Rabu, 19 Februari 2025



·     HAPPY (Memiliki pengetahuan awal dan paham dengan baik terhadap materi)

The Advantages of Using E-Money in the Digital Age

In today’s fast-paced world, digital payment systems such as e-money have revolutionized financial transactions. E-money offers unparalleled convenience, enhanced security, and environmental benefits. Despite some concerns, its advantages outweigh the drawbacks.

First, e-money provides unmatched convenience. It allows users to complete transactions anytime and anywhere without carrying physical cash. This feature is particularly beneficial in emergency situations or for online purchases.

Second, e-money ensures better security. Unlike cash, which can be lost or stolen, digital transactions can be tracked, making it easier to detect fraudulent activities. Moreover, financial institutions implement encryption and authentication processes to protect users.

Third, e-money contributes to environmental sustainability. By reducing the need for paper receipts and cash production, digital transactions help decrease deforestation and carbon footprint.

Some critics argue that e-money is vulnerable to cyber threats and technical failures. However, banks and fintech companies continuously enhance cybersecurity measures to minimize risks. Additionally, responsible usage, such as setting strong passwords and avoiding suspicious links, can prevent fraud.

In conclusion, e-money offers significant benefits, making financial transactions more efficient, secure, and eco-friendly. As technology evolves, adopting e-money will become even more essential in daily life.


·           Please, explain the purpose/social function and determine the generic structure of the argumentative text above!


The Advantages of Using E-Money in the Digital Age























·     JOYFUL (Memiliki pengetahuan awal dan paham dengan cukup baik terhadap materi)

Why E-Money is a Better Option than Cash

E-money has become a popular way to make payments because it is easy, safe, and practical. Many people now prefer using digital payment methods instead of cash.

First, e-money is easy to use. People can pay for goods and services using their phones or cards, which means they don’t need to carry cash. This makes shopping and traveling more convenient.

Second, e-money is safer than cash. If someone loses their wallet, the money is gone. However, if an e-money card is lost, it can be blocked and replaced. Banks also use security features like PIN codes and fingerprint authentication to protect transactions.

Third, e-money helps save time. Transactions are fast, and people do not need to wait in long lines at banks or ATMs to withdraw cash. Many businesses also prefer digital payments because they make transactions smoother.

In short, e-money is a great alternative to cash because it is easy, safe, and efficient. As technology develops, more people will use e-money in their daily lives.


·           Please, explain the purpose/social function and determine the generic structure of the argumentative text above!


Why E-Money is a Better Option than Cash























·     GLAD (Siswa kurang paham dan memiliki pengetahuan awal yang kurang terhadap materi)

E-Money is Useful for Daily Life

E-money is a good way to pay for things. Many people use e-money because it is simple and fast.

First, e-money is easy. People can pay using their phones or cards, so they don’t need to bring cash. This is very helpful when shopping or eating in restaurants.

Second, e-money is safe. If we lose cash, we cannot get it back. But if we lose an e-money card, we can block it so no one else can use it.

Third, e-money is fast. When we use cash, we need to count money and wait for change. But with e-money, we just tap or scan, and the payment is done quickly.

E-money makes life easier because it is simple, safe, and fast. More people should use e-money to make daily payments easier.


·           Please, explain the purpose/social function and determine the generic structure of the argumentative text above!


E-Money is Useful for Daily Life






















Selasa, 18 Februari 2025



1. Definition (Definisi)

An argumentative text is a type of writing that presents a claim or opinion on a particular issue, supported by evidence and reasoning. The main purpose is to persuade the reader to agree with the writer’s viewpoint or consider an alternative perspective.

Teks argumentatif adalah jenis tulisan yang menyajikan suatu klaim atau pendapat mengenai suatu isu tertentu, yang didukung oleh bukti dan alasan. Tujuan utamanya adalah untuk meyakinkan pembaca agar setuju dengan sudut pandang penulis atau mempertimbangkan perspektif lain.

2. Social Function (Fungsi Sosial)

The social function of an argumentative text is to persuade the reader to agree with the writer’s viewpoint or consider an alternative perspective. This is also to influence, persuade, or convince readers by presenting logical arguments and supporting evidence. 

Fungsi sosial dari teks argumentatif adalah untuk meyakinkan pembaca agar setuju dengan sudut pandang penulis atau mempertimbangkan perspektif lain. Text ini juga untuk mempengaruhi, membujuk, atau meyakinkan pembaca dengan menyajikan argumen logis dan bukti pendukung. 

3. Generic Structure (Struktur Umum)

An argumentative text typically consists of the following structure:

  1. Thesis (Tesis/Pendahuluan)
    • Introduces the topic and presents the thesis statement (the writer’s main argument).

Memperkenalkan topik dan menyajikan pernyataan tesis (argumen utama penulis). 

  1. Arguments (Argumen-argumen)
    • Provides supporting points or reasons to justify the claim.
    • Uses evidence such as facts, examples, expert opinions, or statistical data.

Memberikan poin-poin pendukung atau alasan yang membenarkan klaim. 

Menggunakan bukti seperti fakta, contoh, pendapat ahli, atau data statistik. 

3. Conclusion (Kesimpulan)

    • Summarizes the main arguments and reinforces the thesis statement.
    • May include a call to action or final thought.

Meringkas argumen utama dan memperkuat pernyataan tesis. 

Bisa juga mencakup ajakan untuk bertindak atau pemikiran akhir.

4. Language Features (Ciri Kebahasaan)

  • Use of persuasive language (Penggunaan bahasa persuasif)
    • Example: "It is crucial that we take action immediately."
    • Contoh: "Sangat penting bagi kita untuk segera bertindak."
  • Use of modality expressions (Penggunaan ekspresi modalitas)
    • Example: must, should, need to, have to
    • Contoh: harus, sebaiknya, perlu, wajib
  • Connectors of reasoning and contrast (Kata hubung sebab-akibat dan pertentangan)
    • Example: therefore, because, however, on the other hand
    • Contoh: oleh karena itu, karena, namun, di sisi lain
  • Present tense (Penggunaan present tense)
    • Example: "Technology plays a vital role in education."
    • Contoh: "Teknologi memainkan peran penting dalam pendidikan."
  • Use of facts, statistics, and expert opinions (Penggunaan fakta, statistik, dan pendapat ahli)
    • Example: "According to a recent study, 80% of students benefit from online learning."
    • Contoh: "Menurut sebuah penelitian terbaru, 80% siswa mendapatkan manfaat dari pembelajaran daring."

Here is an example of an argumentative text about online shopping, presented in a table format with an analysis of its generic structure.

Generic Structure

 Online Shopping

Thesis (Introduction)

In today's digital era, online shopping has become a popular method for purchasing goods and services. Many people prefer it over traditional shopping because of its convenience, variety, and cost-effectiveness. However, some argue that online shopping lacks the personal experience of physical stores. Despite this, online shopping offers numerous advantages that outweigh its drawbacks.


1. Convenience: Online shopping allows customers to buy products anytime and anywhere, eliminating the need to travel to physical stores. This saves time and energy, especially for busy individuals.
2. Wide Range of Choices: E-commerce platforms provide a vast selection of products from different brands and sellers. Customers can easily compare prices, read reviews, and find the best deals.
3. Cost Savings: Online stores often offer discounts, promotions, and free shipping, making products more affordable. Additionally, customers can avoid expenses related to transportation and impulse buying in physical stores.

 Some people argue that online shopping has risks, such as receiving defective products or falling victim to scams. However, reputable online platforms provide secure payment methods, return policies, and customer reviews to ensure a safe shopping experience.


In conclusion, online shopping provides significant benefits, including convenience, a wide range of choices, and cost savings. While there are concerns about security and product quality, these issues can be minimized through careful selection of trusted platforms. Therefore, online shopping remains a highly effective and efficient way to shop in the modern world.



Kamis, 13 Februari 2025



Bulan Pebruari menjadi momentum di Bali untuk menjaga, melestarikan dan mengukuhkan bahasa, aksara dan sastra Bali. Bulan Bahasa Bali VII tahun 2025 ini mengusung tema ‘Jagat Kerthi Jagra Hita Samasta’ yang berarti altar pemulian bahasa, aksara, dan sastra Bali, sebagai sumber kesadaran menuju keselarasan dengan semesta raya. Beragam kegiatan digelar dalam upaya melestarikan bahasa, aksara, dan sastra Bali sebagai budaya dan warisan leluhur yang tumbuh dan berkembang media pengantar komunikasi sehari-hari. 

Tulis dan ceritakan pengalaman atau keterampilan anak-anak (seperti mengikuti lomba/kegiatan untuk menyambut Bulan Bahasa Bali tersebut) sebagai upaya untuk turut serta terlibat aktif dalam perayaan Bulan Bahasa Bali VII tahun 2025. Tulislah minimal 2 paragraf dengan menggunakan bahasa Bali baik Alus Madya maupun Alus Sor. Selanjutnya, buatkan infografis digital dengan menggunakan aplikasi digital yang anak-anak kuasai.