Kamis, 23 September 2021

CONTOH CAPTION (Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII)


    CAPTION is a picture with text. It can be found mainly on newspapers. Nowdays, it can also be seen on social medias. Here are some examples of caption texts originally created from the writer's environment. 

1. Summary 

This caption functions to inform that the moment is a farewell day of Mr. Agung because he will be inaugurated as a new headmaster in another school. 

2. Group Identification 

This caption functions to illustrate the position and role of the three people in the caption. 

3. Identification Bar

This caption functions to tell Wahyu Supraba Wathi as the presenter at the workshop. 

4. Quote 

This caption functions to give motivation to someone on how to appreciate time. 

5. Expanded

This caption function to describe Savana Tianyar as a local tourism object in Tianyar village, Kubu district. 

6. Cutline 

This caption functions to announce that Wahyu Supraba Wathi is giving scout webinar to senior high school students around Karangasem regency. 

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