Jumat, 18 Oktober 2024


 My Family and Friends

Language Focus and Expressions for the Topic: "My Family and Friends"

Expressions/Language Functions:

  • Asking about family and friends:
    • "Do you have any siblings?"
    • "Do you enjoy cooking with your family?"
    • "Do you have a friend from another country?"
  • Responding to questions:
    • "Yes, I have two younger brothers."
    • "No, I usually cook alone."
    • "Yes, my best friend is from Japan."

Main Activity: Group Discussion on Family Traditions

Expressions/Language Functions:

  • Sharing family traditions:
    • "In my family, we always..."
    • "Every year, my family celebrates..."
    • "A special tradition in my family is..."
  • Asking for more information:
    • "Can you tell me more about that?"
    • "How do you celebrate that holiday?"
    • "Why is that tradition important to your family?"
  • Responding and adding details:
    • "We do this because..."
    • "It's important to us because..."
    • "This tradition started when..."

Main Activity: Describing Friends

Expressions/Language Functions:

  • Describing appearance:
    • "My friend has..."
      • "...short/long hair."
      • "...blue/brown/green eyes."
      • "...a tall/short/average height."
  • Describing personality:
    • "He/She is very..."
      • "...friendly."
      • "...funny."
      • "...kind."
      • "...energetic."
  • Describing hobbies/interests:
    • "He/She likes to..."
      • "...play soccer."
      • "...read books."
      • "...listen to music."
  • Sharing memorable experiences:
    • "We once..."
      • "...went on a trip together."
      • "...celebrated a special birthday."
      • "...had a lot of fun at the park."

Example Dialogues

Ice Breaking Activity:

  • Student A: "Do you have any siblings?"
  • Student B: "Yes, I have two younger brothers. How about you?"
  • Student A: "I have one older sister."

Group Discussion on Family Traditions:

  • Student A: "In my family, we always have a big dinner on Sundays. What about your family?"
  • Student B: "Every year, my family celebrates the Lunar New Year. We have a big feast and visit our relatives."

Describing Friends:

  • Student A: "My best friend has long brown hair and green eyes. She is very friendly and loves to read books. Can you guess who she is?"
  • Student B: "Is she Anna?"
  • Student A: "Yes, you're right!"