren't sanctioned. By being sanctioned, they will feel deterred and ashamed so that in the future they will obey the rules given. Secondly, by sanctioning the violators, they will understand responsibility. Not only does it prevent us from being infected by the virus, but adhering to health protocols also keep others safe. We may not feel infected, but at least we prevent bad things by Secondly, by sanctioning the violators, they will understand responsibility. Not only does it prevent us from being infected by the virus, but adhering to health protocols also keep others safe. We may not feel infected, but at least we prevent bad things by continuing to keep distance and wearing masks. That way, we will fulfill our responsibilities to ourselves and others.Lastly, giving sanctions to the violators will make them more aware of the danger of COVID-19. It is said that WHO declared COVID-19 a pandemic, which means that this virus is very dangerous, so it is best to continue to maintain health and avoid COVID-19.
Pelanggar protokol kesehatan COVID-19harus diberi sanksi
Pelanggar protokol kesehatan COVID-19 harus diberi sanksi. Seperti yang kita ketahui, jumlah orang yang terinfeksi virus covid masih meningkat di negara kita, namun sebagian masyarakat masih mengabaikan protokol kesehatan dengan tidak memakai masker dan menjaga jarak.
Pertama, para pelanggar akan terus mengabaikan protokol kesehatan yang dianjurkan pemerintah jika tidak diberi sanksi. Dengan diberi sanksi, mereka akan merasa jera dan malu sehingga kelak mereka akan mematuhi aturan yang diberikan. Kedua, dengan memberikan sanksi kepada pelanggar, mereka akan memahami tanggung jawab. Tidak hanya mencegah kita dari tertular virus, tetapi dengan mematuhi protokol kesehatan juga membuat orang lain tetap aman. Kita mungkin tidak merasa terinfeksi, tapi setidaknya kita mencegah hal buruk dengan Kedua, dengan memberikan sanksi kepada pelanggar, mereka akan memahami tanggung jawab. Tidak hanya mencegah kita dari tertular virus, tetapi dengan mematuhi protokol kesehatan juga membuat orang lain tetap aman. Kita mungkin tidak merasa tertular, tapi setidaknya kita mencegah hal buruk dengan tetap menjaga jarak dan memakai masker. Dengan begitu, kita akan memenuhi tanggung jawab kita terhadap diri kita sendiri dan orang lain.Terakhir, pemberian sanksi kepada pelanggar akan membuat mereka lebih sadar akan bahaya COVID-19. Dikatakan WHO menyatakan COVID-19 sebagai pandemi, artinya virus ini sangat berbahaya, jadi sebaiknya tetap menjaga kesehatan dan menghindari COVID-19.
Nama :ni kadek okviyanti
BalasHapusKls: xl ips2
The way students study before the test comes varies. Some of them start to prepare for the test weeks or months before, and some others study in the last hours before the test begins. It is great if they start studying weeks or months before the test, yet if the students study all the material in the last hours or minutes, it is terrible for them. This is what we call cramming.
Cramming is the situation when students stay up all night to study before the test begins. This habit brings negative impacts for some reason. The first reason is it bothers the regular sleep cycle. Less sleep can make students could not concentrate in the class. In addition, cramming leaves students with a memory about something that they have seen before. However, recognizing something is not the same as recalling it.
Besides that, each student has their different sleeping time, so some of them often may use a stimulant for cramming. Additionally, the stimulant such as coffee also gives bad effects to its consumers. It causes many problems such as Caffeine Intoxication Syndrome, anxiety, panic, headaches, and so on.
In conclusion, cramming is terrible because it bothers our regular sleep cycle. It also causes a nuisance in concentrating and can lead us to consume stimulants which are not good for our health
Siswa tidak boleh Melakukan Cramming
Cara siswa belajar sebelum ujian datang berbeda-beda. Beberapa dari mereka mulai mempersiapkan ujian minggu atau bulan sebelumnya, dan beberapa lainnya belajar di jam-jam terakhir sebelum ujian dimulai. Sangat bagus jika mereka mulai belajar beberapa minggu atau bulan sebelum ujian, namun jika siswa mempelajari semua materi dalam jam atau menit terakhir, itu buruk bagi mereka. Inilah yang kita sebut menjejalkan.
Cramming adalah situasi ketika siswa begadang semalaman untuk belajar sebelum ujian dimulai. Kebiasaan ini membawa dampak negatif karena alasan tertentu. Alasan pertama adalah mengganggu siklus tidur yang teratur. Kurang tidur bisa membuat siswa tidak bisa berkonsentrasi di kelas. Selain itu, menjejalkan meninggalkan siswa dengan ingatan tentang sesuatu yang telah mereka lihat sebelumnya. Namun, mengenali sesuatu tidak sama dengan mengingatnya.
Selain itu, setiap siswa memiliki waktu tidur yang berbeda, sehingga beberapa dari mereka mungkin sering menggunakan stimulan untuk menjejalkan. Selain itu, stimulan seperti kopi juga memberikan dampak buruk bagi konsumennya. Ini menyebabkan banyak masalah seperti Sindrom Intoksikasi Kafein, kecemasan, panik, sakit kepala, dan sebagainya.
Kesimpulannya, cramming itu buruk karena mengganggu siklus tidur kita yang teratur. Selain itu juga mengganggu konsentrasi dan dapat menyebabkan kita mengkonsumsi obat perangsang yang tidak baik untuk kesehatan.
Nama : NI Komang puspita dewi
BalasHapusKelas: XI.IBB3
NO. : 26
Violators of the COVID-19 health protocol must be punished
Violators of the COVID-19 health protocol must be punished. As we know, the number of people infected with the covid virus is still increasing in our country, but some people still ignore health protocols by not wearing masks and keeping a distance.
First, violators will continue to ignore the health protocols recommended by the government if they are not sanctioned. By being sanctioned, they will feel deterred and embarrassed so that later they will obey the rules given.
Second, by giving sanctions to violators, they will understand responsibility. Not only does it prevent us from contracting the virus, but by complying with health protocols it also keeps others safe. We may not feel infected, but at least we prevent bad things by keeping our distance and wearing masks. That way, we will fulfill our responsibilities towards ourselves and others
In conclusion, we must obey government regulations regarding health protocols, if anyone violates the health protocol, they must be given sanctions so they don't get confused with the health protocol
Pelanggar protokol kesehatan COVID-19 harus diberi sanksi
Pelanggar protokol kesehatan COVID-19 harus diberi sanksi. Seperti yang kita ketahui, jumlah orang yang terinfeksi virus covid masih meningkat di negara kita, namun sebagian masyarakat masih mengabaikan protokol kesehatan dengan tidak memakai masker dan menjaga jarak.
Pertama, para pelanggar akan terus mengabaikan protokol kesehatan yang dianjurkan pemerintah jika tidak diberi sanksi. Dengan diberi sanksi, mereka akan merasa jera dan malu sehingga kelak mereka akan mematuhi aturan yang diberikan.
Kedua, dengan memberikan sanksi kepada pelanggar, mereka akan memahami tanggung jawab. Tidak hanya mencegah kita dari tertular virus, tetapi dengan mematuhi protokol kesehatan juga membuat orang lain tetap aman. Kita mungkin tidak merasa tertular, tapi setidaknya kita mencegah hal buruk dengan tetap menjaga jarak dan memakai masker. Dengan begitu, kita akan memenuhi tanggung jawab kita terhadap diri kita sendiri dan orang lain
kesimpulannya kita harus patuhi peraturan pemerintah tentang protokol kesehatan jika ada yang melanggar protokol kesehatan harus diberikan sanksi agar tidak abay dengan protokol kesehatan
Example of exposition text + structure.
EN:The pandemic corona virus has infected more vietims.People should stay home to ban the pandemic disensi.There are some reason for that.
IND:Pandemi corona virus sudah mengiyeksi banyak orang dan sudah mengundang banyak korban, orang-orang harus tetap berada didalam rumah untuk menghilangkan penyakit pandemi ini,adapaun alasannya yaitu: Arguments.
EN:The first, people should stay home because if they have physical contac, people have to stay home so for the people who has been if,fected can't take the virus to infeent others.The last,staying home make people cure theme selues instead of infect the others.
IND: Pertama, orang-orang harus tetap berada di rumah karena jika mereka melakukan kontak fisik, orang-orang menjadi lebih mudah terinveksi.Kedua orang-orang perlu berada dirumah,lalu kepada orang yang sudah terinveksi tidak bisa menularkan virusnya kepada orang lain terakhir berada di rumah membuat orang-orang pulih dengan sendirinya alih-alih menularkanya kepada orang lain reitration.
EN:From the reason above,staying at home is the best way to stop this pandemic disease cause more victims.
IND: Dari alasan diatas, tetap berada didalam rumah adalah jalan terbaik untuk menghentikan pandemi yang menyebabkan banyak korban.
Nama : Ni Kadek Rina Rianti
BalasHapusNo : 20
Kelas : Xl BB3
1. Thesis : Bullying is unwanted aggressive behavior among school-age children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, from time to time. Both children who are bullied and those who bully others may have serious and lasting problems
2 . Argument : Verbal bullying is saying or writing meaningful things. Verbal bullying includes ridicule, name-calling, inappropriate sexual comments, ridicule and threats to harm. Whereas social bullying, sometimes referred to as relational bullying, involves hurting someone's reputation or relationships. And physical bullying involves hurting someone's body or property.
3 . Repetition : Bullying can affect everyone, those who are bullied, those who bully, and those who witness bullying. Bullying is associated with many negative outcomes including impacts on mental health, drug use, and death.
1 . Tesis : Bullying adalah perilaku agresif yang tidak diinginkan di antara anak-anak usia sekolah yang melibatkan ketidakseimbangan kekuatan yang nyata atau yang dirasakan. Perilaku tersebut berulang, atau berpotensi untuk diulang, dari waktu ke waktu. Baik anak-anak yang ditindas maupun yang menindas orang lain mungkin memiliki masalah yang serius dan bertahan lama
2. Argumen : Bullying verbal adalah mengatakan atau menulis hal-hal yang berarti. Bullying verbal termasuk ejekan, pemanggilan nama, komentar seksual yang tidak pantas, ejekan dan ancaman untuk menyakiti. Sedangkan intimidasi sosial, kadang-kadang disebut sebagai intimidasi relasional, melibatkan menyakiti reputasi atau hubungan seseorang. Dan intimidasi fisik melibatkan menyakiti tubuh atau harta benda seseorang.
3 . Pengulangan :
Kesimpulannya Bullying dapat mempengaruhi semua orang, mereka yang di-bully, mereka yang mem-bully, dan mereka yang menyaksikan bullying. Bullying terkait dengan banyak hasil negatif termasuk dampak pada kesehatan mental, penggunaan narkoba, dan kematian.
The Importance of Breakfast
BalasHapusWhy is breakfast important? “Breakfast like a King, Lunch like a Prince and Dine like a Pauper” It’s a well known phrase, but do you follow it?
Breakfast provides many benefits to our health and wellbeing. Breakfast provides the body and brain with fuel after an overnight fast – that’s where its name originates, breaking the fast! Without breakfast you are effectively running on empty, like trying to start the car with no petrol!
Breakfast support cognitive function. Breakfast also restores glucose levels, an essential carbohydrate that is needed for the brain to function. Breakfast provides energy, studies have shown how eating breakfast can improve memory and concentration levels and it can also make us happier as it can improve mood and lower stress levels.
Breakfast provides energy needs. People’s energy needs vary depending on activity levels and life stage but typically men require more energy than women. Growing children require a lot of energy, as an example boys aged 7-10 years should consume approximately 1970 kcals per day, and girls aged 7-10 years should consume approximately 1740 kcals.
Breakfast is very important because it can increase energy before we start our daily activities
Breakfast is also very important for brain performance, because when we don't have breakfast it can hinder brain performance
From the above reasons, breakfast is very important for everyone because it can help brain performance during daily activities
Pentingnya Sarapan
Mengapa sarapan penting? “Sarapan layaknya seorang Raja, Makan siang seperti Pangeran dan Dine seperti Orang Biasa” Ini adalah frasa yang terkenal, tetapi apakah Anda mengikutinya?
Sarapan menyediakan banyak manfaat bagi kesehatan dan kesejahteraan kita. Sarapan menyediakan tubuh dan otak dengan bahan bakar setelah puasa semalam - di situlah namanya berasal, berbuka puasa! Tanpa sarapan Anda secara efektif berjalan dengan kosong, seperti mencoba menyalakan mobil tanpa bensin!
Sarapan mendukung fungsi kognitif. Sarapan juga mengembalikan kadar glukosa, karbohidrat penting yang dibutuhkan otak untuk berfungsi. Sarapan menyediakan energi, penelitian telah menunjukkan bagaimana makan sarapan dapat meningkatkan tingkat memori dan konsentrasi dan juga dapat membuat kita lebih bahagia karena dapat meningkatkan suasana hati dan menurunkan tingkat stres.
Sarapan menyediakan kebutuhan energi. Kebutuhan energi seseorang bervariasi tergantung pada tingkat aktivitas dan tahap kehidupan, tetapi biasanya pria membutuhkan lebih banyak energi daripada wanita. Anak yang sedang tumbuh membutuhkan banyak energi, sebagai contoh anak laki-laki yang berusia 7-10 tahun harus mengkonsumsi sekitar 1970 kkal per hari, dan anak perempuan yang berusia 7-10 tahun harus mengkonsumsi sekitar 1.740 kkal
Sarapan sangat penting karena dapat menambah tenaga sebelum kita memulai beraktivitas sehari hari
Sarapan juga sangat penting bagi kinerja otak , karena saat kita tidak sarapan dapat menghabat kinerja pada otak
Penegasan ulang pendapat
Dari alasan diatas sarapan itu sangat penting bagi semua orang karena dapat membatu kinerja otak saat beraktivitas sehari- hari
Nama: I gede priya samhita kori
BalasHapusKelas: XI BB 3
No: 1
The Importance of Breakfast
Why is breakfast important? “Breakfast like a King, Lunch like a Prince and Dine like a Pauper” It’s a well known phrase, but do you follow it?
Breakfast provides many benefits to our health and wellbeing. Breakfast provides the body and brain with fuel after an overnight fast – that’s where its name originates, breaking the fast! Without breakfast you are effectively running on empty, like trying to start the car with no petrol!
Breakfast support cognitive function. Breakfast also restores glucose levels, an essential carbohydrate that is needed for the brain to function. Breakfast provides energy, studies have shown how eating breakfast can improve memory and concentration levels and it can also make us happier as it can improve mood and lower stress levels.
Breakfast provides energy needs. People’s energy needs vary depending on activity levels and life stage but typically men require more energy than women. Growing children require a lot of energy, as an example boys aged 7-10 years should consume approximately 1970 kcals per day, and girls aged 7-10 years should consume approximately 1740 kcals.
Breakfast is very important because it can increase energy before we start our daily activities
Breakfast is also very important for brain performance, because when we don't have breakfast it can hinder brain performance
From the above reasons, breakfast is very important for everyone because it can help brain performance during daily activities
Pentingnya Sarapan
Mengapa sarapan penting? “Sarapan layaknya seorang Raja, Makan siang seperti Pangeran dan Dine seperti Orang Biasa” Ini adalah frasa yang terkenal, tetapi apakah Anda mengikutinya?
Sarapan menyediakan banyak manfaat bagi kesehatan dan kesejahteraan kita. Sarapan menyediakan tubuh dan otak dengan bahan bakar setelah puasa semalam - di situlah namanya berasal, berbuka puasa! Tanpa sarapan Anda secara efektif berjalan dengan kosong, seperti mencoba menyalakan mobil tanpa bensin!
Sarapan mendukung fungsi kognitif. Sarapan juga mengembalikan kadar glukosa, karbohidrat penting yang dibutuhkan otak untuk berfungsi. Sarapan menyediakan energi, penelitian telah menunjukkan bagaimana makan sarapan dapat meningkatkan tingkat memori dan konsentrasi dan juga dapat membuat kita lebih bahagia karena dapat meningkatkan suasana hati dan menurunkan tingkat stres.
Sarapan menyediakan kebutuhan energi. Kebutuhan energi seseorang bervariasi tergantung pada tingkat aktivitas dan tahap kehidupan, tetapi biasanya pria membutuhkan lebih banyak energi daripada wanita. Anak yang sedang tumbuh membutuhkan banyak energi, sebagai contoh anak laki-laki yang berusia 7-10 tahun harus mengkonsumsi sekitar 1970 kkal per hari, dan anak perempuan yang berusia 7-10 tahun harus mengkonsumsi sekitar 1.740 kkal
Sarapan sangat penting karena dapat menambah tenaga sebelum kita memulai beraktivitas sehari hari
Sarapan juga sangat penting bagi kinerja otak , karena saat kita tidak sarapan dapat menghabat kinerja pada otak
Penegasan ulang pendapat
Dari alasan diatas sarapan itu sangat penting bagi semua orang karena dapat membatu kinerja otak saat beraktivitas sehari- hari
Nama: iMade bagus agung batur
Students should not Do Cramming
The way students study before the test comes varies. Some of them start to prepare for the test weeks or months before, and some others study in the last hours before the test begins. It is great if they start studying weeks or months before the test, yet if the students study all the material in the last hours or minutes, it is terrible for them. This is what we call cramming.
Cramming is the situation when students stay up all night to study before the test begins. This habit brings negative impacts for some reason. The first reason is it bothers the regular sleep cycle. Less sleep can make students could not concentrate in the class. In addition, cramming leaves students with a memory about something that they have seen before. However, recognizing something is not the same as recalling it.
Besides that, each student has their different sleeping time, so some of them often may use a stimulant for cramming. Additionally, the stimulant such as coffee also gives bad effects to its consumers. It causes many problems such as Caffeine Intoxication Syndrome, anxiety, panic, headaches, and so on.
In conclusion, cramming is terrible because it bothers our regular sleep cycle. It also causes a nuisance in concentrating and can lead us to consume stimulants which are not good for our health
Siswa tidak boleh Melakukan Cramming
Cara siswa belajar sebelum ujian datang berbeda-beda. Beberapa dari mereka mulai mempersiapkan ujian minggu atau bulan sebelumnya, dan beberapa lainnya belajar di jam-jam terakhir sebelum ujian dimulai. Sangat bagus jika mereka mulai belajar beberapa minggu atau bulan sebelum ujian, namun jika siswa mempelajari semua materi dalam jam atau menit terakhir, itu buruk bagi mereka. Inilah yang kita sebut menjejalkan.
Cramming adalah situasi ketika siswa begadang semalaman untuk belajar sebelum ujian dimulai. Kebiasaan ini membawa dampak negatif karena alasan tertentu. Alasan pertama adalah mengganggu siklus tidur yang teratur. Kurang tidur bisa membuat siswa tidak bisa berkonsentrasi di kelas. Selain itu, menjejalkan meninggalkan siswa dengan ingatan tentang sesuatu yang telah mereka lihat sebelumnya. Namun, mengenali sesuatu tidak sama dengan mengingatnya.
Selain itu, setiap siswa memiliki waktu tidur yang berbeda, sehingga beberapa dari mereka mungkin sering menggunakan stimulan untuk menjejalkan. Selain itu, stimulan seperti kopi juga memberikan dampak buruk bagi konsumennya. Ini menyebabkan banyak masalah seperti Sindrom Intoksikasi Kafein, kecemasan, panik, sakit kepala, dan sebagainya.
Kesimpulannya, cramming itu buruk karena mengganggu siklus tidur kita yang teratur. Selain itu juga mengganggu konsentrasi dan dapat menyebabkan kita mengkonsumsi obat perangsang yang tidak baik untuk kesehatan.
Nama : Ni Komang Heni Tria Wati
BalasHapusKelas : XI ibb3
No : 25
Nis : 6582
Example of exposition text + structure.
bahasa inggris
The pandemic corona virus has infected more vietims.People should stay home to ban the pandemic disensi.There are some reason for that.
Arguments :
The first, people should stay home because if they have physical contac, people have to stay home so for the people who has been if,fected can't take the virus to infeent others.The last,staying home make people cure themselves selues instead of infect the others.
reitration :
From the reason above,staying at home is the best way to stop this pandemic disease cause more victims.
Contoh teks eksposisi + struktur
bahasa Indonesia :
Pandemi virus corona telah menginfeksi lebih banyak orang. Masyarakat harus tetap di rumah untuk melarang disensi pandemi. Ada beberapa alasan untuk itu.
yang pertama, orang harus di rumah karena jika ada kontak fisik, orang harus tinggal di rumah sehingga orang yang telah terinfeksi tidak dapat membawa virus untuk menginfeksi orang lain. Terakhir, tinggal di rumah membuat orang menyembuhkan diri sendiri. menginfeksi yang lain.
dari alasan di atas, berdiam diri di rumah adalah cara terbaik untuk menghentikan wabah penyakit yang menyebabkan lebih banyak korban ini.
Nama:i gede Dandi artha
Kls:XI IPS 2
1. SOCIAL FUNCTION (Fungsi social)
To persuade the readers that something is the main case. (Untuk membujuk/mengajak pembaca bahwa sesuatu tersebut merupakan masalah yang utama/penting)
1). Thesis
It introduces topics and indicates the writer’s opinion/position. It states the writer’s point of view about the topic discussed. (Memperkenalkan topic dan menunjukkan pendapat/posisi penulis. Menyatakan sudut pandang penulis tentang topic yang didiskusikan).
2). Arguments
Arguments support the thesis. The number of arguments is various and supported by evidence and explanation. (Argumen berisi pendapat yang mendukung/menjelaskan tesis. Jumlah argument bervariasi dan harus didukung oleh fakta dan penjelasan).
3). Reiteration
It restates/conclude the point of view of the writer. It strengthens the thesis. (Menyatakan kembali/menyimpulkan sudut pandang penulis dan memperkuat tesis/topic).
The following phrases are usually used:
a. From the fact above, …
b. I personally believe. …
c. Therefore, my conclusion is that …
d. I conclude tthat …
The pandemic corona virus has infected more people and invited more victims. People should stay home to ban the pandemic disease. There are some reasons for that.
The first, people should stay home because if they have physical contact, people will be easier infected each other.
The second, people have to stay home so for the people who has been infected can't take the virus to infect others.
The last, staying home make people cure themselves instead of infect the others.
From the reason above, staying at home is the best way to stop this pandemic disease causes more victims.
The structure of the text:
The pandemic corona virus has infected more people and invited more victims. People should stay home to ban the pandemic disease. There are some reasons for that.
The first, people should stay home because if they have physical contact, people will be easier infected each other.
The second, people have to stay home so for the people who has been infected can't take the virus to infect others.
The last, staying home make people cure themselves instead of infect the others.
From the reason above, staying at home is the best way to stop this pandemic disease causes more victims
Nama:I Gede Sima Adi Dendrawan
COVID-19 health protocol violators should be sanctioned
COVID-19 health protocol violators should be sanctioned. As we know, the number of people infected with the covid virus is still increasing in our country, but some people still ignore the health protocol by not wearing mask and keeping their distance.
Firstly, the violators will continue to ignore the health protocol suggested by the government if they aren’t sanctioned. By being sanctioned, they will feel deterred and ashamed so that in the future they will obey the rules given.
Secondly, by sanctioning the violators, they will understand responsibility. Not only does it prevent us from being infected by the virus, but adhering to health protocols also keep others safe. We may not feel infected, but at least we prevent bad things by continuing to keep distance and wearing masks. That way, we will fulfill our responsibilities to ourselves and others.
Ni kadek Resmini
No 26
The way students study before the test comes varies. Some of them start to prepare for the test weeks or months before, and some others study in the last hours before the test begins. It is great if they start studying weeks or months before the test, yet if the students study all the material in the last hours or minutes, it is terrible for them. This is what we call cramming.
Cramming is the situation when students stay up all night to study before the test begins. This habit brings negative impacts for some reason. The first reason is it bothers the regular sleep cycle. Less sleep can make students could not concentrate in the class. In addition, cramming leaves students with a memory about something that they have seen before. However, recognizing something is not the same as recalling it.
Besides that, each student has their different sleeping time, so some of them often may use a stimulant for cramming. Additionally, the stimulant such as coffee also gives bad effects to its consumers. It causes many problems such as Caffeine Intoxication Syndrome, anxiety, panic, headaches, and so on.
In conclusion, cramming is terrible because it bothers our regular sleep cycle. It also causes a nuisance in concentrating and can lead us to consume stimulants which are not good for our health
Siswa tidak boleh Melakukan Cramming
Cara siswa belajar sebelum ujian datang berbeda-beda. Beberapa dari mereka mulai mempersiapkan ujian minggu atau bulan sebelumnya, dan beberapa lainnya belajar di jam-jam terakhir sebelum ujian dimulai. Sangat bagus jika mereka mulai belajar beberapa minggu atau bulan sebelum ujian, namun jika siswa mempelajari semua materi dalam jam atau menit terakhir, itu buruk bagi mereka. Inilah yang kita sebut menjejalkan.
Cramming adalah situasi ketika siswa begadang semalaman untuk belajar sebelum ujian dimulai. Kebiasaan ini membawa dampak negatif karena alasan tertentu. Alasan pertama adalah mengganggu siklus tidur yang teratur. Kurang tidur bisa membuat siswa tidak bisa berkonsentrasi di kelas. Selain itu, menjejalkan meninggalkan siswa dengan ingatan tentang sesuatu yang telah mereka lihat sebelumnya. Namun, mengenali sesuatu tidak sama dengan mengingatnya.
Selain itu, setiap siswa memiliki waktu tidur yang berbeda, sehingga beberapa dari mereka mungkin sering menggunakan stimulan untuk menjejalkan. Selain itu, stimulan seperti kopi juga memberikan dampak buruk bagi konsumennya. Ini menyebabkan banyak masalah seperti Sindrom Intoksikasi Kafein, kecemasan, panik, sakit kepala, dan sebagainya.
Kesimpulannya, cramming itu buruk karena mengganggu siklus tidur kita yang teratur. Selain itu juga mengganggu konsentrasi dan dapat menyebabkan kita mengkonsumsi obat perangsang yang tidak baik untuk kesehatan.
Ni kadek Resmini
No 26
The way students study before the test comes varies. Some of them start to prepare for the test weeks or months before, and some others study in the last hours before the test begins. It is great if they start studying weeks or months before the test, yet if the students study all the material in the last hours or minutes, it is terrible for them. This is what we call cramming.
Cramming is the situation when students stay up all night to study before the test begins. This habit brings negative impacts for some reason. The first reason is it bothers the regular sleep cycle. Less sleep can make students could not concentrate in the class. In addition, cramming leaves students with a memory about something that they have seen before. However, recognizing something is not the same as recalling it.
Besides that, each student has their different sleeping time, so some of them often may use a stimulant for cramming. Additionally, the stimulant such as coffee also gives bad effects to its consumers. It causes many problems such as Caffeine Intoxication Syndrome, anxiety, panic, headaches, and so on.
In conclusion, cramming is terrible because it bothers our regular sleep cycle. It also causes a nuisance in concentrating and can lead us to consume stimulants which are not good for our health
Siswa tidak boleh Melakukan Cramming
Cara siswa belajar sebelum ujian datang berbeda-beda. Beberapa dari mereka mulai mempersiapkan ujian minggu atau bulan sebelumnya, dan beberapa lainnya belajar di jam-jam terakhir sebelum ujian dimulai. Sangat bagus jika mereka mulai belajar beberapa minggu atau bulan sebelum ujian, namun jika siswa mempelajari semua materi dalam jam atau menit terakhir, itu buruk bagi mereka. Inilah yang kita sebut menjejalkan.
Cramming adalah situasi ketika siswa begadang semalaman untuk belajar sebelum ujian dimulai. Kebiasaan ini membawa dampak negatif karena alasan tertentu. Alasan pertama adalah mengganggu siklus tidur yang teratur. Kurang tidur bisa membuat siswa tidak bisa berkonsentrasi di kelas. Selain itu, menjejalkan meninggalkan siswa dengan ingatan tentang sesuatu yang telah mereka lihat sebelumnya. Namun, mengenali sesuatu tidak sama dengan mengingatnya.
Selain itu, setiap siswa memiliki waktu tidur yang berbeda, sehingga beberapa dari mereka mungkin sering menggunakan stimulan untuk menjejalkan. Selain itu, stimulan seperti kopi juga memberikan dampak buruk bagi konsumennya. Ini menyebabkan banyak masalah seperti Sindrom Intoksikasi Kafein, kecemasan, panik, sakit kepala, dan sebagainya.
Kesimpulannya, cramming itu buruk karena mengganggu siklus tidur kita yang teratur. Selain itu juga mengganggu konsentrasi dan dapat menyebabkan kita mengkonsumsi obat perangsang yang tidak baik untuk kesehatan.
BalasHapusNO : 6
The way students study before the test comes varies. Some of them start to prepare for the test weeks or months before, and some others study in the last hours before the test begins. It is great if they start studying weeks or months before the test, yet if the students study all the material in the last hours or minutes, it is terrible for them. This is what we call cramming.
Cramming is the situation when students stay up all night to study before the test begins. This habit brings negative impacts for some reason. The first reason is it bothers the regular sleep cycle. Less sleep can make students could not concentrate in the class. In addition, cramming leaves students with a memory about something that they have seen before. However, recognizing something is not the same as recalling it.
Besides that, each student has their different sleeping time, so some of them often may use a stimulant for cramming. Additionally, the stimulant such as coffee also gives bad effects to its consumers. It causes many problems such as Caffeine Intoxication Syndrome, anxiety, panic, headaches, and so on.
In conclusion, cramming is terrible because it bothers our regular sleep cycle. It also causes a nuisance in concentrating and can lead us to consume stimulants which are not good for our health
Siswa tidak boleh Melakukan Cramming
Cara siswa belajar sebelum ujian datang berbeda-beda. Beberapa dari mereka mulai mempersiapkan ujian minggu atau bulan sebelumnya, dan beberapa lainnya belajar di jam-jam terakhir sebelum ujian dimulai. Sangat bagus jika mereka mulai belajar beberapa minggu atau bulan sebelum ujian, namun jika siswa mempelajari semua materi dalam jam atau menit terakhir, itu buruk bagi mereka. Inilah yang kita sebut menjejalkan.
Cramming adalah situasi ketika siswa begadang semalaman untuk belajar sebelum ujian dimulai. Kebiasaan ini membawa dampak negatif karena alasan tertentu. Alasan pertama adalah mengganggu siklus tidur yang teratur. Kurang tidur bisa membuat siswa tidak bisa berkonsentrasi di kelas. Selain itu, menjejalkan meninggalkan siswa dengan ingatan tentang sesuatu yang telah mereka lihat sebelumnya. Namun, mengenali sesuatu tidak sama dengan mengingatnya.
Selain itu, setiap siswa memiliki waktu tidur yang berbeda, sehingga beberapa dari mereka mungkin sering menggunakan stimulan untuk menjejalkan. Selain itu, stimulan seperti kopi juga memberikan dampak buruk bagi konsumennya. Ini menyebabkan banyak masalah seperti Sindrom Intoksikasi Kafein, kecemasan, panik, sakit kepala, dan sebagainya.
Kesimpulannya, cramming itu buruk karena mengganggu siklus tidur kita yang teratur. Selain itu juga mengganggu konsentrasi dan dapat menyebabkan kita mengkonsumsi obat perangsang yang tidak baik untuk kesehatan.
Nama: Rani Puspita Aprilriani
BalasHapusKelas: XI IPS2
No: 34
Example of exposition text + structure.
Bahasa Inggris:
Government Implements Emergency PPKM
1) Thesis
In the last few weeks, the government has made a stricter and stricter policy, namely the implementation of PPKM. The condition of the COVID-19 pandemic is developing rapidly, and there are concerns or new variants of the corona virus.
2) Arguments
This situation requires us to take more decisive steps so that we can both contain COVID-19. The government asks the public to remain calm and not alert and obey the rules that apply during the implementation of the emergency PPKM. there are several regulations that are in effect: the first, non-essential sector office activities. the second, online or online teaching and learning activities. the third, in shopping centers or malls temporarily closed.
3) Reiteration
From the reasons above, let's obey the government's rules, as long as the emergency PPKM is running, stay calm and don't be careless in your activities so you don't get infected with covid19.
Contoh teks eksposisi + struktur.
Bahasa Indonesia:
Pemerintah Terapkan PPKM Darurat
1) Tesis
Dalam beberapa minggu terakhir, pemerintah telah membuat kebijakan yang semakin ketat, yaitu penerapan PPKM. Kondisi pandemi COVID-19 berkembang pesat, dan ada kekhawatiran atau varian baru dari virus corona.
2) Argumen
Situasi ini menuntut kita untuk mengambil langkah yang lebih tegas agar kita sama-sama bisa membendung COVID-19. Pemerintah meminta masyarakat tetap tenang dan tidak waspada serta mentaati aturan yang berlaku selama pelaksanaan PPKM darurat. ada beberapa peraturan yang berlaku: pertama, kegiatan perkantoran sektor non esensial. yang kedua, kegiatan belajar mengajar online atau online. ketiga, di pusat perbelanjaan atau mall tutup sementara.
3) Pengulangan
Dari alasan di atas, mari kita patuhi aturan pemerintah, selama PPKM darurat berjalan, tetap tenang dan jangan lengah dalam beraktivitas agar tidak tertular covid19.
BalasHapusKelas:xl ips 1
COVID-19 health protocol violators should be sanctioned
COVID -19 health protocol violators should be sanctioned. As we know, the number of people infected with the covid virus is still increasing in our country, but some people still ignore the health protocol by not wearing mask and keeping their distance.
Firstly, the violators will continue to ignore the health protocol suggested by the government if they aren't sanctioned. By being sanctioned, they will feel deterred and ashamed so that in the future they will obey the rules given. Secondly, by sanctioning the violators, they will understand responsibility. Not only does it prevent us from being infected by the virus, but adhering to health protocols also keep others safe. We may not feel infected, but at least we prevent bad things by Secondly, by sanctioning the violators, they will understand responsibility. Not only does it prevent us from being infected by the virus, but adhering to health protocols also keep others safe. We may not feel infected, but at least we prevent bad things by continuing to keep distance and wearing masks. That way, we will fulfill our responsibilities to ourselves and others.Lastly, giving sanctions to the violators will make them more aware of the danger of COVID-19. It is said that WHO declared COVID-19 a pandemic, which means that this virus is very dangerous, so it is best to continue to maintain health and avoid COVID-19.
Pelanggar protokol kesehatan COVID-19harus diberi sanksi
Pelanggar protokol kesehatan COVID-19 harus diberi sanksi. Seperti yang kita ketahui, jumlah orang yang terinfeksi virus covid masih meningkat di negara kita, namun sebagian masyarakat masih mengabaikan protokol kesehatan dengan tidak memakai masker dan menjaga jarak.
Pertama, para pelanggar akan terus mengabaikan protokol kesehatan yang dianjurkan pemerintah jika tidak diberi sanksi. Dengan diberi sanksi, mereka akan merasa jera dan malu sehingga kelak mereka akan mematuhi aturan yang diberikan. Kedua, dengan memberikan sanksi kepada pelanggar, mereka akan memahami tanggung jawab. Tidak hanya mencegah kita dari tertular virus, tetapi dengan mematuhi protokol kesehatan juga membuat orang lain tetap aman. Kita mungkin tidak merasa terinfeksi, tapi setidaknya kita mencegah hal buruk dengan Kedua, dengan memberikan sanksi kepada pelanggar, mereka akan memahami tanggung jawab. Tidak hanya mencegah kita dari tertular virus, tetapi dengan mematuhi protokol kesehatan juga membuat orang lain tetap aman. Kita mungkin tidak merasa tertular, tapi setidaknya kita mencegah hal buruk dengan tetap menjaga jarak dan memakai masker. Dengan begitu, kita akan memenuhi tanggung jawab kita terhadap diri kita sendiri dan orang lain.Terakhir, pemberian sanksi kepada pelanggar akan membuat mereka lebih sadar akan bahaya COVID-19. Dikatakan WHO menyatakan COVID-19 sebagai pandemi, artinya virus ini sangat berbahaya, jadi sebaiknya tetap menjaga kesehatan dan menghindari COVID-19.
The pandemic corona virus has infected more people and invited more victims. People should stay home to ban the pandemic disease. There are some reasons for that.
BalasHapusThe first, people should stay home because if they have physical contact, people will be easier infected each other.
The second, people have to stay home so for the people who has been infected can't take the virus to infect others.
The last, staying home make people cure themselves instead of infect the others.
From the reason above, staying at home is the best way to stop this pandemic disease causes more victims.
The structure of the text:
The pandemic corona virus has infected more people and invited more victims. People should stay home to ban the pandemic disease. There are some reasons for that.
The first, people should stay home because if they have physical contact, people will be easier infected each other.
The second, people have to stay home so for the people who has been infected can't take the virus to infect others.
The last, staying home make people cure themselves instead of infect the others.
From the reason above, staying at home is the best way to stop this pandemic disease causes more victims.
Nama:Luh Eka Prasetianing
BalasHapusKelas:XI IPS2
Congestion and the Future of the City
Statement of opinion
Transportation is a necessity for various social and economic activities. Different types of social and economic activities will have different impacts on transportation activities.
Daily transportation activities relatively cause repetitive movements, for example, occurs in workers and people who are studying at schools or campuses.
In the city of Yogyakarta, traffic jams occur almost every day at points that are the main movement routes for office workers to work locations, as well as students and students heading to schools and campuses.
Traffic jams that are repeated over a longer period of time tend to occur during the holiday season and before the holidays. At the stage of the homecoming and return flow, severe traffic jams will occur on roads outside the city, such as Jalan Magelang, Jalan Solo, and Jalan Wates.
During this time, congestion can also be felt in the city center as tourist destinations and places to stay, such as Malioboro, Prawirotaman, as well as roads leading to tourist attractions such as Parangtritis.
Opinion Reaffirmation
The dominant congestion is generally caused by community activities in the internal sphere. Efforts to bring the location of residence closer to the location of activities are one of the solutions that can be applied. If not, then the congestion will continue to repeat and will have an impact on the community itself.
Masa Depan Kota
Pernyataan pendapat
Transportasi merupakan kebutuhan dari berbagai kegiatan sosial maupun ekonomi. Tipe kegiatan sosial maupun ekonomi yang berbeda akan memiliki dampak kegiatan transportasi yang berbeda pula.
Kegiatan transportasi harian relatif menimbulkan pergerakan yang sifatnya berulang, misalnya terjadi pada para pekerja dan orang-orang yang menempuh pendidikan di sekolah atau kampus.
Di Kota Yogyakarta, kemacetan terjadi hampir setiap hari di titik-titik yang menjadi jalur pergerakan utama para pekerja kantoran menuju lokasi kerja, serta siswa dan mahasiswa yang menuju sekolah dan kampus.
Kemacetan yang berulang dalam jangka waktu yang lebih panjang, cenderung terjadi pada musim liburan dan menjelang hari raya. Pada tahap arus mudik dan arus balik, kemacetan parah akan terjadi di jalan-jalan arah luar kota, seperti Jalan Magelang, Jalan Solo, dan Jalan Wates.
Dalam rentang waktu tersebut, kemacetan juga dapat dirasakan di pusat kota sebagai tujuan wisata dan tempat menginap seperti Malioboro, Prawirotaman, serta jalan-jalan yang menuju objek wisata seperti Parangtritis.
Penegasan Ulang Pendapat
Kemacetan yang dominan umumnya ditimbulkan oleh aktivitas masyarakat dalam lingkup internal. Upaya mendekatkan lokasi tempat tinggal dengan lokasi kegiatan merupakan satu di antara solusi yang dapat diterapkan. Jika tidak, maka kemacetan akan terus berulang dan akan memberikan dampak pada masyarakat itu sendiri.
Nama:Ni Luh Evi Ariani
BalasHapusKelas:XI IBB 1
Example of exposition text + structure.
ENGLISHThe pandemic corona virus has infected more vietims.People should stay home to ban the pandemic disensi.There are some reason for that.
INDONESIA:Pandemi corona virus sudah mengiyeksi banyak orang dan sudah mengundang banyak korban, orang-orang harus tetap berada didalam rumah untuk menghilangkan penyakit pandemi ini,adapaun alasannya yaitu:
ENGLISH:The first, people should stay home because if they have physical contac, people have to stay home so for the people who has been if,fected can't take the virus to infeent others.The last,staying home make people cure theme selues instead of infect the others.
INDONESIA: Pertama, orang-orang harus tetap berada di rumah karena jika mereka melakukan kontak fisik, orang-orang menjadi lebih mudah terinveksi.Kedua orang-orang perlu berada dirumah,lalu kepada orang yang sudah terinveksi tidak bisa menularkan virusnya kepada orang lain terakhir berada di rumah membuat orang-orang pulih dengan sendirinya alih-alih menularkanya kepada orang lain.
ENGLISH:From the reason above,staying at home is the best way to stop this pandemic disease cause more victims.
INDONESIA: Dari alasan diatas, tetap berada didalam rumah adalah jalan terbaik untuk menghentikan pandemi yang menyebabkan banyak korban.
Nama: Ni kadek santi
BalasHapusNo ab: 21
Kelas: XI IBB 3
Example of exposition text + structure.
ENGLISHThe pandemic corona virus has infected more vietims.People should stay home to ban the pandemic disensi.There are some reason for that.
INDONESIA:Pandemi corona virus sudah mengiyeksi banyak orang dan sudah mengundang banyak korban, orang-orang harus tetap berada didalam rumah untuk menghilangkan penyakit pandemi ini,adapaun alasannya yaitu:
ENGLISH:The first, people should stay home because if they have physical contac, people have to stay home so for the people who has been if,fected can't take the virus to infeent others.The last,staying home make people cure theme selues instead of infect the others.
INDONESIA: Pertama, orang-orang harus tetap berada di rumah karena jika mereka melakukan kontak fisik, orang-orang menjadi lebih mudah terinveksi.Kedua orang-orang perlu berada dirumah,lalu kepada orang yang sudah terinveksi tidak bisa menularkan virusnya kepada orang lain terakhir berada di rumah membuat orang-orang pulih dengan sendirinya alih-alih menularkanya kepada orang lain.
ENGLISH:From the reason above,staying at home is the best way to stop this pandemic disease cause more victims.
INDONESIA: Dari alasan diatas, tetap berada didalam rumah adalah jalan terbaik untuk menghentikan pandemi yang menyebabkan banyak korban.
Nama: i Kadek wardana
BalasHapusKls : XI IPS 1
No : 10
The Importance of Breakfast
Why is breakfast important? “Breakfast like a King, Lunch like a Prince and Dine like a Pauper” It’s a well known phrase, but do you follow it?
Breakfast provides many benefits to our health and wellbeing. Breakfast provides the body and brain with fuel after an overnight fast – that’s where its name originates, breaking the fast! Without breakfast you are effectively running on empty, like trying to start the car with no petrol!
Breakfast support cognitive function. Breakfast also restores glucose levels, an essential carbohydrate that is needed for the brain to function. Breakfast provides energy, studies have shown how eating breakfast can improve memory and concentration levels and it can also make us happier as it can improve mood and lower stress levels.
Breakfast provides energy needs. People’s energy needs vary depending on activity levels and life stage but typically men require more energy than women. Growing children require a lot of energy, as an example boys aged 7-10 years should consume approximately 1970 kcals per day, and girls aged 7-10 years should consume approximately 1740 kcals.
Breakfast is very important because it can increase energy before we start our daily activities
Breakfast is also very important for brain performance, because when we don't have breakfast it can hinder brain performance
From the above reasons, breakfast is very important for everyone because it can help brain performance during daily activities
Pentingnya Sarapan
Mengapa sarapan penting? “Sarapan layaknya seorang Raja, Makan siang seperti Pangeran dan Dine seperti Orang Biasa” Ini adalah frasa yang terkenal, tetapi apakah Anda mengikutinya?
Sarapan menyediakan banyak manfaat bagi kesehatan dan kesejahteraan kita. Sarapan menyediakan tubuh dan otak dengan bahan bakar setelah puasa semalam - di situlah namanya berasal, berbuka puasa! Tanpa sarapan Anda secara efektif berjalan dengan kosong, seperti mencoba menyalakan mobil tanpa bensin!
Sarapan mendukung fungsi kognitif. Sarapan juga mengembalikan kadar glukosa, karbohidrat penting yang dibutuhkan otak untuk berfungsi. Sarapan menyediakan energi, penelitian telah menunjukkan bagaimana makan sarapan dapat meningkatkan tingkat memori dan konsentrasi dan juga dapat membuat kita lebih bahagia karena dapat meningkatkan suasana hati dan menurunkan tingkat stres.
Sarapan menyediakan kebutuhan energi. Kebutuhan energi seseorang bervariasi tergantung pada tingkat aktivitas dan tahap kehidupan, tetapi biasanya pria membutuhkan lebih banyak energi daripada wanita. Anak yang sedang tumbuh membutuhkan banyak energi, sebagai contoh anak laki-laki yang berusia 7-10 tahun harus mengkonsumsi sekitar 1970 kkal per hari, dan anak perempuan yang berusia 7-10 tahun harus mengkonsumsi sekitar 1.740 kkal
Sarapan sangat penting karena dapat menambah tenaga sebelum kita memulai beraktivitas sehari hari
Sarapan juga sangat penting bagi kinerja otak , karena saat kita tidak sarapan dapat menghabat kinerja pada otak
Penegasan ulang pendapat
Dari alasan diatas sarapan itu sangat penting bagi semua orang karena dapat membatu kinerja otak saat beraktivitas sehari- hari
Nama: i gede Arya widana
BalasHapusKls:Xl ips 2
The way students study before the test comes varies. Some of them start to prepare for the test weeks or months before, and some others study in the last hours before the test begins. It is great if they start studying weeks or months before the test, yet if the students study all the material in the last hours or minutes, it is terrible for them. This is what we call cramming.
Cramming is the situation when students stay up all night to study before the test begins. This habit brings negative impacts for some reason. The first reason is it bothers the regular sleep cycle. Less sleep can make students could not concentrate in the class. In addition, cramming leaves students with a memory about something that they have seen before. However, recognizing something is not the same as recalling it.
Besides that, each student has their different sleeping time, so some of them often may use a stimulant for cramming. Additionally, the stimulant such as coffee also gives bad effects to its consumers. It causes many problems such as Caffeine Intoxication Syndrome, anxiety, panic, headaches, and so on.
In conclusion, cramming is terrible because it bothers our regular sleep cycle. It also causes a nuisance in concentrating and can lead us to consume stimulants which are not good for our health
Siswa tidak boleh Melakukan Cramming
Cara siswa belajar sebelum ujian datang berbeda-beda. Beberapa dari mereka mulai mempersiapkan ujian minggu atau bulan sebelumnya, dan beberapa lainnya belajar di jam-jam terakhir sebelum ujian dimulai. Sangat bagus jika mereka mulai belajar beberapa minggu atau bulan sebelum ujian, namun jika siswa mempelajari semua materi dalam jam atau menit terakhir, itu buruk bagi mereka. Inilah yang kita sebut menjejalkan.
Cramming adalah situasi ketika siswa begadang semalaman untuk belajar sebelum ujian dimulai. Kebiasaan ini membawa dampak negatif karena alasan tertentu. Alasan pertama adalah mengganggu siklus tidur yang teratur. Kurang tidur bisa membuat siswa tidak bisa berkonsentrasi di kelas. Selain itu, menjejalkan meninggalkan siswa dengan ingatan tentang sesuatu yang telah mereka lihat sebelumnya. Namun, mengenali sesuatu tidak sama dengan mengingatnya.
Selain itu, setiap siswa memiliki waktu tidur yang berbeda, sehingga beberapa dari mereka mungkin sering menggunakan stimulan untuk menjejalkan. Selain itu, stimulan seperti kopi juga memberikan dampak buruk bagi konsumennya. Ini menyebabkan banyak masalah seperti Sindrom Intoksikasi Kafein, kecemasan, panik, sakit kepala, dan sebagainya.
Kesimpulannya, cramming itu buruk karena mengganggu siklus tidur kita yang teratur. Selain itu juga mengganggu konsentrasi dan dapat menyebabkan kita mengkonsumsi obat perangsang yang tidak baik untuk kesehatan.
Nama: igede agus separsa astawa
BalasHapusKls : X1 IBB1
NO. :1
Example exposition text + stucture
ENGLISHThe pandemic corona virus has infected more vietims.People should stay home to ban the pandemic disensi.
INDONESIA:Pandemi corona virus sudah mengiyeksi banyak orang dan sudah mengundang banyak korban, orang-orang harus tetap berada didalam rumah untuk menghilangkan penyakit pandemi ini.
ENGLISH:The first, people should stay home because if they have physical contac, people have to stay home so for the people who has been if,fected can't take the virus to infeent others.The last,staying home make people cure theme selues instead of infect the others.
INDONESIA: Pertama, orang-orang harus tetap berada di rumah karena jika mereka melakukan kontak fisik, orang-orang menjadi lebih mudah terinveksi.Kedua orang-orang perlu berada dirumah,lalu kepada orang yang sudah terinveksi tidak bisa menularkan virusnya kepada orang lain terakhir berada di rumah membuat orang-orang pulih dengan sendirinya alih-alih menularkanya kepada orang lain.
ENGLISH:From the reason above,staying at home is the best way to stop this pandemic disease cause more victims.
INDONESIA: Dari alasan diatas, tetap berada didalam rumah adalah jalan terbaik untuk menghentikan pandemi yang menyebabkan banyak korban.
Nama : i Gede agusmantara edy pranata
BalasHapusKls. : xlips2
No. : 3
Example of exposition text + structure.
bahasa inggris
The pandemic corona virus has infected more vietims.People should stay home to ban the pandemic disensi.There are some reason for that.
Arguments :
The first, people should stay home because if they have physical contac, people have to stay home so for the people who has been if,fected can't take the virus to infeent others.The last,staying home make people cure themselves selues instead of infect the others.
reitration :
From the reason above,staying at home is the best way to stop this pandemic disease cause more victims.
Contoh teks eksposisi + struktur
bahasa Indonesia :
Pandemi virus corona telah menginfeksi lebih banyak orang. Masyarakat harus tetap di rumah untuk melarang disensi pandemi. Ada beberapa alasan untuk itu.
yang pertama, orang harus di rumah karena jika ada kontak fisik, orang harus tinggal di rumah sehingga orang yang telah terinfeksi tidak dapat membawa virus untuk menginfeksi orang lain. Terakhir, tinggal di rumah membuat orang menyembuhkan diri sendiri. menginfeksi yang lain.
Nama:ni kadek okviyanti
BalasHapusKls:xl ips 2
The way students study before the test comes varies. Some of them start to prepare for the test weeks or months before, and some others study in the last hours before the test begins. It is great if they start studying weeks or months before the test, yet if the students study all the material in the last hours or minutes, it is terrible for them. This is what we call cramming.
Cramming is the situation when students stay up all night to study before the test begins. This habit brings negative impacts for some reason. The first reason is it bothers the regular sleep cycle. Less sleep can make students could not concentrate in the class. In addition, cramming leaves students with a memory about something that they have seen before. However, recognizing something is not the same as recalling it.
Besides that, each student has their different sleeping time, so some of them often may use a stimulant for cramming. Additionally, the stimulant such as coffee also gives bad effects to its consumers. It causes many problems such as Caffeine Intoxication Syndrome, anxiety, panic, headaches, and so on.
In conclusion, cramming is terrible because it bothers our regular sleep cycle. It also causes a nuisance in concentrating and can lead us to consume stimulants which are not good for our health
Siswa tidak boleh Melakukan Cramming
Cara siswa belajar sebelum ujian datang berbeda-beda. Beberapa dari mereka mulai mempersiapkan ujian minggu atau bulan sebelumnya, dan beberapa lainnya belajar di jam-jam terakhir sebelum ujian dimulai. Sangat bagus jika mereka mulai belajar beberapa minggu atau bulan sebelum ujian, namun jika siswa mempelajari semua materi dalam jam atau menit terakhir, itu buruk bagi mereka. Inilah yang kita sebut menjejalkan.
Cramming adalah situasi ketika siswa begadang semalaman untuk belajar sebelum ujian dimulai. Kebiasaan ini membawa dampak negatif karena alasan tertentu. Alasan pertama adalah mengganggu siklus tidur yang teratur. Kurang tidur bisa membuat siswa tidak bisa berkonsentrasi di kelas. Selain itu, menjejalkan meninggalkan siswa dengan ingatan tentang sesuatu yang telah mereka lihat sebelumnya. Namun, mengenali sesuatu tidak sama dengan mengingatnya.
Selain itu, setiap siswa memiliki waktu tidur yang berbeda, sehingga beberapa dari mereka mungkin sering menggunakan stimulan untuk menjejalkan. Selain itu, stimulan seperti kopi juga memberikan dampak buruk bagi konsumennya. Ini menyebabkan banyak masalah seperti Sindrom Intoksikasi Kafein, kecemasan, panik, sakit kepala, dan sebagainya.
Kesimpulannya, cramming itu buruk karena mengganggu siklus tidur kita yang teratur. Selain itu juga mengganggu konsentrasi dan dapat menyebabkan kita mengkonsumsi obat perangsang yang tidak baik untuk kesehatan.
BalasHapusOne of the challenges Indonesia has faced in its decades-long fight against HIV/AIDS is the stigma that accompanies the disease. Often, the public takes things into its own hands by sending those who test positive into exile, branding them as a source of problems and a burden.
A similar phenomenon is occurring as the country struggles to contain the spread of COVID-19, which since early March has infected more than 378,000 and killed nearly 13,000. In some countries, the stigma has even developed into prejudice against Asians, simply because the pandemic began in Wuhan, China.
A survey conducted in August by the LaporCOVID-19 (Report COVID-19) community, in collaboration with researchers from the University of Indonesia (UI) Faculty of Psychology, discovered that stigma surrounding COVID-19 patients and survivors did not subside.
Needless to say, ending the pandemic is impossible without addressing the stigmatization and prejudice COVID-19 patients face. To avoid the stigma, many have resisted testing and tracing, refused hospitalization and seized the dead bodies of loved ones from the hospital to prevent them from being buried under COVID-19 protocols.
On Nov. 19, the Jakarta administration will begin enforcing a new bylaw that stipulates a maximum fine of Rp 7.5 million for obstructing measures to tackle contagion, such as refusing polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests, COVID-19 treatment, vaccination or isolation.
Analytical exposition examble
BalasHapusGovernment implements
In the last frew weeks the government has made a atricter and stricter policy,namale the implmentation of ppkm. The condition of the covid_19 pandemic is developing rapidly.and there are canceros or new wariants of the vorana virus.this situation requires us to take more decisive steps so that we con both contan covid 19 the goverment asks the public to remain calm and not alert and akey the nules that apply daring the implementation of the energency ppkm there are saveal regulation that are in affect the first nonessential sector office activitas the second online or online teaching and learring activitias the third in shopping centers or malls temporarily closed from the reasons above lets aboy the goberment rules as frong as the amergency ppkm is nunning stay calm and dont be careless in your aktivities in your activities so you dont get infected with covid 9
Example of exposition text + stucture
Bahsa inggris:
Goverment implement
Energency ppkm
In the last frew weeks the govorment has made as stricter and policy namely the implementation of ppkm the condition of the covid 19 pandemic is delepoling rapidly and there are concens of new variont of the corona virus
2). Arguments.
This situation requires us to take more decisive steps so that we can both contain covid 19 the argument asks the public to remain calm and not alert and aboy the rules tat apply during the implmentation of the emergency ppkm there are several regulation that are in effect the first nonessatial sector office actvitas the second online or online teaching and learning activitias the thered in shopping conters or malls tempo ranly closed
From the reasons above let,s okey the goverment rules aa long as the emergency ppkm is nunning stay calm and dont be coreless in your activitas so you dont get infected covid 19
Contoh teks eksposisi +structur
Bahasa indonesia
Dalam beberapa minggu terhakir pemerintah telah membuat kebijakan yang semakin ketat yaitu penerapan ppkm kondisi pandemi covid 19 berkembang pesat dan ada kekawatiran atau varian baru dari virus corona.
Situasi ini menuntut kita untuk mengmbil langkah yang lebih tegas agar kita sama_sama bisa memandung covid 19 pemerintah meminta masyarakat tetap tenang dan tidak waspada serta mentaati. Aturan yang berlaku selama pelaksanaan ppkm darurat ada beberapa peraturan yang berlaku pertama kegiatan perkantoran sektor non sosial yang kedua kegiatan belajar mengajar online atau online ketiga di pusat perbelanjaan atau mall tutup sementara
Dari alsan di atas mari kita patuti aturan pemerintah selma ppkm darurat berjalan tetap tenang dan jangan lengah dlaam beraktivitas agar tidak tertular covid 19..
Nama : IGede eka Ariawan
BalasHapusKls : XI IPS 1
No 3
COVID -19 health protocol violators should be sanctioned. As we know, the number of people infected with the covid virus is still increasing in our country, but some people still ignore the health protocol by not wearing mask and keeping their distance.
Firstly, the violators will continue to ignore the health protocol suggested by the government if they aren't sanctioned. By being sanctioned, they will feel deterred and ashamed so that in the future they will obey the rules given. Secondly, by sanctioning the violators, they will understand responsibility. Not only does it prevent us from being infected by the virus, but adhering to health protocols also keep others safe. We may not feel infected, but at least we prevent bad things by Secondly, by sanctioning the violators, they will understand responsibility. Not only does it prevent us from being infected by the virus, but adhering to health protocols also keep others safe. We may not feel infected, but at least we prevent bad things by continuing to keep distance and wearing masks. That way, we will fulfill our responsibilities to ourselves and others.Lastly, giving sanctions to the violators will make them more aware of the danger of COVID-19. It is said that WHO declared COVID-19 a pandemic, which means that this virus is very dangerous, so it is best to continue to maintain health and avoid COVID-19.
Nama: Luh Eka Prasetianing
BalasHapusAbsen: 23
Kelas: XI ips 2
The pandemic corona virus has infected more people and invited more victims. People should stay home to ban the pandemic disease. There are some reasons for that.
The first, people should stay home because if they have physical contact, people will be easier infected each other.
The second, people have to stay home so for the people who has been infected can't take the virus to infect others.
The last, staying home make people cure themselves instead of infect the others.
From the reason above, staying at home is the best way to stop this pandemic disease causes more victims.
The structure of the text:
The pandemic corona virus has infected more people and invited more victims. People should stay home to ban the pandemic disease. There are some reasons for that.
The first, people should stay home because if they have physical contact, people will be easier infected each other.
The second, people have to stay home so for the people who has been infected can't take the virus to infect others.
The last, staying home make people cure themselves instead of infect the others.
From the reason above, staying at home is the best way to stop this pandemic disease causes more victims
Pandemi virus corona telah menginfeksi lebih banyak orang dan mengundang lebih banyak korban. Orang-orang harus tinggal di rumah untuk melarang penyakit pandemi. Ada beberapa alasan untuk itu. Pertama, masyarakat harus tinggal di rumah karena jika ada kontak fisik, orang akan lebih mudah menularkan satu sama lain. Kedua, masyarakat harus tetap di rumah agar yang sudah terinfeksi tidak bisa menularkan virus ke orang lain. Terakhir, tinggal di rumah membuat orang menyembuhkan diri sendiri daripada menulari orang lain. Dari alasan di atas, tinggal di rumah adalah cara terbaik untuk menghentikan penyakit pandemi yang menyebabkan lebih banyak korban ini. Struktur teks: Tesis Pandemi virus corona telah menginfeksi lebih banyak orang dan mengundang lebih banyak korban. Orang-orang harus tinggal di rumah untuk melarang penyakit pandemi. Ada beberapa alasan untuk itu. Argumen Pertama, masyarakat harus tinggal di rumah karena jika ada kontak fisik, orang akan lebih mudah menularkan satu sama lain. Kedua, masyarakat harus tetap di rumah agar yang sudah terinfeksi tidak bisa menularkan virus ke orang lain. Terakhir, tinggal di rumah membuat orang menyembuhkan diri sendiri daripada menulari orang lain. Perulangan Dari alasan di atas, tinggal di rumah adalah cara terbaik untuk menghentikan penyakit pandemi yang menyebabkan lebih banyak korban ini.
Nama: i Kadek wardana
BalasHapusKls: XI IPS1
NO: 10
Ending the stigma
One of the challenges Indonesia has faced in its decades-long fight against HIV/AIDS is the stigma that accompanies the disease. Often, the public takes things into its own hands by sending those who test positive into exile, branding them as a source of problems and a burden.
A similar phenomenon is occurring as the country struggles to contain the spread of COVID-19, which since early March has infected more than 378,000 and killed nearly 13,000. In some countries, the stigma has even developed into prejudice against Asians, simply because the pandemic began in Wuhan, China.
A survey conducted in August by the LaporCOVID-19 (Report COVID-19) community, in collaboration with researchers from the University of Indonesia (UI) Faculty of Psychology, discovered that stigma surrounding COVID-19 patients and survivors did not subside.
Needless to say, ending the pandemic is impossible without addressing the stigmatization and prejudice COVID-19 patients face. To avoid the stigma, many have resisted testing and tracing, refused hospitalization and seized the dead bodies of loved ones from the hospital to prevent them from being buried under COVID-19 protocols.
On Nov. 19, the Jakarta administration will begin enforcing a new bylaw that stipulates a maximum fine of Rp 7.5 million for obstructing measures to tackle contagion, such as refusing polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests, COVID-19 treatment, vaccination or isolation.
Nama: I Made Toni Angga Sukma
Kelas: XI BB 3
The pandemic corona virus has infected more people and invited more victims. People should stay home to ban the pandemic disease. There are some reasons for that.
The first, people should stay home because if they have physical contact, people will be easier infected each other.
The second, people have to stay home so for the people who has been infected can't take the virus to infect others.
The last, staying home make people cure themselves instead of infect the others.
From the reason above, staying at home is the best way to stop this pandemic disease causes more victims.
The structure of the text:
The pandemic corona virus has infected more people and invited more victims. People should stay home to ban the pandemic disease. There are some reasons for that.
The first, people should stay home because if they have physical contact, people will be easier infected each other.
The second, people have to stay home so for the people who has been infected can't take the virus to infect others.
The last, staying home make people cure themselves instead of infect the others.
From the reason above, staying at home is the best way to stop this pandemic disease causes more victims
Pandemi virus corona telah menginfeksi lebih banyak orang dan mengundang lebih banyak korban. Orang-orang harus tinggal di rumah untuk melarang penyakit pandemi. Ada beberapa alasan untuk itu. Pertama, masyarakat harus tinggal di rumah karena jika ada kontak fisik, orang akan lebih mudah menularkan satu sama lain. Kedua, masyarakat harus tetap di rumah agar yang sudah terinfeksi tidak bisa menularkan virus ke orang lain. Terakhir, tinggal di rumah membuat orang menyembuhkan diri sendiri daripada menulari orang lain. Dari alasan di atas, tinggal di rumah adalah cara terbaik untuk menghentikan penyakit pandemi yang menyebabkan lebih banyak korban ini. Struktur teks: Tesis Pandemi virus corona telah menginfeksi lebih banyak orang dan mengundang lebih banyak korban. Orang-orang harus tinggal di rumah untuk melarang penyakit pandemi. Ada beberapa alasan untuk itu. Argumen Pertama, masyarakat harus tinggal di rumah karena jika ada kontak fisik, orang akan lebih mudah menularkan satu sama lain. Kedua, masyarakat harus tetap di rumah agar yang sudah terinfeksi tidak bisa menularkan virus ke orang lain. Terakhir, tinggal di rumah membuat orang menyembuhkan diri sendiri daripada menulari orang lain. Perulangan Dari alasan di atas, tinggal di rumah adalah cara terbaik untuk menghentikan penyakit pandemi yang menyebabkan lebih banyak korban ini.
Nama :Ni Ketut Melani Anggani
BalasHapusKelas :XI IPS1
No :21
Pandemi virus corona telah menginfeksi lebih banyak orang dan mengundang lebih banyak korban. Orang-orang harus tinggal di rumah untuk melarang penyakit pandemi. Ada beberapa alasan untuk itu.
Pertama, masyarakat harus tinggal di rumah karena jika ada kontak fisik, orang akan lebih mudah menularkan satu sama lain.
Kedua, masyarakat harus tetap di rumah agar yang sudah terinfeksi tidak bisa menularkan virusnya ke orang lain.
Terakhir, tinggal di rumah membuat orang menyembuhkan diri sendiri daripada menulari orang lain.
Dari alasan di atas, tinggal di rumah adalah cara terbaik untuk menghentikan penyakit pandemi yang menyebabkan lebih banyak korban ini.
Struktur teks:
Pandemi virus corona telah menginfeksi lebih banyak orang dan mengundang lebih banyak korban. Orang-orang harus tinggal di rumah untuk melarang penyakit pandemi. Ada beberapa alasan untuk itu.
Pertama, masyarakat harus tinggal di rumah karena jika ada kontak fisik, orang akan lebih mudah menularkan satu sama lain.
Kedua, masyarakat harus tetap di rumah agar yang sudah terinfeksi tidak bisa menularkan virusnya ke orang lain.
Terakhir, tinggal di rumah membuat orang menyembuhkan diri sendiri daripada menulari orang lain.
Dari alasan di atas, tinggal di rumah adalah cara terbaik untuk menghentikan penyakit pandemi yang menyebabkan lebih banyak korban ini.
The pandemic corona virus has infected more people and invited more victims. People should stay home to ban the pandemic disease. There are some reasons for that.
The first, people should stay home because if they have physical contact, people will be easier infected each other.
The second, people have to stay home so for the people who has been infected can't take the virus to infect others.
The last, staying home make people cure themselves instead of infect the others.
From the reason above, staying at home is the best way to stop this pandemic disease causes more victims.
The structure of the text:
The pandemic corona virus has infected more people and invited more victims. People should stay home to ban the pandemic disease. There are some reasons for that.
The first, people should stay home because if they have physical contact, people will be easier infected each other.
The second, people have to stay home so for the people who has been infected can't take the virus to infect others.
The last, staying home make people cure themselves instead of infect the others.
From the reason above, staying at home is the best way to stop this pandemic disease causes more victims.
Nama : IGede eka Ariawan
BalasHapusKls : XI IPS 1
No 3
andemi virus corona telah menginfeksi lebih banyak orang dan mengundang lebih banyak korban. Orang-orang harus tinggal di rumah untuk melarang penyakit pandemi. Ada beberapa alasan untuk itu.
Pertama, masyarakat harus tinggal di rumah karena jika ada kontak fisik, orang akan lebih mudah menularkan satu sama lain.
Kedua, masyarakat harus tetap di rumah agar yang sudah terinfeksi tidak bisa menularkan virusnya ke orang lain.
Terakhir, tinggal di rumah membuat orang menyembuhkan diri sendiri daripada menulari orang lain.
Dari alasan di atas, tinggal di rumah adalah cara terbaik untuk menghentikan penyakit pandemi yang menyebabkan lebih banyak korban ini.
Struktur teks:
Pandemi virus corona telah menginfeksi lebih banyak orang dan mengundang lebih banyak korban. Orang-orang harus tinggal di rumah untuk melarang penyakit pandemi. Ada beberapa alasan untuk itu.
Pertama, masyarakat harus tinggal di rumah karena jika ada kontak fisik, orang akan lebih mudah menularkan satu sama lain.
Kedua, masyarakat harus tetap di rumah agar yang sudah terinfeksi tidak bisa menularkan virusnya ke orang lain.
Terakhir, tinggal di rumah membuat orang menyembuhkan diri sendiri daripada menulari orang lain.
Dari alasan di atas, tinggal di rumah adalah cara terbaik untuk menghentikan penyakit pandemi yang menyebabkan lebih banyak korban ini.
The pandemic corona virus has infected more people and invited more victims. People should stay home to ban the pandemic disease. There are some reasons for that.
The first, people should stay home because if they have physical contact, people will be easier infected each other.
The second, people have to stay home so for the people who has been infected can't take the virus to infect others.
The last, staying home make people cure themselves instead of infect the others.
From the reason above, staying at home is the best way to stop this pandemic disease causes more victims.
The structure of the text:
The pandemic corona virus has infected more people and invited more victims. People should stay home to ban the pandemic disease. There are some reasons for that.
The first, people should stay home because if they have physical contact, people will be easier infected each other.
The second, people have to stay home so for the people who has been infected can't take the virus to infect others.
The last, staying home make people cure themselves instead of infect the others.
From the reason above, staying at home is the best way to stop this pandemic disease causes more victims.
Nama:I made Rudi Prateka
BalasHapusKls:XI ips 1
The Importance of Reading
I personally think that reading is an important activity in our life. Why do I say so?
Firstly, by reading we can get a lot of information about many things in the world such as science, technology, sports, arts and culture.Secondly, by reading we can get a lot of news and knowledge about something happening in any part of the world which we can see directly.
Thirdly, reading can give us pleasure. When we are tired, we can read books, newspapers or magazines on the entertainment column such as short stories, comedies or quizzes to make us relax.
Fourthly, reading can also take us to other parts of the world. By reading a book about Irian Jaya we may feel that we’re really sitting in the jungles, not at home in our rooms.
Based on the facts above, it is obvious that everyone needs to read books, newspapers, magazines or others to get knowledge, news, information and also entertainment. In other words, we can say reading is truly important in our life.
Pentingnya Membaca Menurut saya pribadi
membaca adalah kegiatan penting dalam kehidupan kita. Kenapa saya bilang begitu? Pertama, dengan membaca kita bisa mendapatkan banyak informasi tentang banyak hal di dunia seperti sains, teknologi, olahraga, seni dan budaya. Kedua, dengan membaca kita bisa mendapatkan banyak berita dan pengetahuan tentang sesuatu yang terjadi di belahan dunia manapun yang bisa kita lihat secara langsung. Ketiga, membaca dapat memberi kita kesenangan. Saat kita lelah, kita bisa membaca buku, koran atau majalah pada kolom hiburan seperti cerpen, komedi atau kuis untuk membuat kita rileks. Keempat, membaca juga bisa membawa kita ke belahan dunia lain. Dengan membaca buku tentang Irian Jaya kita mungkin merasa bahwa kita benar-benar duduk di hutan, bukan di rumah di kamar kita.Berdasarkan fakta di atas, jelas bahwa setiap orang perlu membaca buku, surat kabar, majalah atau lainnya untuk mendapatkan pengetahuan, berita, informasi dan juga hiburan. Dengan kata lain, kita dapat mengatakan bahwa membaca sangat penting dalam hidup kita.
BalasHapusNO : 6
Example of exposition text + structure.
Bahasa Inggris:
Government Implements Emergency PPKM
1) Thesis
In the last few weeks, the government has made a stricter and stricter policy, namely the implementation of PPKM. The condition of the COVID-19 pandemic is developing rapidly, and there are concerns or new variants of the corona virus.
2) Arguments
This situation requires us to take more decisive steps so that we can both contain COVID-19. The government asks the public to remain calm and not alert and obey the rules that apply during the implementation of the emergency PPKM. there are several regulations that are in effect: the first, non-essential sector office activities. the second, online or online teaching and learning activities. the third, in shopping centers or malls temporarily closed.
3) Reiteration
From the reasons above, let's obey the government's rules, as long as the emergency PPKM is running, stay calm and don't be careless in your activities so you don't get infected with covid19.
Contoh teks eksposisi + struktur.
Bahasa Indonesia:
Pemerintah Terapkan PPKM Darurat
1) Tesis
Dalam beberapa minggu terakhir, pemerintah telah membuat kebijakan yang semakin ketat, yaitu penerapan PPKM. Kondisi pandemi COVID-19 berkembang pesat, dan ada kekhawatiran atau varian baru dari virus corona.
2) Argumen
Situasi ini menuntut kita untuk mengambil langkah yang lebih tegas agar kita sama-sama bisa membendung COVID-19. Pemerintah meminta masyarakat tetap tenang dan tidak waspada serta mentaati aturan yang berlaku selama pelaksanaan PPKM darurat. ada beberapa peraturan yang berlaku: pertama, kegiatan perkantoran sektor non esensial. yang kedua, kegiatan belajar mengajar online atau online. ketiga, di pusat perbelanjaan atau mall tutup sementara.
3) Pengulangan
Dari alasan di atas, mari kita patuhi aturan pemerintah, selama PPKM darurat berjalan, tetap tenang dan jangan lengah dalam beraktivitas agar tidak tertular covid19.
Corruption and Indonesian Culture
BalasHapusCorruption has happened for many years and today it becomes a bad culture in Indonesia for three reasons.
Most adult Indonesian or foreigners have known and admitted that corruptions happen in many places. The daily newspapers, news programs on TV and radio have reported corruptions are done everywhere, almost in all departments or public services of this country. Corruptions happen in health, education departments and banks. When we manage to get some documents in public service offices, we usually need much money to pay. Manipulations happen everywhere.
The actions to eliminate corruption are weak. The ever stronger culture seems not to come to an end when the responsible institutions who have to reinforce the justice today commit corruption. This is the worst. Corruptions happen in police department, courts where judges, public prosecutors, lawyers make deals to do corruption. All of us also heard in the end of 2004, Probosutejo reported that he had bribed the Supreme Court, or called Mahkamah Agung which becomes the highest level where the justice can be obtained. Perhaps you have to try to come to the local courts and see what happen there. You will see practices of bribery and other kinds of corruption. Therefore, we can say that corruptions becomes our culture. Do you like it?
The citizens have no goodwill to fight against the corruption. They create the situations in which people ahave opportunities to do corruptions. The citizens like to break the rules because they are not disciplined. For example, in the street when they drive a car or ride motorcycle, they do not have the driving license or necessary documents. Then, they are caught by the local policemen. To avoid more difficulties, they like to bribe the officer. The officer let them go then. In other words, the citizens and officers are the same, doing corruption together. If only the people were critical, disciplined, and obey the rules, and willing to report any wrong behaviors, this country will not be number one corrupting country in the world.
Conclusion Based on the reasons, we can conclude that corruption is becoming a bad culture in Indonesia if it is not ended soon by all of us. It seems that there must be more severe penalty for the Corruptors. Do we still care about the future of this country?
Kls: XI IPS 1
Korupsi dan budaya Indonesia
Korupsi yang telah terjadi selama bertahun-tahun dan hari ini menjadi sebuah budaya yang buruk di Indonesia untuk tiga alasan.
Kebanyakan orang dewasa Indonesia atau orang asing telah dikenal dan mengakui bahwa korupsi terjadi di banyak tempat. Surat Kabar harian, program berita di televisi dan radio telah melaporkan korupsi yang dilakukan di mana-mana, hampir di semua departemen atau pelayanan publik negara ini. Korupsi terjadi dalam Kesehatan, pendidikan dan Bank. Ketika kami mengelola untuk mendapatkan beberapa dokumen di kantor-kantor pelayanan publik, kita biasanya membutuhkan banyak uang untuk membayar. Manipulasi terjadi di mana-mana.
Tindakan untuk menghilangkan korupsi masih lemah. Budaya semakin kuat tidak tampaknya datang berakhir ketika lembaga yang bertanggung jawab yang harus memperkuat keadilan hari melakukan korupsi. Ini adalah yang terburuk. Korupsi terjadi di kepolisian, pengadilan mana hakim, Jaksa penuntut umum, pengacara membuat kesepakatan untuk melakukan korupsi.
Nama : igede ardana
BalasHapusKls :XI IPS 1
NO : 2
Persebaran flora dan fauna di Indonesia dipengaruh oleh letak geografisnya. Berdasarkan wilayah dan karakteristik flora dan faunanya, dapat dibagi menjadi tiga bagian, yakni Indonesia Barat, Tengah, dan Timur. Ketiga bagian itu dipisahkan oleh garis wallace dan garis weber.