Senin, 16 Oktober 2023

Descriptive Text of an animal

 My lovely fish

My lovely fish is a goldfish. He is about 3 inches long and has a bright orange body with white fins. He has two big black eyes and a small round mouth. 

My goldfish is very active and loves to swim around his tank. He is also very friendly and enjoys being fed. My goldfish is very active and loves to swim around his tank. He is also very friendly and enjoys being fed. Its favourite food is brine shrimp and also flake food. I love to watch him swim around and eat his food. He is such a beautiful and peaceful creature.

My goldfish is actually an intelligent fish, and it can be trained to perform certain tricks. My goldfish  will come to me when I call its name. They are also very curious and will explore their surroundings thoroughly. 

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